Main.Test2 History
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2. Then give a preference score about the naturalness of the voice (please don't take the intonation into account), according to the following grades tab:
2. Then give a preference score about the timbre of the voice (please don't take the intonation into account), according to the following grades tab:
2. Then give a preference score about the quality of the voice (please don't take the prosody into account), according to the following grades tab:
2. Then give a preference score about the naturalness of the voice (please don't take the intonation into account), according to the following grades tab:
The goal is to evaluate the quality of the speech produce by an HMM-based synthesis system for French using a new glottal excitation model
The goal is to evaluate the quality of the speech produce by an HMM-based synthesis system for French using a new glottal excitation model.
The goal is to evaluate the quality of a speech synthesis method for French based on a new glottal excitation model
The goal is to evaluate the quality of the speech produce by an HMM-based synthesis system for French using a new glottal excitation model
The goal is to evaluate the quality of a speech synthesis method for French.
The goal is to evaluate the quality of a speech synthesis method for French based on a new glottal excitation model
First, thank you to take the time to answer this test !
(:input textarea comments ouch rows=4 cols=60:)
(:input textarea comments ouch rows=4 cols=60:)
%center (:input submit submit "Send the answers !":)
(:input submit submit "Send the answers !":)
button (:input submit submit "Send the answers !":)
%center (:input submit submit "Send the answers !":)
- For each line of the tab, listen carefully to file1 and file2 (but try to avoid to repeat the playing).
- Then give a preference score about the quality of the voice (please don't take the prosody into account), according to the following grades tab:
1. For each line of the tab, listen carefully to file1 and file2 (but try to avoid to repeat the playing).
2. Then give a preference score about the quality of the voice (please don't take the prosody into account), according to the following grades tab:
- When you answered all questions, verify all questions got an answer
- Click on the button "Send the answers"
3. When you answered all questions, verify all questions got an answer
4. Click on the button "Send the answers"
- When you answered all questions, verify all questions got an answer
- When you answered all questions, verify all questions got an answer
- Then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (please don't take the prosody characteristics into account),
- to the left if you prefer file1
- to the right if you prefer file2.
- Then give a preference score about the quality of the voice (please don't take the prosody into account), according to the following grades tab:
- to the left if you prefer file1
- to the right if you prefer file2.
- Then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (please don't take the prosody characteristics into account),
- Then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (please don't take the prosody characteristics into account),
- Then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (don't take the prosody characteristics into account),
to the left if you prefer file1 to the right if you prefer file2.
- Then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (please don't take the prosody characteristics into account),
- to the left if you prefer file1
- to the right if you prefer file2.
- When you answered all questions, verify all questions got an answer
- When you answered all questions, verify all questions got an answer
- to the left if you prefer file1
- to the right if you prefer file2.
to the left if you prefer file1 to the right if you prefer file2.
-to the left if you prefer file1 -to the right if you prefer file2.
- to the left if you prefer file1
- to the right if you prefer file2.
- Then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (don't take the prosody characteristics into account), to the left of 0 if you prefer file1 or to the right of 0 if you prefer file2.
- Then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (don't take the prosody characteristics into account),
-to the left if you prefer file1 -to the right if you prefer file2.
- When you answered all questions, verify all questions got an answer
- Click on the button "Send the answers"
The test
(:cellnr align=center:)Much better (:cell align=center:) +3 (:cellnr align=center:) Better (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cellnr align=center:) Slightly better (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cellnr align=center:) About the same (:cell align=center:) 0
- When you answered all questions, verify all questions got an answer
- Click on the button "Send the answers"
The test
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
- Then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (don't take the prosody characteristics into account), to the left if you prefer file1 or to the right of you prefer file2.
- Then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (don't take the prosody characteristics into account), to the left of 0 if you prefer file1 or to the right of 0 if you prefer file2.
- Then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (don't take the prosody characteristics into account).
- Then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (don't take the prosody characteristics into account), to the left if you prefer file1 or to the right of you prefer file2.
% p1 = Xavier2007.6.bu.mp3 % p2 = Xavier2007.8.bu.mp3 % p3 = Xavier2007.11.bu.mp3 % p4 = Xavier2007.4.bu.mp3 % p5 = Xavier2007.2.lf.mp3 % p6 = Xavier2007.6.lf.mp3 % p7 = Xavier2007.8.lf.mp3 % p8 = Xavier2007.11.bu.mp3 Xavier2007.11.lf.mp3 % p9 = Xavier2007.8.lf.mp3 Xavier2007.8.bu.mp3 % p10 = Xavier2007.2.bu.mp3 % p11 = Xavier2007.4.lf.mp3 Xavier2007.4.bu.mp3 % p12 = Xavier2007.4.lf.mp3 % p13 = Xavier2007.11.lf.mp3 % p14 = Xavier2007.2.bu.mp3 Xavier2007.2.lf.mp3 % p15 = Xavier2007.6.lf.mp3 Xavier2007.6.bu.mp3
% p1 = Xavier2007.6.bu.mp3 % p2 = Xavier2007.8.bu.mp3 % p3 = Xavier2007.11.bu.mp3 % p4 = Xavier2007.4.bu.mp3 % p5 = Xavier2007.2.lf.mp3 % p6 = Xavier2007.6.lf.mp3 % p7 = Xavier2007.8.lf.mp3 % p8 = Xavier2007.11.bu.mp3 Xavier2007.11.lf.mp3 % p9 = Xavier2007.8.lf.mp3 Xavier2007.8.bu.mp3 % p10 = Xavier2007.2.bu.mp3 % p11 = Xavier2007.4.lf.mp3 Xavier2007.4.bu.mp3 % p12 = Xavier2007.4.lf.mp3 % p13 = Xavier2007.11.lf.mp3 % p14 = Xavier2007.2.bu.mp3 Xavier2007.2.lf.mp3 % p15 = Xavier2007.6.lf.mp3 Xavier2007.6.bu.mp3
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(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 13
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 13 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
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(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
[Thanks to Gilles Degottex for the php script]
Thanks to Gilles Degottex for the php script.
