-1- Absolute criteria 4

-2- Masking effect for one given time 4

parameters: 4

principle: 4

Algorithm: 4

-3- Masking effect for several different times 5

-4- Masking effect for impulse response 5

-5- Possible improvements 5


-1- fft 6

-2- peakextraction 6

-3- analysis 6

-3A- Elementary analysis : peak matching and calculation of parameters 6

-3B- merge new elementary model and previous merged model 7

-4- Possible improvement 8



























version C

doc programmeur







(1) P-F. Baisnée, J-B. Barrière, O. Koechlin, M. Puckette & R. Rowe (1986) Real-time interaction between musicians and computer: performance utilizations of the 4X, Proceedings of 1986 International Computer Music Conference, La Haye, Berkeley: Computer Music Association, pp.237-240.

(2) J-B.Barrière, Y. Potard & P-F. Baisnée (1985) Models of Continuity between Synthesis and Processing for the Elaboration and Control of Timbre Structures, Proceedings of 1985 International Computer Music Conference,Vancouver, Berkeley: Computer Music Association, pp.193-198.

(3) Y. Potard, P-F. Baisnée & J-B.Barrière (1986) Experimenting with Models of Resonance Produced by a New Technique for the Analysis of Impulsive Sounds, Proceedings of 1986 International Computer Music Conference, La Haye, Berkeley: Computer Music Association, pp.269-274.

(4) Yves Potard, P-F. Baisnée, J-B. Barrière (1986) Interaction matériau organisation - version préliminaire d'un rapport de recherche, document interne Ircam.

(5) Yves Potard, P-F. Baisnée, J-B. Barrière (1988) Méthodologie de synthèse du timbre: L'exemple des modèles de résonance, A paraître dans le livre rendant compte du séminaire sur le timbre (Ircam 1985) chez Christian Bourgois.

(6) Baisnée P-F. Mode d'emploi des outils développés à l'Ircam

(7) Baisnée P-F. Mode d'emploi de la version Csound

(8) Baisnée, Barrière, Baudot, Freed ....(1989) Texte ICMC 89





-1- Absolute criteria


Discard resonances for which

freq < min_freq

freq > max_freq

ampl < min_ampl

band < min_band

band > max_band

-2- Masking effect for one given time







The mask for a given resonance is linear in log(freq) log(linear ampl) coordinates.

It is characterized by an offset(dB) and slope(dB/octave).

The mask produced by a given resonance (freq ampl band) at a given frequency f

is calculated as follows:

(1) mask = (ampl - offset) + (slope / log(2.)) * (log f - log freq)

Slope is positive or negative depending on whether the mask is computed

to the left or right side of the resonance, in a log-freq db-ampl representation).


-models must be sorted by increasing frequency order

-calculate amplitudes of resonances at given time (the initial amplitude

stored in the model corresponds to time 0, amplitude at time t is given

by A(t) = A(0) exp (- ½ band t)

-lower resonances mask higher resonances:

slope = - (abs (slope));

for each resonance (from first to last)

if ampl > mask

keep resonance

if (ampl-offset > mask) /* current resonance produces a bigger mask */

current resonance is used for computing the mask for next resonance

(its ampl and freq are used in formula (1))

else discard resonance

-higher resonances mask lower resonances:

slope = (abs (slope));

for each resonance (from last to first)

if ampl > mask

keep resonance

if (ampl-offset > mask) /* current resonance produces a * bigger mask */

current resonance is used for computing the mask for next resonance

(its ampl and freq are used in formula (1))

else discard resonance

-3- Masking effect for several different times

Discard every resonance that is discarded for each of the given times.


-4- Masking effect for impulse response

Discard every resonance that is masked during the whole impulse response (until it reaches mask_floor dB).


