Ircam - Centre Georges-Pompidou

3550 Jeanne Mance #1016, H2X 3P7 Montr�al, Qu�bec, Canada.
perso. tel : (514) 845 1932
office tel : (514) 871 4963
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1994-1999 PhD, at the Ircam's Analysis-Synthesis team: model and simulation of wind instruments, parameter analysis by extented Kalman filtering.
1993-1994 Master degree with honors in acoustics, computer science and signal processing applied to the music (ATIAM).
1993 Graduate of the French State Engineering Degree.
1993 Student at TELECOM Paris, "�cole Nationale Sup�rieure des T�l�communications", three year course program leading to the State Engineering Degree.
08/92-12/92 A 5 month long internship at the "Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique" (INRS Telecommunication) at Montreal, (Quebec, CANADA) in speech processing and recognition.
1990 Attained "DEUG A" (2 years of general studies) specializing in mathematics and physics.
1988-1990 National Preparatory Class Program ("Math�matiques Sup�rieures", "Math�matiques Sp�ciales M'") at the lyc�e Henry IV in Paris. An intensive program emphasizing mathematics and physics, leading to a competitive examination for admission to French graduate-level engineering schools ("Grandes Ecoles").
1988 French Baccalaur�at (secondary school diploma) with honors in mathematics and science.


1997-1998 Searcher in the analysis-synthesis team at Ircam ; assistant coordinator of the ATIAM Master degree.
04/94-09/94 Internship at Ircam in the fields of signal processing, control system, computer science and acoustics.
08/91 Blue collar internship at Radio France.



1988 Micro-compiler written in assembly language for mathematic expressions.
1989 Function plotting program for Apple IIGS.
01/91-03/91 Design of a disassembling software for Motorola 68000 on PC.
10/91-01/92 Studies and improvements of a neural network (Kohonen) recognizing handwritten digits.
01/92-03/92 Design of a musical sequencer for PC.
08/92-01/93 Presentation of my engineering internship: spectral analysis, formantic analysis, parameters' extraction for vowel recognition.
03/93-04/93 Design of a client-server system for UNIX in DATAGRAM mode.
04/93-06/93 Design of a speech recognition application on the DATAVOX card.
04/93-07/93 Final study: Acoustic Signal Analysis/Transformation/Synthesis based on a Sinusoides plus Noise Decomposition. Time stretching.
06/93 Design of an INMARSAT speech synthesizer for the IBM PC.
06/93 Modification of a phase vocoder for the IBM PC.
10/93-09/96 Administration of a personal Unix workstation.
02/94-04/94 Programmation of a musical synthesizer/sequencer in C++.
07/94-01/95 Development in C, C++ and Maple on different OS (Ultrix, Dec-Unix, Linux, Irix) of a symbolic and numerical environment dedicated to the simulation of acoustic tubes with viscothermal losses.
06/95-03/96 Development and study of different new algorithms for fractional delays.
04/96-07/96 Supervision of a project leading at the Ircam's "Journ�es Portes-Ouvertes" and then at the NAM'96 and ICMC'96 conferences to the presentation of a real-time "physical model" synthesizer controled by a MIDI keyboard in order to illustrate the new features of the fractional delay and nolinear excitators algorithms.
01/96-09/96 Administration of a personal Unix network.


Operating System UNIX (Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, SunOS, Solaris, Ultrix, Digital-Unix, Irix...), VAX/VMS, PC/MSDOS/Windows.
Computing langages C, C++, Pascal, assembly language, Lisp...
Software scientific softwares (Matlab, Maple), shell and filters languages (Awk, Lex, Yacc, Sh, Tcsh, Tk/Tcl, Perl...), word processing (Emacs, TeX/LaTeX, Troff ...), multimedia (SGML, HTML, java) spreadsheet, database (SQL)...




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Tue Jul 7 11:54:36 1998
Tassart St�phan

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