Using modformat

modformat [options] [input-file [output-file]]

What does modformat do ?

Modformat is a program which allows the modification of files of sinusoidal partials. The possible modifications are : time stretching/compression, amplitude modification, frequency transposition (maintaining or not the original envelope) and imposing a spectral envelope from an envelope file.
Modformat is available on Unix platforms at Ircam and is called from a command line using the options below :

data type of the input file

Three types of input data file can be used in modformat :

The input data type is guessed from the input file extension. If the file extension is neither fmt nor format, the file is considered as a format file. If the input is the standard input then, the input type will be considered as fmt. The input type is considered as a format type if the option -a is specified : Remark : No standard input in sdif. An sdif file MUST have sdif extension.

data stored in the output file

Four types of output data file can be generated by modformat :

If the option -Z is not used, the output data type is guessed from the output file extension. If the file extension is neither fmt nor format, the data are stored in a format file. If the output is the standard output, the output type will be fmt. The standard output type is format if the option -a is specified : Remark : No standard output in sdif. An sdif file MUST have sdif extension.

possible modifications

general parameters