-5- Possible improvements

new absolute criterium: min bandwidth = f(freq) <-> min filter coefficient


-1- fft

input = [normalized] mono sound file

parameters = fftsize

window size

window type

In Lisp version:

window-size <= fftsize(2**n >= window) = [2,128000] bins

window = blackman-harris 4 for every window size, window values are normalized (* 1/sum of window values)

output = power-spectrum as db floatsams, not normalized

-2- peakextraction

input = db power spectrum as floatsams. Peaks are interpolated (4th order pylynomial interpolation)

parameters= min deltaDB between maxpoint and surrounding points, number of points for peak def (on each side of maximum), min dB ampl for a peak;

different values for windows 1 and 2:

mdb1 (-80) and mdb2 (-96)

output = pairs (frequency, dB power)

-3- analysis

N iterations (usually 3 to 8), with increasing window size



input for each iteration: two set of peaks (same window & FFT sizes, t1 and t2)

(freq, dBpower)

previous model

parameters :

window size (plus FFT size if different) [from FFT]

t1 begin time for first window [from FFT]

t2 begin time for second window [from FFT]

freq threshold for peak matching

freq threshold for resonance matching (same as previous in Lisp version)

check option

double option

max b2 value for doubling (12Hz)

[min delta b2-b1 for doubling (new)]


-3A- Elementary analysis : peak matching and calculation of parameters

input = 2 sets of sorted peaks (freq, dB) for window1 and window2

parameters: freq-threshold



window-size in seconds

parse peaks1 and peaks2 in parallel

if abs(peak1-peak2) < theshold

band = (log(10)/20½) * (a1-a2/t2-t1)

if band >0

new resonance



[sound is supposed to be less chaotic]

ampl = db_in_C_version (

(½*band*lin(a1)*window) /

(exp(-½*band*t1)*(1-exp(½*band*window)) )

else throw resonance away

else skip peak1 and peak2

output = elementary model:(freq, ampl(db in C, lin in Lisp), band) triplets

-3B- merge new elementary model and previous merged model

input = elementary model (sorted) (freq ampl(lin in Lisp, dB in C) band)

previous merged model (sorted except for the doubled resonances in Lisp version) (freq ampl(lin) band)

parameters: freq-threshold (same as threshold used for elementary analysis in

Lisp version)

check option

double option

max b2 value for doubling (12Hz)

[min delta b2-b1 for doubling (new)]

t2: time of right window used for check mode(t2= tw2+window/2)


nb: 1 = previous merged model 2 = current elementary model

if match f1 f2 (cf below) /* resonance in previous model is present */


if doubling-conditions f(b1 b2 max-doubling-b2 [min-%delta-b1-b2])

/* with doubling conditions =

analyse0 ((and double-mode (< b2 b1) (< b2 12.) (eqn double 0)) ;1-> 20.

analyse01 ((and double-mode (< b2 b1) (< b2 12.) (eqn double 0)) ; 1-> 20.

analyse ((and double-mode (> (/ (- b1 b2) b1) .05) (< b2 2.) (eqn double 0))


keep resonance1

add resonance2

record doubling

record history

else if already doubled

keep resonance1

add resonance2 (take f a b from model2)

/* analyse : for 2 take amplitude from model 1 */

record history

else (if not doubling condition and not already doubled)

keep a1

take b2

take f2

record history

else if f1 has no match /* resonance has disappeared in current analysis */

keep resonance1 (including possible double resonance)

if check : check band (cf below)

checking applies to double for doubled resonance

record in resonance history

else if (or (> f1 f2) (not f1) /* a new resonance has been found

* in current analysis */

add resonance 2

record history


abs(f1-f2) < threshold OR

abs(f1(double)-f2) < threshold


band = max (theoritical min band, b1)

amplitude should be corrected too but wasn't

theoritical min band (a1, t2, ml2)

= log(a1 / ml2) / ½*t2

avec ml2 = lin(mdb2(from peak extraction))

t2 = tw2 + window/2



band = (log(10)/20*½) * ((a1-a2)/(t2-t1))

lin initial amplitude = (½*band*lin(a1)*window)

/ ( exp(-½ band t1) * (1 - exp(-½ band window)) )

-4- Possible improvement



- [WINDOWING] use energy plot and 3D spectrum for setting t1 and t2, for small window sizes

- [FFT] different window types for different sizes

- [PEAK] try different peak estimation techniques (from interpolation to analysis


for interpolation: use FFTsize > window size for improving interpolation


for peak extraction: use inflexion points ??