- Then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (don't take the prosody characteristic into account).
- Then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (don't take the prosody characteristics into account).
- For each pair of file (each line of the tab), listen carefully to both file and then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (don't take the prosody characteristic into account).
- For each line of the tab, listen carefully to file1 and file2 (but try to avoid to repeat the playing).
- Then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (don't take the prosody characteristic into account).
The goal is to evaluate the quality of a speech synthesis method.
The goal is to evaluate the quality of a speech synthesis method for French.
- Answer the few questions about you
- For each question, first listen carefully to the file 1, then compare the quality of File2 according to the File1 one by giving a preference score.
- For each pair of file (each line of the tab), listen carefully to both file and then give a preference score according to the quality of the voice (don't take the prosody characteristic into account).
Thanks to Gilles Degottex for the php script
[Thanks to Gilles Degottex for the php script]
Thanks to Gilles Degottex for the php script
The goal is to evaluate the quality of a speech synthesis method.
The goal is to evaluate the quality of a speech synthesis method.
- Use head-phones
- Do it in a quiet place
- Put the level of your head-phones high enough
A few informations about you
- How do you listen sounds ?
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) Head-phones(:input radio HP HSP#hp:) (:cell align=center:) Earplugs(:input radio HP HSP#ep:) (:cell align=center:) Loudspeakers(:input radio HP HSP#ls:) (:table end:)
- What's your mother tongue ?
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) French(:input radio MT MTO#fr:) (:cell align=center:) English(:input radio MT MTO#en:) (:cell align=center:) Other(:input radio MT MTO#unknown:) (:table end:)
- Are you familiar with perceptive tests and/or sound processing ?
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) Yes(:input radio FPT FPT#Y:) (:cell align=center:) No(:input radio FPT FPT#N:) (:table end:)
- Are you familiar with voice processing ?
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) Yes(:input radio FVP FVP#Y:) (:cell align=center:) No(:input radio FVP FVP#N:) (:table end:)
Thanks to Gilles Degottex for the php script
(:input textarea comments ouch rows=4 cols=60:)
Please, verify that you gave a preference to all questions, then press this button (:input submit submit "Send the answers !":) (:input end:)
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File2
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc79 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc69 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc59 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc49 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc39 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc29 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc19 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc09 align=center:) File2
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
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(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
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(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 7 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
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(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc91 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc81 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc71 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc61 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc51 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc41 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc31 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc21 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc11 align=center:) File2
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File2
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
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(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 5
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 5 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
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(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 16 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#+3:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 17 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+3:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 18 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+3:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 19 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+3:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 20 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+3:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 21 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#+3:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
Please, verify that you gave a preference to all questions, then press this button (:input submit submit "Send the answers !":) (:input end:)
(:cell bgcolor=#cc3391 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3381 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3371 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3361 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3351 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3341 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3331 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3321 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3311 align=center:) File2
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc91 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc81 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc71 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc61 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc51 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc41 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc31 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc21 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc11 align=center:) File2
(:cellnr bgcolor=#ccc199 align=center:) Pair (:cell bgcolor=#cc5591 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5581 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5571 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5561 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5551 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5541 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5531 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5521 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5511 align=center:) File2
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) Pair (:cell bgcolor=#cc3391 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3381 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3371 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3361 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3351 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3341 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3331 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3321 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#cc3311 align=center:) File2
(:cell bgcolor=#ccc191 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc181 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc171 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc161 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc151 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc141 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc131 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc121 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc111 align=center:) File2
(:cell bgcolor=#cc5591 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5581 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5571 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5561 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5551 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5541 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5531 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5521 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#cc5511 align=center:) File2
(:cellnr bgcolor=#ccc099 align=center:) Pair (:cell bgcolor=#ccc091 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc081 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc071 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc061 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc051 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc041 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc031 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc021 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc011 align=center:) File2
(:cellnr bgcolor=#ccc199 align=center:) Pair (:cell bgcolor=#ccc191 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc181 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc171 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc161 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc151 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc141 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc131 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc121 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#ccc111 align=center:) File2
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(:cell bgcolor=#333333 align=center:) File2
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(:cell bgcolor=#111111 align=center:) File2
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File2
(:cell bgcolor=#999999 align=center:) File2
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 3 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#+3:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 4 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#+3:)
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 5 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P5#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P5#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P5#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P5#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P5#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P5#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P5#+3:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 6 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P6#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P6#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P6#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P6#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P6#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P6#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P6#+3:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr 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P18#+3:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 19 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+3:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 20 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input 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(:cellnr colspan=2 align=center:) (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 colspan=7 align=center:) Preference Score
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 colspan=2 align=center:)
(:cellnr colspan=2 align=center:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 colspan=3 align=center:) CMOS test
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 colspan=2 align=center:)
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) Reference (:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) Tested (:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) +3
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File2
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 3 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 4 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#+3:) (:cellnr 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align=center:) 7 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P7#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P7#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P7#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P7#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P7#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P7#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P7#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 8 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P8#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P8#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P8#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P8#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P8#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P8#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P8#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 9 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P9#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P9#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P9#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P9#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P9#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P9#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P9#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 10 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 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align=center:) 13 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 14 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#+3:) (:cellnr 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P16#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 17 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 18 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 19 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 20 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 21 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#+3:)
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 colspan=7 align=center:) Score
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 colspan=7 align=center:) Preference Score
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) Tested (:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) +3
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) Tested (:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc05 align=center:) +3
(:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) Tested (:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) +3
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) Tested (:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc10 align=center:) +3
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) Tested (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +3
(:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) Tested (:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccd99 align=center:) +3
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) Tested
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File2
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) Reference (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File
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(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
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(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
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(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
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(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
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(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 16 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 17 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 18 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 19 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 20 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 21 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 16 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 17 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 18 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 19 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 20 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 21 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 22 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 P22#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 P22#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 P22#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 P22#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 P22#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 P22#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 P22#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 23 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 P23#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 P23#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 P23#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 P23#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 P23#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 P23#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 P23#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 24 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 P24#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 P24#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 P24#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 P24#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 P24#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 P24#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 P24#+3:)
(:table border=0 cellpadding=15 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
(:table border=0 cellpadding=15 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
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- For each question, first listen carefully to the file 1, then the proposed transformations.