- [ELE] iterate for amplitude estimation

- [ELE] take FFT window into account for initial amplitude estimation

- [MER] when doubling, decrease amplitude of first resonance (implies keepig track of

peaks amplitudes ??)

- [MER] when checking, check amplitude

- [MER] experiment with doubling (eg check if doubled resonance match with new peak...)


- [PEAK-MATCH] [RES-MATCH] interactivity and graphics for peak matching

- [PEAK] [PEAK-MATCH] [RES-MATCH] 1 full size FFT could give tips

for peak estimation (non FFT techniques)

for peak matching

- [ITERATION] reverse process: start with large windows (1 full size), end with small ones

-> peak matching and peak estimation improvement

-> improvement of initial amplitude estimation (substract already existing energy for new resonances)






-an elementary model results from the matching of two sets of peaks.

-a merged model results from the matching of one model (elementary of merged)

and an elementary model obtained from bigger FFTs.

-in double resonance, doubled is the original one (more damped), doublon is the

other one (less damped).



- don't use MODEL_SIZE for allocation of new models: allocate max possible size

given left peakset and right peakset, or left model and right model

- M_ana.c could be changed to work with two merged models



new controls in C version:

peak extraction mode can be one of:

-DAN (originally used in Lisp version): each of the width (on each side)

neighbour of maximum, but the two immediate ones, must be threshdB smaller than maximum.

-ONE: one neighbour must be thresh dB smaller than max

-MEAN: MEAN difference between maximum and mean amplitude of neighbours must be at least equal to thresh.



#define IRCAMBUG (usually not defined)

in file E_ana.c

restores Lisp bug in elementary analysis

mode 'first match' works as in Lisp version, except for IRCAMBUG

mode 'closest match' is new, and should improve results on short windows

-in firts match, frequency of new resonance is that of right peak

-in closest match, frequency of new resonance is mean frequency of

left and right peaks if MEANFREQ is #defined, or frequency of right

peak otherwise.



new controls:

- double mode 1: doubling occurs if new band is < max_double_band

- double mode 2: idem and additional condition: minimum percentage of

change in bandwidth.

mode first match works as in Lisp version except for new controls

mode closest match is new. Matching conditions (distance between two resonances is lower than a given threshold) may differ from first match:

- In first match, distance between one double res and one simple res was the distance from simple res to closest element of double res. This is used if MINDISTANCE is #defined

- if MEANDISTANCE is #defined mean freq of double is used for computing distance.

- if DBLONDISTANCE, distance is measured from doublon resonance to simple resonance (this should work better, because doubles are usually first obtained with samll FFTs, and with a low frequency resolution, and the goal of further matches is to tune doublon resonance, regardless of doubled resonance).



#define IRCAMBUG E_ana.c not defined

restores Lisp bug in elementary analysis

#define MEANFREQ E_ana.c not defined

controls the way the frequency of a new resonance is set

(meanfreq of left and right peaks if defined, freq of right

peak otherwise).


#define MEANDISTANCE M_ana.c not defined

#define MINDISTANCE M_ana.c not defined (equivalent to first match)

#define DBLONDISTANCE M_ana.c defined




- deux fenetres adjacentes, la premiere etant calee sur le debut du son, ou dans

quelques cas, sur le maximum d'amplitude du son.

- taille des fenetres *= 2 a chaque etape

-lorsque le son est court et que la resolution des FFT n'est pas suffisante:

utiliser des fenetres superposees, utiliser plusieurs fois la meme taille de fenetre

avec des ecartements differents]

- extraction de pic = extraction des maxima

- seuil dB pour extraction de pics: toujours (sauf marimba tres bruitee)

-80 a gauche, -96 a droite.

- match threshold pris bien plus petit que la resolution des FFT dans les premieres

etapes, a cause du bug de la version ircam, et a cause de la methode "first match".

- match threshold etait identique pour analyse elementaire et analyse merge de meme


- 3 a 9 etapes -> 6 a 700 resonances


- check mode: generalement utilisee, si double mode ne l'etait pas

- double mode: utilisee sans check-mode pour piano, contrebasse.

- fftsize > wsize: utilisee pour le piano





quatrieme et derniere etape =

t1=0. t2=1. window=.5 l=2 thresh=3 seuil=6 niveau=3


cinquieme et derniere etape =

t1=0. t2=3. window=.5 l=2 thresh=4 seuil=6 niveau=4




(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 6)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 29)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 58)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 114)

(5 0. .5 .5 1 3 6 t () 80 96 236)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 6)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 29)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 58)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 114)

(5 0. .5 .5 1 3 6 t () 80 96 236)

(6 0. 1. 1. 1 3 5 t () 80 96 297)

(7 0. 2. 1. 1 3 4 t () 80 96 303)

(8 0. 4. 1. 1 3 3 t () 80 96 305)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 10)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 35)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 73)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 142)

(5 0. .5 .5 1 3 6 t () 80 96 237)

(6 0. 1. 1. 1 3 5 t () 80 96 273)

(7 0. 2. 1. 1 3 4 t () 80 96 289)

(8 0. 4. 1. 1 3 3 t () 80 96 295)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 10)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 37)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 99)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 187)

(5 0. .5 .5 1 3 6 t () 80 96 319)

(6 0. 1. 1. 1 3 5 t () 80 96 358)

(7 0. 2. 1. 1 3 4 t () 80 96 360)

(8 0. 4. 1. 1 3 3 t () 80 96 363)

(9 0. 6. 1. 1 3 3 t () 80 96 363)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 7)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 29)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 85)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 141)

(5 0. .5 .5 1 3 6 t () 80 96 237)

(6 0. 1. 1. 1 3 5 t () 80 96 299)

(7 0. 2. 1. 1 3 4 t () 80 96 301)

(8 0. 4. 1. 1 3 3 t () 80 96 306)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 7)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 31)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 99)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 183)

(5 0. .5 .5 1 3 6 t () 80 96 285)

(6 0. 1. 1. 1 3 5 t () 80 96 357)

(7 0. 2. 1. 1 3 4 t () 80 96 365)

(8 0. 4. 1. 1 3 3 t () 80 96 367)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 9)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 33)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 71)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 133)

(5 0. .5 .5 1 3 6 t () 80 96 253)

(6 0. 1. 1. 1 3 5 t () 80 96 328)

(7 0. 2. 1. 1 3 4 t () 80 96 336)




(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 () t 80 96 3)

(2 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 () t 80 96 18)

(3 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 () t 80 96 31)

(4 0. .4 .4 1 3 6 () t 80 96 47)

(5 0. 2. 4. 1 3 6 () t 80 96 71)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 () () 80 96 5)

(2 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 () t 80 96 19)

(3 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 () t 80 96 41)

(4 0. .4 .4 1 3 6 () t 80 96 67)

(5 0. .8 .8 1 3 6 () t 80 96 94)

(6 0. 2. 4. 1 3 6 () t 80 96 104)

(7 0. 4. 4. 1 3 6 () t 80 96 108)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 () () 80 96 10)

(2 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 () t 80 96 21)

(3 0. .25 .25 1 3 6 () t 80 96 38)

(4 0. .5 .5 1 3 6 () t 80 96 62)

(5 0. 2. 4. 1 3 6 () t 80 96 66)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 () () 80 96 5)

(2 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 () t 80 96 30)

(3 0. .5 .5 1 3 6 () t 80 96 59)

(4 0. 1. 1. 1 3 6 () t 80 96 75)

(5 0. 2. 2. 1 3 6 () t 80 96 84)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 () () 80 96 8)

(2 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 () t 80 96 15)

(3 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 () t 80 96 31)

(4 0. .4 .4 1 3 6 () t 80 96 59)

(5 0. .8 .8 1 3 6 () t 80 96 81)

(6 0. 2. 3. 1 3 6 () t 80 96 85)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 3)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 () () 80 96 10)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 () t 80 96 20)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 () t 80 96 35)

(5 0. .4 .4 1 3 6 () t 80 96 53)

(6 0. .4 1. 1 3 6 () t 80 96 68)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 2)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 () () 80 96 10)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 () () 80 96 22)