- For each question, first listen carefully to the file 1, then compare the quality of File2 according to the File1 one by giving a preference score.
- For each question, first listen carefully to the file 1, then the proposed
- When you answered all questions, verify all questions got an answer
- For each question, first listen carefully to the file 1, then the proposed transformations.
- When you answered all questions, verify all questions got an answer
The goal is to evaluate the quality of a speech synthesis method. For each question", you have to choose between different exemples answering the question: "Which one do you prefer ?".
The goal is to evaluate the quality of a speech synthesis method.
The goal is to evaluate transposition methods, methods that change the height at someone speek. For each "question", you have to choose between different exemples answering the question: "Which one do you prefere ?".
The goal is to evaluate the quality of a speech synthesis method. For each question", you have to choose between different exemples answering the question: "Which one do you prefer ?".
- There is only 8 questions to answer, close your eyes and take the time to
listen !
- Sometimes, it may seems difficult to answer because different spects of the sounds may influence your choice (like naturalness or artifacts). In such a case, please focus on the naturalness of the voice, how much the voice is human, ignoring as much as possible clicks, glitches, scratches, distortions, etc.
- For each question, first listen carefully to the original, then the proposed
- For each question, first listen carefully to the file 1, then the proposed
- Select the sound you have prefered with the corresponding button or the "No
preference" button.
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
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(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 19 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 P19#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 20 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 P20#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 21 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 P21#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 22 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 P22#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 P22#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 P22#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 P22#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 P22#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 P22#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 P22#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 23 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 P23#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 P23#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 P23#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 P23#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 P23#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 P23#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 P23#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 24 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 P24#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 P24#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 P24#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 P24#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 P24#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 P24#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 P24#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
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(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
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(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
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(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
Please, verify that you gave a preference to all questions, then press this button (:input submit submit "Send the answers !":) (:input end:)
All recordings are Ircam's property.
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P2#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P2#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P2#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P2#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P2#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P2#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P2#+3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 P2#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 P2#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 P2#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 P2#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 P2#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 P2#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 P2#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P3#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 4 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P3#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P3#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P3#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P3#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P3#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P3#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P3#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 4 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P4#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P4#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P4#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P4#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P4#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P4#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P4#+3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P4#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P5#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P5#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P5#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P5#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P5#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P5#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P5#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P5#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P5#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P5#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P5#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P5#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P5#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P5#+3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P6#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P6#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P6#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P6#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P6#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P6#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P6#+3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P6#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P6#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P6#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P6#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P6#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P6#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P6#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P7#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P7#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P7#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P7#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P7#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P7#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P7#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P7#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P7#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P7#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P7#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P7#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P7#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P7#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P8#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P8#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P8#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P8#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P8#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P8#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P8#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P8#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P8#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P8#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P8#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P8#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P8#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P8#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P9#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P9#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P9#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P9#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P9#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P9#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P9#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P9#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P9#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P9#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P9#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P9#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P9#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P9#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P10#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P10#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P10#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P10#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P10#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P10#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P10#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P11#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P11#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P11#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P11#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P11#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P11#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P11#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 P11#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 P11#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 P11#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 P11#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 P11#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 P11#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 P11#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P12#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P12#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P12#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P12#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P12#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P12#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P12#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 P12#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 P12#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 P12#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 P12#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 P12#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 P12#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 P12#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P13#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P13#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P13#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P13#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P13#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P13#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P13#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P14#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P14#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P14#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P14#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P14#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P14#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P14#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P15#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P15#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P15#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P15#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P15#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P15#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P15#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 P15#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 P15#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 P15#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 P15#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 P15#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 P15#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 P15#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 17 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P16#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P16#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P16#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P16#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P16#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P16#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P16#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 17
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 18
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P17#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P17#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P17#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P17#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P17#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P17#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P17#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 18 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P18#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P18#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P18#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P18#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P18#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P18#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P18#+3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+3:)
(:table border=0 cellpadding=20 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
(:table border=0 cellpadding=15 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
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(:table border=0 cellpadding=20 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
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(:table border=0 cellpadding=20 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
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(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=left:)
(:table border=0 cellpadding=20 cellspacing=0 align=left:)
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=left:)
- Sex:
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) Female(:input radio sex SEX#F:) (:cell align=center:) Male(:input radio sex SEX#M:)
- How do you listen sounds ?
(:table border=0 cellpadding=20 cellspacing=0 align=left:) (:cell align=center:) Head-phones(:input radio HP HSP#hp:) (:cell align=center:) Earplugs(:input radio HP HSP#ep:) (:cell align=center:) Loudspeakers(:input radio HP HSP#ls:)
- Age:
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:input text age 0 size=4:)
- What's your mother tongue ?
(:table border=0 cellpadding=20 cellspacing=0 align=left:) (:cell align=center:) French(:input radio MT MTO#fr:) (:cell align=center:) English(:input radio MT MTO#en:) (:cell align=center:) Other(:input radio MT MTO#unknown:)
- How do you listen sounds ?
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) Head-phones(:input radio HP HSP#hp:) (:cell align=center:) Earplugs(:input radio HP HSP#ep:) (:cell align=center:) Loudspeakers(:input radio HP HSP#ls:)
- Are you familiar with perceptive tests and/or sound processing ?
(:table border=0 cellpadding=20 cellspacing=0 align=left:) (:cell align=center:) Yes(:input radio FPT FPT#Y:) (:cell align=center:) No(:input radio FPT FPT#N:)
- What's your mother tongue ?
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) French(:input radio MT MTO#fr:) (:cell align=center:) English(:input radio MT MTO#en:) (:cell align=center:) Other(:input radio MT MTO#unknown:)
- Are you familiar with voice processing ?