(4 0. .15 .15 1 3 6 () () 80 96 31)

(5 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 () () 80 96 38)

E0 cdb4, cinquieme et derniere etape

son original: /snd/pf/pE0.norm

seuil-dB-gauche=80 seuil-dB-droit=96

t1=0. t2=2. window=.5 l=1 thresh=3 seuil(Hz.)=6 double-mode=t niveau=4




troisieme et derniere etape:

t1=0. t2=.5 window=.5 l=2 thresh=4 seuil=6 niveau=2

50 partiels retenus |#


troisieme et derniere etape:

t1=0. t2=.5 window=.5 l=2 thresh=4 seuil=6 niveau=2

49 partiels retenus |#


troisieme et derniere etape:

t1=0. t2=.5 window=.5 l=2 thresh=4 seuil=6 niveau=2

28 partiels retenus |#




t1=0. t2=1. window=.5 l=2 thresh=4 seuil=6 niveau=3

161 partiels retenus |#


t1=0. t2=2. window=.5 l=2 thresh=4 seuil=6 niveau=4

167 partiels retenus |#


son original: /snd/pf/balum-do2.norm

t1=.0 t2=2. window=.5 l=2 thresh=4 seuil=6 niveau=4

235 partiels retenus |#


sixieme et derniere etape

son original: /snd/pf/balum-do3.norm

t1=0. t2=4. window=.5 l=2 thresh=4 seuil=6 niveau=5

208 partiels retenus |#


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 3)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 22)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 63)

(4 0. .3 .3 1 3 6 t () 80 96 250)

(5 0. .6 .6 1 3 6 t () 80 96 409)

(6 0. 1. 1. 1 3 4 t () 80 96 478)

(7 0. 2. 2. 1 3 3 t () 80 96 568)

(8 0. 6. 2. 1 3 2 t () 80 96 578)

(9 0. 7. 2. 1 3 2 t () 80 96 583)




(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 7)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 35)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 104)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 118)

(5 0. .5 .5 1 3 6 t () 80 96 119)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 11)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 39)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 89)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 103)

(5 0. .5 .5 1 3 6 t () 80 96 105)

(6 0. .7 1. 1 3 5 t () 80 96 105)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 4)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 18)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 88)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 103)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 5)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 28)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 85)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 140)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 9)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 29)

(3 0. .22 .22 1 3 6 t () 80 96 53)




derniere etape

t1=0. t2=1.1 window=.5 l=1 thresh=4 seuil=6 niveau=5

6 partiels retenus |#


t1=.083 t2=.8 window=.5 l=2 thresh=4 seuil=6 niveau=4

48 partiels retenus |#




(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 .5 1 3 2. () () 80 96 1)

(2 0. .06 .06 .5 1 3 2. t () 80 96 11)

(3 0. .12 .12 .5 1 3 2. t () 80 96 71)

(4 0. .25 .25 .5 1 3 2. t () 80 96 167)

(5 0. .5 .5 .5 1 3 2. t () 80 96 244)

(6 0. 2. 4. 4. 1 3 .25 t () 80 96 328)

(7 0. 5. 4. 4. 1 3 .25 t () 80 96 330)

(8 0. 8. 4. 4. 1 3 .25 t () 80 96 330)

variante A0

(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 .5 1 3 2. () () 80 96 1)

(2 0. .06 .06 .5 1 3 2. t () 80 96 11)

(3 0. .12 .12 .5 1 3 2. () t 80 96 72)

(4 0. .25 .25 .5 1 3 2. () t 80 96 195)

(5 0. .5 .5 .5 1 3 2. () t 80 96 321)

(6 0. 2. 4. 4. 1 3 .25 () t 80 96 414)

(7 0. 5. 4. 4. 1 3 .25 () t 80 96 443)

(8 0. 8. 4. 4. 1 3 .25 t () 80 96 443)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .06 .06 .5 1 3 2. t () 80 96 27)

(2 0. .12 .12 .5 1 3 2. t () 80 96 97)

(3 0. .25 .25 .5 1 3 2. () t 80 96 168)

(4 0. .5 .5 .5 1 3 2. () t 80 96 388)

(5 0. 1. 1. 1. 1 3 1. () t 80 96 513)

(6 0. 2. 2. 2. 1 3 .5 () t 80 96 634)

(7 0. 4. 4. 4. 1 3 .25 t () 80 96 694)

(8 0. 15. 4. 4. 1 3 .25 t () 80 96 697)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .06 .06 .5 3 3 6. t () 80 96 0)

(2 0. .12 .12 .5 3 3 6. t () 80 96 0)

(3 0. .25 .25 .5 3 3 6. () t 80 96 3)

(4 0. .5 .5 .5 1 3 2. () t 80 96 151)

(5 0. 1. 1. 1. 1 3 1. () t 80 96 242)

(6 0. 4. 1. 1. 1 3 1. t () 80 96 246)

(7 0. 10. 1. 1. 1 3 1. t () 80 96 249)

(8 0. 10. 2. 2. 1 3 .5 t () 80 96 259)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .03 .03 .5 1 3 2. () () 80. 96. 9)

(2 0. .06 .06 .5 1 3 2. () t 80. 96. 31)

(3 0. .12 .12 .5 1 3 2. () t 80. 96. 85)

(4 0. .25 .25 .5 1 3 2. () t 80. 96. 131)

(5 0. .5 .5 .5 1 3 2. () t 80. 96. 198)

(6 0. 1. 1. 1. 1 3 1. () t 80. 96. 235)

(7 0. 2. 2. 2. 1 3 .5 () t 80. 96. 251)

(8 0. 4. 4. 4. 1 3 .25 () t 80. 96. 258)

(9 0. 8. 4. 4. 1 3 .25 () t 80. 96. 258)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .03 .03 .5 1 3 2. () () 80. 96. 3)

(2 0. .06 .06 .5 1 3 2. () () 80. 96. 13)

(3 0. .12 .12 .5 1 3 2. () t 80. 96. 49)

(4 0. .25 .25 .5 1 3 2. () t 80. 96. 106)

(5 0. .5 .5 .5 1 3 2. () t 80. 96. 156)

(6 0. 1. 1. 1. 1 3 1. () t 80. 96. 173)

(7 0. 2. 2. 2. 1 3 .5 () t 80. 96. 181)

(8 0. 4. 4. 4. 1 3 .25 t () 80. 96. 184)

(9 0. 6. 4. 4. 1 3 .25 t () 80. 96. 185)

variante A4

(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .03 .03 .5 1 3 2. () () 80. 96. 3)

(2 0. .06 .06 .5 1 3 2. () () 80. 96. 13)

(3 0. .12 .12 .5 1 3 2. () t 80. 96. 49)

(4 0. .25 .25 .5 1 3 2. () t 80. 96. 106)

(5 0. .5 .5 .5 1 3 2. () t 80. 96. 156)

(6 0. 1. 1. 1. 1 3 1. () t 80. 96. 173)

(7 0. 2. 2. 2. 1 3 .5 () t 80. 96. 181)

variante A4

(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .03 .03 .5 1 3 2. () () 80. 96. 3)

(2 0. .06 .06 .5 1 3 2. () () 80. 96. 13)

(3 0. .12 .12 .5 1 3 2. () t 80. 96. 49)

(4 0. .25 .25 .5 1 3 2. () t 80. 96. 106)

(5 0. .5 .5 .5 1 3 2. () t 80. 96. 156)

(6 0. 1. 1. 1. 1 3 1. () t 80. 96. 173)

(7 0. 2. 2. 2. 1 3 .5 () t 80. 96. 181)

(8 0. 4. 4. 4. 1 3 .25 t () 80. 96. 184)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .03 .03 .5 1 3 6. () () 80 96 15)

(2 0. .06 .06 .5 1 3 6. t () 80 96 44)

(3 0. .12 .12 .5 1 3 6. () t 80 96 102)

(4 0. .25 .25 .5 1 3 2. () t 80 96 133)

(5 0. .5 .5 .5 1 3 2. () t 80 96 167)

(6 0. 1. 1. 1. 1 3 1. () t 80 96 167)