(:table border=0 cellpadding=20 cellspacing=0 align=left:) (:cell align=center:) Yes(:input radio FVP FVP#Y:) (:cell align=center:) No(:input radio FVP FVP#N:)
- Are you familiar with perceptive tests and/or sound processing ?
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) Yes(:input radio FPT FPT#Y:) (:cell align=center:) No(:input radio FPT FPT#N:) (:table end:)
- Are you familiar with voice processing ?
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) Yes(:input radio FVP FVP#Y:) (:cell align=center:) No(:input radio FVP FVP#N:) (:table end:) [(I swear to use, sell and trade these informations without telling you anything)]
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:)(:input text age 0 size=4:)
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:input text age 0 size=4:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:)Head-phones(:input radio HP HSP#hp:) (:cell align=center:)Earplugs(:input radio HP HSP#ep:) (:cell align=center:)Loudspeakers(:input radio HP HSP#ls:)
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) Head-phones(:input radio HP HSP#hp:) (:cell align=center:) Earplugs(:input radio HP HSP#ep:) (:cell align=center:) Loudspeakers(:input radio HP HSP#ls:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:)French(:input radio MT MTO#fr:) (:cell align=center:)English(:input radio MT MTO#en:) (:cell align=center:)Other(:input radio MT MTO#unknown:)
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) French(:input radio MT MTO#fr:) (:cell align=center:) English(:input radio MT MTO#en:) (:cell align=center:) Other(:input radio MT MTO#unknown:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:)Yes(:input radio FPT FPT#Y:) (:cell align=center:)No(:input radio FPT FPT#N:)
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) Yes(:input radio FPT FPT#Y:) (:cell align=center:) No(:input radio FPT FPT#N:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:)Yes(:input radio FVP FVP#Y:) (:cell align=center:)No(:input radio FVP FVP#N:)
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) Yes(:input radio FVP FVP#Y:) (:cell align=center:) No(:input radio FVP FVP#N:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:)Female(:input radio sex SEX#F:) (:cell align=center:)Male(:input radio sex SEX#M:)
(:table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:) Female(:input radio sex SEX#F:) (:cell align=center:) Male(:input radio sex SEX#M:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=10 align=center:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=10 align=center:)
- Sex:(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
- Sex:
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
- Age: (:input text age 0 size=4:)
- How do you listen sounds ? Head-phones(:input radio HP HSP#hp:) Earplugs(:input radio HP HSP#ep:) Loudspeakers(:input radio HP HSP#ls:)
- What's your mother tongue ? French(:input radio MT MTO#fr:) English(:input radio MT MTO#en:) Other(:input radio MT MTO#unknown:)
- Are you familiar with perceptive tests and/or sound processing ? Yes(:input radio FPT FPT#Y:) No(:input radio FPT FPT#N:)
- Are you familiar with voice processing ? Yes(:input radio FVP FVP#Y:) No(:input radio FVP FVP#N:)
- Age:
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:)(:input text age 0 size=4:) (:table end:)
- How do you listen sounds ?
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:)Head-phones(:input radio HP HSP#hp:) (:cell align=center:)Earplugs(:input radio HP HSP#ep:) (:cell align=center:)Loudspeakers(:input radio HP HSP#ls:) (:table end:)
- What's your mother tongue ?
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:)French(:input radio MT MTO#fr:) (:cell align=center:)English(:input radio MT MTO#en:) (:cell align=center:)Other(:input radio MT MTO#unknown:) (:table end:)
- Are you familiar with perceptive tests and/or sound processing ?
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:)Yes(:input radio FPT FPT#Y:) (:cell align=center:)No(:input radio FPT FPT#N:) (:table end:)
- Are you familiar with voice processing ?
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:)Yes(:input radio FVP FVP#Y:) (:cell align=center:)No(:input radio FVP FVP#N:) (:table end:)
- Sex: Male(:input radio sex SEX#M:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
- Sex:(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
(:table end;)
(:table end:)
- Sex: Female(:input radio sex SEX#F:) Male(:input radio sex SEX#M:)
- Sex: Male(:input radio sex SEX#M:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cell align=center:)Female(:input radio sex SEX#F:) (:cell align=center:)Male(:input radio sex SEX#M:) (:table end;)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P01#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P01#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P01#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P01#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P01#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P01#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P01#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 2 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 P02#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 P02#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 P02#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 P02#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 P02#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 P02#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 P02#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P1#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P1#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P1#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P1#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P1#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P1#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P1#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 2 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P2#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P2#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P2#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P2#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P2#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P2#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P2#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P03#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P03#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P03#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P03#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P03#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P03#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 P03#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P3#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P3#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P3#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P3#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P3#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P3#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P3#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P04#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P04#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P04#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P04#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P04#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P04#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 P04#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P4#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P4#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P4#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P4#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P4#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P4#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P4#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P05#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P05#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P05#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P05#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P05#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P05#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 P05#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P5#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P5#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P5#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P5#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P5#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P5#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P5#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P06#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P06#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P06#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P06#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P06#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P06#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 P06#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P6#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P6#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P6#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P6#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P6#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P6#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P6#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P07#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P07#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P07#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P07#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P07#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P07#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 P07#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P7#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P7#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P7#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P7#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P7#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P7#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P7#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P08#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P08#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P08#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P08#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P08#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P08#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 P08#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P8#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P8#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P8#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P8#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P8#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P8#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P8#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P09#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P09#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P09#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P09#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P09#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P09#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 P09#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P9#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P9#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P9#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P9#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P9#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P9#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P9#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 P10#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P10#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P10#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P10#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P10#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P10#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P10#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P10#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 P11#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 P11#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 P11#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 P11#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 P11#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 P11#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 P11#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P11#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P11#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P11#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P11#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P11#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P11#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P11#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P12#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P12#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P12#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P12#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P12#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P12#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P12#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 13