(7 0. 2. 2. 2. 1 3 .5 () t 80 96 172)

(8 0. 4. 4. 4. 1 3 .25 () t 80 96 173)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .03 .03 .5 1 3 6. () () 80 96 13)

(2 0. .06 .06 .5 1 3 6. () t 80 96 34)

(3 0. .12 .12 .5 1 3 6. () t 80 96 94)

(4 0. .25 .25 .5 1 3 2. () t 80 96 154)

(5 0. .5 .5 .5 1 3 2. () t 80 96 188)

(6 0. 1. 1. 1. 1 3 1. () t 80 96 196)

(7 0. 2. 2. 2. 1 3 .5 () t 80 96 199)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0.00828 .01128 .003 .5 1 3 50. () () 80 96 0)

(2 0.00828 .01828 .01 .5 1 3 40. () t 80 96 6)

(3 0.00828 .03828 .03 .5 1 3 40. () t 80 96 53)

(4 0.00828 .06828 .06 .5 1 3 30. () t 80 96 142)

(5 0.00828 .2 .2 .5 1 3 10. () t 80 96 339)

(6 0.00828 .4 .4 1. 1 3 5. () t 80 96 424)

(7 0.00828 .6 .6 1. 1 3 2. () t 80 96 444)

(8 0.00828 .5 1. 1. 1 3 1. () t 80 96 451)

variante A7a

(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0.00828 .01128 .003 .5 1 3 50. () () 80 96 0)

(2 0.00828 .01828 .01 .5 1 3 40. () t 80 96 6)

(3 0.00828 .03828 .03 .5 1 3 40. () t 80 96 53)

(4 0.00828 .06828 .06 .5 1 3 30. () t 80 96 142)

(5 0.00828 .2 .2 .5 1 3 10. () t 80 96 339)

(6 0.00828 .4 .4 1. 1 3 5. () t 80 96 424)

(7 0.00828 6. 6. 1. 1 3 2. () t 80 96 424)

(8 0.00828 .5 1. 1. 1 3 1. t t 80 96 433)

variante A7b

(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0.00828 .01128 .003 .5 1 3 50. () () 80 96 0)

(2 0.00828 .01828 .01 .5 1 3 40. () t 80 96 6)

(3 0.00828 .03828 .03 .5 1 3 40. () t 80 96 53)

(4 0.00828 .06828 .06 .5 1 3 30. () t 80 96 142)

(5 0.00828 .2 .2 .5 1 3 10. () t 80 96 339)

(6 0.00828 .4 .4 1. 1 3 5. () t 80 96 424)

(7 0.00828 6. 6. 1. 1 3 2. () t 80 96 424)

(8 0.00828 .5 1. 1. 1 3 1. () t 80 96 433)

variante A7c

(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0.00828 .01128 .003 .5 1 3 50. () () 80 96 0)

(2 0.00828 .01828 .01 .5 1 3 40. () t 80 96 6)

(3 0.00828 .03828 .03 .5 1 3 40. () t 80 96 53)

(4 0.00828 .06828 .06 .5 1 3 30. () t 80 96 142)

(5 0.00828 .2 .2 .5 1 3 10. () t 80 96 339)

(6 0.00828 .4 .4 1. 1 3 5. () t 80 96 424)

(7 0.00828 .6 .6 1. 1 3 2. () t 80 96 444)

(8 0.00828 .5 1. 1. 1 3 1. t t 80 96 451)



derniere etape

t1=0. t2=2.5 window=.5 l=2 thresh=3 seuil=6 niveau=8

183 partiels retenus |#



derniere etape

t1=0. t2=2. window=.5 l=2 thresh=3 seuil=6 niveau=6

223 partiels retenus |#



derniere etape

pipe 2

seuil-dB-gauche=80 seuil-dB-droit=96

t1=0 t2=.3 window=.8 l=2 thresh=4 seuil(Hz.)=6 double-mode=() niveau=3

219 partiels retenus |#

pipe 3

son original: /snd/benjamin/pipes/P3a

seuil-dB-gauche=80 seuil-dB-droit=96

t1=0. t2=1. window=1. l=2 thresh=4 seuil(Hz.)=6 double-mode=() niveau=3

221 partiels retenus |#

pipe 3b

son original: /snd/benjamin/pipes/P3b

seuil-dB-gauche=80 seuil-dB-droit=96

t1=0 t2=.3 window=1 l=2 thresh=4 seuil(Hz.)=6 double-mode=() niveau=3

285 partiels retenus |#

pipe 4

son original: /snd/benjamin/pipes/P4

seuil-dB-gauche=80 seuil-dB-droit=96

t1=0. t2=.5 window=1. l=2 thresh=4 seuil(Hz.)=6 double-mode=() niveau=2

118 partiels retenus |#


son original: /snd/benjamin/pipes/P5

seuil-dB-gauche=80 seuil-dB-droit=96

t1=0 t2=.75 window=.75 l=2 thresh=4 seuil(Hz.)=6 double-mode=() niveau=4

229 partiels retenus |#


son original: /snd/benjamin/pipes/P5

seuil-dB-gauche=80 seuil-dB-droit=96

t1=0 t2=.75 window=.75 l=2 thresh=4 seuil(Hz.)=6 double-mode=() niveau=4

229 partiels retenus |#

pipe 5

son original: /snd/benjamin/pipes/P5

seuil-dB-gauche=80 seuil-dB-droit=96

t1=0 t2=.22 window=.22 l=2 thresh=4 seuil(Hz.)=6 double-mode=() niveau=3

116 partiels retenus |#




(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 8)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 23)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 70)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 142)

(5 0. .4 .4 1 3 3 t () 80 96 161)

(6 0. .6 .6 1 3 2 t () 80 96 174)

(7 0. 1. 1. 1 3 1 t () 80 96 183)

(8 0. 4. 4. 1 3 1 t () 80 96 190)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 () () 80 96 12)

(2 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 55)

(3 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 102)

(4 0. .4 .4 1 3 3 t () 80 96 117)

(5 0. .6 .6 1 3 2 t () 80 96 132)

(6 0. 1. 1. 1 3 2 t () 80 96 136)

(7 0. 2. 2. 1 3 2 t () 80 96 146)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 5)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 26)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 62)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 91)

(5 0. .4 .4 1 3 3 t () 80 96 97)

(6 0. .6 .6 1 3 2 t () 80 96 109)

(7 0. 1. 1. 1 3 1 t () 80 96 115)

(8 0. 4. 4. 1 3 1 t () 80 96 121)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 7)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 24)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 56)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 70)

(5 0. .4 .4 1 3 3 t () 80 96 80)

(6 0. .6 .6 1 3 2 t () 80 96 88)

(7 0. 1. 1. 1 3 1 t () 80 96 96)

(8 0. 2. 2. 1 3 2 t () 80 96 110)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 5)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 26)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 64)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 94)

(5 0. .4 .4 1 3 3 t () 80 96 106)

(6 0. .6 .6 1 3 2 t () 80 96 110)

(7 0. 1. 1. 1 3 1 t () 80 96 128)

(8 0. 4. 4. 1 3 1 t () 80 96 161)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 6)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 19)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 44)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 90)

(5 0. .4 .4 1 3 3 t () 80 96 114)

(6 0. .6 .6 1 3 2 t () 80 96 131)

(7 0. 1. 1. 1 3 1 t () 80 96 145)

(8 0. 2. 2. 1 3 2 t () 80 96 170)


(niveau t1 t2 window peak-def peak-thresh seuil check-mode

double-mode seuil-dB-gauche seuil-dB-droit nb-de-partiels)

(1 0. .02 .02 1 3 6 () () 80 96 4)

(2 0. .05 .05 1 3 6 t () 80 96 23)

(3 0. .1 .1 1 3 6 t () 80 96 53)

(4 0. .2 .2 1 3 6 t () 80 96 107)

(5 0. .4 .4 1 3 3 t () 80 96 136)

(6 0. .6 .6 1 3 2 t () 80 96 150)

(7 0. 1. 1. 1 3 1 t () 80 96 166)

(8 0. 4. 4. 1 3 1 t () 80 96 215)