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 P12#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 P12#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 P12#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 P12#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 P12#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 P12#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 P12#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 13 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 P13#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P13#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P13#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P13#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P13#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P13#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P13#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P13#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 P14#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P14#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P14#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P14#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P14#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P14#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P14#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P14#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 P15#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 P15#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 P15#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 P15#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 P15#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 P15#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 P15#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P15#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P15#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P15#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P15#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P15#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P15#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P15#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 P16#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P16#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P16#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P16#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P16#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P16#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P16#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P16#+3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P17#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P17#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P17#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P17#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P17#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P17#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P17#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 18 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 P17#+3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 18 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 P18#+3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P18#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P18#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P18#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P18#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P18#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P18#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P18#+3:)
(:input submit submit "Send the answers !" :) (:input end:)
- (:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
- (:cellnr colspan=8 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:)
- Pair 1
- (:cellnr align=center:) File 1
- (:cell colspan=7 align=center:)(:flash # #width=200 height=18:)
- (:cellnr align=center:) File 2
- (:cell colspan=7 align=center:)(:flash # #width=200 height=18:)
- (:cellnr align=center:) Score
- (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:)
- (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:)
- (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:)
- (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:)
- (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:)
- (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:)
- (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:)
- (:cellnr align=center:)
- (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -3
- (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -2
- (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -1
- (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 0
- (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +1
- (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +2
- (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +3
- (:tableend:)
- Sex: Female(:input radio sex F:) Male(:input radio sex M:)
- Sex: Female(:input radio sex SEX#F:) Male(:input radio sex SEX#M:)
- How do you listen sounds ? Head-phones(:input radio HP hp:) Earplugs(:input radio HP ep:) Loudspeakers(:input radio HP ls:)
- What's your mother tongue ? French(:input radio MT fr:) English(:input radio MT en:) Other(:input radio MT unknown:)
- Are you familiar with perceptive tests and/or sound processing ? Yes(:input radio FPT Y:) No(:input radio FPT N:)
- Are you familiar with voice processing ? Yes(:input radio FVP Y:) No(:input radio FVP N:)
- How do you listen sounds ? Head-phones(:input radio HP HSP#hp:) Earplugs(:input radio HP HSP#ep:) Loudspeakers(:input radio HP HSP#ls:)
- What's your mother tongue ? French(:input radio MT MTO#fr:) English(:input radio MT MTO#en:) Other(:input radio MT MTO#unknown:)
- Are you familiar with perceptive tests and/or sound processing ? Yes(:input radio FPT FPT#Y:) No(:input radio FPT FPT#N:)
- Are you familiar with voice processing ? Yes(:input radio FVP FVP#Y:) No(:input radio FVP FVP#N:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 p1#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 p1#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 p1#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 p1#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 p1#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 p1#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 p1#+3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P01#-3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P01#-2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P01#-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P01#0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P01#+1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P01#+2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 P01#+3:)
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(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 21
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 +3:) (:cellnr align=center:)
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 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height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash 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-1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio 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radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:)
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc50 colspan=3 align=center:) CMOS test
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 colspan=3 align=center:) CMOS test
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc80 colspan=3 align=center:) CMOS test
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc50 colspan=3 align=center:) CMOS test
(:cellnr colspan=3 align=center:) 'CMOS test'
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc80 colspan=3 align=center:) CMOS test
(:cellnr colspan=3 align=center:) test CMOS
(:cellnr colspan=3 align=center:) 'CMOS test'
(:cellnr colspan=3 align=center:)
(:cellnr colspan=3 align=center:) test CMOS
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=10:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=10:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=10:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=10:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:)
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 +3:)
(:cellnr colspan=8 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 1 (:cellnr align=center:) File 1 (:cell colspan=7 align=center:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) (:cellnr align=center:) File 2 (:cell colspan=7 align=center:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) (:cellnr align=center:) Score
(:cellnr colspan=3 align=center:) (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 colspan=7 align=center:) Score (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) Pair (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +3 (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 1 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +3 (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center:) (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 colspan=7 align=center:) Score (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) Pair (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +3 (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 1
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 2
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 2
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 3
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 3
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 4
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 4
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 5
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 5
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 6
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 6
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 7
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 7
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(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 8
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 9
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 9
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 10
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 10
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:)
- (:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
- (:cellnr colspan=8 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:)
- Pair 1
- (:cellnr align=center:) File 1
- (:cell colspan=7 align=center:)(:flash # #width=200 height=18:)
- (:cellnr align=center:) File 2
- (:cell colspan=7 align=center:)(:flash # #width=200 height=18:)
- (:cellnr align=center:) Score
- (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:)
- (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:)
- (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:)
- (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:)
- (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:)
- (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:)
- (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:)
- (:cellnr align=center:)
- (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -3
- (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -2
- (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -1
- (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 0
- (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +1
- (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +2
- (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +3
- (:tableend:)
(:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +3
(:cellnr colspan=3 align=center:) (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 colspan=7 align=center:) Score
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 colspan=7 align=center:) Score
(:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -3 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) -1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 0 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) +3
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 1
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 1
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 2
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 2
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 3
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 3
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 4
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 4
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 5
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 5
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 6
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 6
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 7
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 7
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 8
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 8
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 9
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 9
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 10
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 10
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11
(:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cellnr align=center:) Pair (:cell align=center:) File1 (:cell align=center:) File2 (:cell colspan=7 align=center:) Score (:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) Pair (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File1 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) File2 (:cell bgcolor=#cccc99 colspan=7 align=center:) Score (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 1
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 2
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 3
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 4
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 5
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 6
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 7
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 8
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 9
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 10
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11
(:cellnr :) 1
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3 (:cellnr :) 1
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr :) 1
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr :) 1
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr :) 1
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr :) 1
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr :) 1
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr :) 1
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr :) 1
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr :) 1
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr :) 1
(:cellnr align=center:) 1
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cellnr :) 1 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:) (:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3 (:cellnr :) 1 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell 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(:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3 (:cellnr :) 1 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:) (:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3 (:cellnr :) 1 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input 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align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3 (:cellnr :) 1 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:) (:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=38 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=38 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=32 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=32 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=38 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=38 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=32 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=32 height=18:)
(:cellnr align=center:) Pair (:cell align=center:) File1 (:cell align=center:) File2 (:cell colspan=7 align=center:) Score (:cellnr :)
(:cellnr align=center:) Pair (:cell align=center:) File1 (:cell align=center:) File2 (:cell colspan=7 align=center:) Score (:cellnr :) 1 (:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cellnr :) Pair (:cell align=center) File1 (:cell align=center) File2 (:cell colspan=7align=center) Score
(:cellnr align=center:) Pair (:cell align=center:) File1 (:cell align=center:) File2 (:cell colspan=7 align=center:) Score
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr :) Pair (:cell align=center) File1 (:cell align=center) File2 (:cell colspan=7align=center) Score (:cellnr :) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 2 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair2 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
$sex=F (:input default age 0:) (:input default HP hp:) (:input default MT fr:) (:input default FPT N:) (:input default FVP N:)
(:input default pair3 NA:)
(:input default pair3 NA:)
(:input default
pair1 0:)
(:input default pair1 0:)
(:input default
pair1 0:)
(:input default pair1 0:)
(:input default pair1 0:)
(:input default pair1 0:)
(:input default pair1 0:)
(:input default pair1 NA:)
(:input default pair1 0:)
(:cellnr align=center:) File 1
(:cellnr align=center:) File 1
(:cellnr align=center:) File 2
(:cellnr align=center:) File 2
(:cellnr align=center:) Score
(:cellnr align=center:) Score
(:cell align=center:) +3
(:cell align=center:) +3
(:cell align=center:) +3
(:cell align=center:) +3
(:cell colspan=7 align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell colspan=7 align=center:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
(:cell colspan=7 align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell colspan=7 align=center:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) -3 (:cell align=center:) -2 (:cell align=center:) -1 (:cell align=center:) 0 (:cell align=center:) +1 (:cell align=center:) +2 (:cell align=center:) +3
(:cellnr align=center:) reference
(:cellnr align=center:) File 1
(:cellnr align=center:)
(:cellnr align=center:) File 2
(:cellnr colspan=7 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:)
(:cellnr colspan=8 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:)
(:cell colspan=6 align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell colspan=7 align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell colspan=6 align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell colspan=7 align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cellnr colspan=6 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:)
(:cellnr colspan=7 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell colspan=6 align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell colspan=6 align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cellnr align=center:)
(:cellnr align=center:) reference
(:cellnr align=center:)
(:cellnr align=center:)
(:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:)
(:cellnr align=center:) Score (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:)
(:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:)
(:cellnr colspan=6 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:)
(:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr align=center:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair1 1-A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 1-B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 1-I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -3:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 -1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 0:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +1:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +2:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 +3:)
(:input default sex=F:)
(:input default sex F:)
(:input default sex=F:)
(:input default rating medium:) (:input radio rating none:) None (:input radio rating low:) Low (:input radio rating medium:) Medium (:input radio rating high:) High (:input radio rating extreme:) Extreme
(:input default rating medium:) (:input radio rating none:) None (:input radio rating low:) Low (:input radio rating medium:) Medium (:input radio rating high:) High (:input radio rating extreme:) Extreme
(:input default sex NA:) (:input default age NA:) (:input default HP NA:) (:input default MT NA:) (:input default FPT NA:) (:input default FVP NA:)
(:input default sex F:) (:input default age 0:) (:input default HP hp:) (:input default MT fr:) (:input default FPT N:) (:input default FVP N:)
(:input default sex NA:) (:input default age NA:) (:input default HP NA:) (:input default MT NA:) (:input default FPT NA:) (:input default FVP NA:)
(:input default pair1 NA:)
(:input default pair3 NA:)
(:input default pair3 NA:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 4 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair4 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 5 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair5 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 6 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair6 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 7 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair7 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 8 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair8 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 9 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair9 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 10 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair10 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 11 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair11 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 12 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair12 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 13 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair13 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 14 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair14 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 15 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair15 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 16 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair16 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 17 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair17 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 18 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair18 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 19 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair19 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 20 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair20 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 21 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair21 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 22 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair22 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 23 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair23 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 24 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair24 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 25 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair25 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair25 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair25 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 26 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair26 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair26 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair26 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 27 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair27 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair27 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair27 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 28 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair28 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair28 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair28 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 29 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair29 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair29 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair29 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 30 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair30 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair30 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair30 I:) (:tableend:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair1 1-A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 1-B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 1-I:)
Pair 3
Pair 4
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair4 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair4 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 5
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair5 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair5 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 6
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair6 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair6 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 7
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair7 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair7 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 8
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair8 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair8 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 9
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair9 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair9 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 10
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair10 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair10 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 11
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair11 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair11 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 12
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair12 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair12 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 13
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair13 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair13 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 14
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair14 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair14 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 15
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair15 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair15 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 16
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair16 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair16 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 17
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair17 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair17 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 18
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair18 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair18 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 19
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair19 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair19 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 20
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair20 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair20 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 21
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair21 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair21 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 22
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair22 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair22 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 23
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair23 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair23 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 24
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair24 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair24 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 25
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair25 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair25 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair25 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 26
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair26 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair26 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair26 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 27
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair27 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair27 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair27 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 28
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair28 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair28 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair28 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 29
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair29 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair29 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair29 I:)
Pair 3
Pair 30
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair30 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair30 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair30 I:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:) (:tableend:)
(:input test1:)
(:input test1:)
(:input radio Pair1 Pair1AB:)
(:input radio Pair2 Pair2AB:)
(:input radio Pair3 Pair3AB:)
(:input radio Pair1 Pair1AB:)
(:input radio Pair2 Pair2AB:)
(:input radio Pair3 Pair3AB:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair1 I:)
Pair 1
Pair 2
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair2 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair2 I:)
Pair 1
Pair 3
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio pair3 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio pair3 I:)
(:input submit submit Send the answers !:)
(:input submit submit "Send the answers !" :)
(:input submit submit "[+Send the answers !+]":)
(:input submit submit Send the answers !:)
(:input submit submit [+"Send the answers !"+]:)
(:input submit submit "[+Send the answers !+]":)
(:input radio trans1200m A:) (:input submit submit "Send the answers !":)
(:input submit submit [+"Send the answers !"+]:)
The test
Thanks to Gilles Degottex for the php script
- Sometimes, it may seems difficult to answer because different aspects of the
sounds may influence your choice (like naturalness or artifacts). In such a case, please focus on the naturalness of the voice, how much the voice is human, ignoring as much as possible clicks, glitches, scratches, distortions, etc.
- Sometimes, it may seems difficult to answer because different spects of the sounds may influence your choice (like naturalness or artifacts). In such a case, please focus on the naturalness of the voice, how much the voice is human, ignoring as much as possible clicks, glitches, scratches, distortions, etc.
(:div style='text-align:justify; float:left; width:31%; padding-right:2%; padding-bottom:5px;':)
column 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris a ante id leo ultricies lobortis. Curabitur non quam. Aenean semper felis vitae nulla. Sed tincidunt tincidunt mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis a diam eu turpis tristique ultrices. Maecenas consectetuer. (:divend:) (:div style='text-align:justify; float:left; width:31%; padding-right:2%; padding-bottom:5px;':)
Column 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris a ante id leo ultricies lobortis. Curabitur non quam. Aenean semper felis vitae nulla. Sed tincidunt tincidunt mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis a diam eu turpis tristique ultrices. Maecenas consectetuer. (:divend:) (:div style='text-align:justify; float:left; width:31%; padding-right:2%; padding-bottom:5px;':)
Column 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris a ante id leo ultricies lobortis. Curabitur non quam. Aenean semper felis vitae nulla. Sed tincidunt tincidunt mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis a diam eu turpis tristique ultrices. Maecenas consectetuer. (:divend:)
Normal text
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris a ante id leo ultricies lobortis. Curabitur non quam. Aenean semper felis vitae nulla. Sed tincidunt tincidunt mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis a diam eu turpis tristique ultrices. Maecenas consectetuer.
(:div style='text-align:justify; float:left; width:31%; padding-right:2%; padding-bottom:5px;':)
column 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris a ante id leo ultricies lobortis. Curabitur non quam. Aenean semper felis vitae nulla. Sed tincidunt tincidunt mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis a diam eu turpis tristique ultrices. Maecenas consectetuer. (:divend:) (:div style='text-align:justify; float:left; width:31%; padding-right:2%; padding-bottom:5px;':)
Column 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris a ante id leo ultricies lobortis. Curabitur non quam. Aenean semper felis vitae nulla. Sed tincidunt tincidunt mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis a diam eu turpis tristique ultrices. Maecenas consectetuer. (:divend:) (:div style='text-align:justify; float:left; width:31%; padding-right:2%; padding-bottom:5px;':)
Column 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris a ante id leo ultricies lobortis. Curabitur non quam. Aenean semper felis vitae nulla. Sed tincidunt tincidunt mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis a diam eu turpis tristique ultrices. Maecenas consectetuer. (:divend:)
Normal text
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris a ante id leo ultricies lobortis. Curabitur non quam. Aenean semper felis vitae nulla. Sed tincidunt tincidunt mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis a diam eu turpis tristique ultrices. Maecenas consectetuer.
(:div style='text-align:justify; float:left; width:48%;
(:div style='text-align:justify; float:left; width:48%; padding-right:2%;padding-bottom:5px;':)
column 1
(:div style='text-align:justify; float:left; width:48%; padding-right:2%;padding-bottom:5px;':)
column 2
(:div style='text-align:justify; float:left; width:48%; padding-right:2%;padding-bottom:5px;':)
column 1
column 2
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
Pair 2
Pair 1
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
Pair 3
Pair 1
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 4 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 5 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 6 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 7 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 center:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 center:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:)
(:table border=2 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:)
(:cell align=center:) No pref.
(:cell align=center:)No pref.
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 3 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 4 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 5 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 6 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:) (:tableend:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 7 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref. (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:) (:tableend:)
(:cellnr align=center width=2:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center width=2:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center width=2:) (:input radio synth1 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:)
(:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:)
(:cellnr align=center width=2:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center width=2:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center width=2:) (:input radio synth1 I:)
(:cell align=center:)No pref
(:cell align=center:)No pref.
(:cell align=center:) No pref
(:cell align=center:) No pref.
(:cell align=center:) No pref
(:cell align=center:) No pref
(:table border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0:)
(:table border=2 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0:)
pair 1 | (:flash width=62 height=18:) | (:flash width=62 height=18:) | No preference |
(:input radio synth1 A:) | (:input radio synth1 B:) | (:input radio synth1 I:) |
pair 2 | (:input radio synth2 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth2 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 3 | (:input radio synth3 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth3 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 4 | (:input radio synth4 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth4 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc80:)
(:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:)
(:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:)
(:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc80:)
(:cell align=center:)No pref
(:cell align=center:) No pref
(:table border=2 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0:) (:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:) Pair 2 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:) (:tableend:)
pair 1 (:cellnr align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) No preference
Pair 1 (:cellnr align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)No pref
(:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bg=green:)
(:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bgcolor=#cccc99:)
(:cellnr align=center bg=green:)
(:cellnr colspan=3 align=center bg=green:)
(:cellnr align=center bg=green:)
(:cell align=center:) pair1 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)
pair 1 (:cellnr align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)
(:cell align=center:) No preference (:cellnr align=center:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:)
(:cell align=center:) No preference (:cellnr align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:)
(:table border=2 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0:)
(:table border=2 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0:)
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0:)
(:table border=2 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0:)
(:cell align=center:) pair1
(:cell align=center:) pair1
(:cell align=center:) b1 (:cell align=center:) c1 (:cell align=center:) d1
(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) No preference
(:cell align=center:) b2 (:cell align=center:) c2 (:cell align=center:) d2
(:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 A:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 B:) (:cell align=center:) (:input radio synth1 I:)
(:cell align=center:) a1
(:cell align=center:) pair1
(:cellnr align=center:) a2
(:cellnr align=center:)
(:cell: align=center) b1 (:cell: align=center) c1 (:cell: align=center) d1 (:cellnr: align=center) a2 (:cell: align=center) b2 (:cell: align=center) c2 (:cell: align=center) d2
(:cell align=center:) b1 (:cell align=center:) c1 (:cell align=center:) d1 (:cellnr align=center:) a2 (:cell align=center:) b2 (:cell align=center:) c2 (:cell align=center:) d2
(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0:) (:cell align=center:) a1 (:cell: align=center) b1 (:cell: align=center) c1 (:cell: align=center) d1 (:cellnr: align=center) a2 (:cell: align=center) b2 (:cell: align=center) c2 (:cell: align=center) d2 (:tableend:)
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 I:) No preference |
pair 1 | (:flash width=62 height=18:) | (:flash width=62 height=18:) | No preference |
(:input radio synth1 A:) | (:input radio synth1 B:) | (:input radio synth1 I:) |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 I:)No preference |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 I:) No preference |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=60 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=60 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 I:)No preference |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 I:)No preference |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=50 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=50 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 I:)No preference |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=60 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=60 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 I:)No preference |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=100 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=100 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 I:)No preference |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=50 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=50 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 I:)No preference |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 I:)Indif |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=100 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=100 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 I:)No preference |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 I:)Indif |
pair 2 | (:input radio synth2 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth2 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 2 | (:input radio synth2 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth2 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 2 | (:input radio synth2 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth2 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 3 | (:input radio synth3 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth3 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 4 | (:input radio synth4 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth4 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 2 | (:input radio synth2 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth2 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 3 | (:input radio synth3 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth3 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 4 | (:input radio synth4 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth4 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 2 | (:input radio synth2 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth2 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 3 | (:input radio synth3 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth3 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 4 | (:input radio synth4 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth4 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 2 | (:input radio synth2 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth2 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 3 | (:input radio synth3 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth3 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 4 | (:input radio synth4 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth4 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio synth2 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth2 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio synth3 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth3 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio synth4 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth4 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 1 | (:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 2 | (:input radio synth2 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth2 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 3 | (:input radio synth3 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth3 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
pair 4 | (:input radio synth4 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth4 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio synth4 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth4 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio synth A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio synth A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio synth A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio synth1 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth1 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio synth2 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth2 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio synth3 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth3 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio trans1200 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio trans1200 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio synth A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio synth A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio synth A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio synth B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:input radio trans1200 A:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:input radio trans1200 B:)(:flash width=200 height=18:) |
(:flash width=200 height=18:) | (:flash width=200 height=18:) |
[--(I swear to use, sell and trade these informations without telling you anything)--]
[(I swear to use, sell and trade these informations without telling you anything)]
- What's your mother tongue ? French(:input radio MT fr:) English(:input radio MT en:) Other(:input radio MT unknown:)
- Are you familiar with perceptive tests and/or sound processing ? Yes(:input radio FPT Y:) No(:input radio FPT N:)
- Are you familiar with voice processing ? Yes(:input radio FVP Y:) No(:input radio FVP N:)
[--(I swear to use, sell and trade these informations without telling you anything)--]
- How do you listen sounds ? Head-phones(:input radio HP hp:) Earplugs(:input
radio HP ef:) Loudspeakers(:input radio HP ls:)
- How do you listen sounds ? Head-phones(:input radio HP hp:) Earplugs(:input radio HP ep:) Loudspeakers(:input radio HP ls:)
radio HP ep:) Loudspeakers(:input radio HP ls:)
radio HP ef:) Loudspeakers(:input radio HP ls:)
- How do you listen sounds ? Head-phones(:input radio HP hp:) Earplugs(:input
radio HP ep:) Loudspeakers(:input radio HP ls:)
- How do you listen sounds ? Head-phones(:input radio HP hp:) Earplugs(:input
radio HP ep:) Loudspeakers(:input radio HP ls:)
- What's your mother tongue ? French(:input radio MT fr:) English(:input radio
MT en:) Other(:input radio MT unknown:)
- Are you familiar with perceptive tests and/or sound processing ? Yes(:input
radio FPT Y:) No(:input radio FPT N:)
- Are you familiar with voice processing ? Yes(:input radio FVP Y:) No(:input
radio FVP N:) [--(I swear to use, sell and trade these informations without telling you anything)--]
(:input form "" method=post:)
(:input form "" method=post:)
A few informations about you
- Sex: Female(:input radio sex F:) Male(:input radio sex M:)
- Age: (:input text age 0 size=4:)
- How do you listen sounds ? Head-phones(:input radio HP hp:) Earplugs(:input
radio HP ep:) Loudspeakers(:input radio HP ls:)
- What's your mother tongue ? French(:input radio MT fr:) English(:input radio
MT en:) Other(:input radio MT unknown:)
- Are you familiar with perceptive tests and/or sound processing ? Yes(:input
radio FPT Y:) No(:input radio FPT N:)
- Are you familiar with voice processing ? Yes(:input radio FVP Y:) No(:input
radio FVP N:) [--(I swear to use, sell and trade these informations without telling you anything)--]
- Use head-phones
- Do it in a quiet place
- Put the level of your head-phones high enough
- There is only 8 questions to answer, close your eyes and take the time to
listen !
- Sometimes, it may seems difficult to answer because different aspects of the
sounds may influence your choice (like naturalness or artifacts). In such a case, please focus on the naturalness of the voice, how much the voice is human, ignoring as much as possible clicks, glitches, scratches, distortions, etc.
- Answer the few questions about you
- For each question, first listen carefully to the original, then the proposed
- Select the sound you have prefered with the corresponding button or the "No
preference" button.
- When you answered all questions, verify all questions got an answer
- Click on the button "Send the answers"
First, thank you to take the time to answer this test !
Goal of this Preference test
The goal is to evaluate transposition methods, methods that change the height at someone speek. For each "question", you have to choose between different exemples answering the question: "Which one do you prefere ?".
(:input form "" :)
(:input form "" :)
(:input submit submit "Send the answers !":)
(:input form "" :) (:input radio trans1200m A:) (:input end:)