/* $Id: seclasses.h,v 1.1 1998/10/05 14:49:18 schwarz Exp $ include/seclasses.h 1.10.1998 Diemo Schwarz Definition of class data structures for the spectral envelope library. $Log: seclasses.h,v $ * Revision 1.1 1998/10/05 14:49:18 schwarz * Split up specenv.h into smaller include files seclasses.h, * sefiles.h, separa.h, seutil.h to facilitate selective including * and editing. * * New separate data structure seSpecEnv for spectral envelopes, * which is no longer part of the estimation parameter structures. * */ #ifndef _SECLASSES_H_ #define _SECLASSES_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "seutil.h" /* defines type aliases Frequency, Amplitude, etc. for float */ /* // DATA GROUP: SPECTRAL ENVELOPE DATA TYPES */ /*DOC: Frequency scaling of estimation */ typedef enum { seScLinear, seScLog, seScNum } seScale; extern const char *seScaleName [seScNum]; /*DOC: Spectral envelope data structure */ typedef struct { Frequency maxfreq; /* upper border of env (maxfreq = sampling rate/2 */ int numenv; /* number of points in envelope */ Amplitude *env; /* numenv spectral envelope amplitude values */ Frequency fstep; /* size of bin in env (fstep = sr / numenv) */ seScale scale; /* frequency scale for storage */ Frequency breakfreq; /* break frequency for log scale */ } seSpecEnv; /*DOC: Spectral envelope data structure */ typedef struct { Frequency centerfreq; Amplitude amplitude; Frequency bandwidth; } seFormant; /*DOC: Precise formants data structure */ typedef struct { int numformants; /* number of precise formants */ seFormant *formant; /* numformants precise formants */ seSpecEnv residual; /* residual spectral envelope */ } sePreciseFormants; /*DOC: Formant region data structure */ typedef struct { Frequency lower, center, upper; /* region boundary frequencies (Hz) */ float salience; /* how sure we are it is a formant */ } seRegion; /*DOC: Fuzzy formant data structure */ typedef struct { int numregions; /* number of precise formants */ seRegion *region; /* numformants precise formants */ seSpecEnv specenv; /* spectral envelope */ } seFuzzyFormants; /* // FUNCTION GROUP: Allocation and Deallocation of Spectral Envelopes */ /*DOC: Create new spectral envelope in env. [in] num number of bins sr sampling rate, highest bin frequency is sr / 2 sc frequency scale bf break frequency in case of logarithmic scale [out] env address of specenv pointer(!). Will be set to NULL if something goes wrong. Call like this:
	seSpecEnv *env;
	seNewSpecEnv (&env, 512, 44100, seScLog, 5000);
*/ seReturn seNewSpecEnv (seSpecEnv **env, int num, Frequency sr, seScale sc, Frequency bf); /*DOC: Create new spectral envelope in env with same parameters as envfrom. [out] env address of specenv pointer(!). Will be set to NULL if something goes wrong. [in] envfrom model spectral envelope */ seReturn seNewSpecEnvLike (seSpecEnv **env, seSpecEnv *envfrom); /*DOC: Free spectral envelope */ seReturn seDeleteSpecEnv (seSpecEnv **env); /*DOC: Unconditionally reallocate storage for newnum bins. */ seReturn seReallocSpecEnv (seSpecEnv *env, int newnum); /* // FUNCTION GROUP: ACCESS and MANIPULATION */ /*DOC: Copy spectral envelope data (check for same size if DEBUG) */ seReturn seSpecEnvCopy (seSpecEnv *from, seSpecEnv *to); /*DOC: Set all bins of env to constant value ampl. */ seReturn seSpecEnvConst (seSpecEnv *env, Amplitude ampl); /*DOC: Get (possibly interpolated) value of env at arbitrary frequency freq. For frequencies greater than maxfreq, quickly fade out the envelope, since it is not defined there. */ Amplitude seAtFreq (seSpecEnv *env, Frequency freq); /*DOC: Return sum of all bins of env. */ double seSpecEnvSum (seSpecEnv *env); /*DOC: Stretch env1 to env2 according to the parameters of env2 (numenv). Maxfreq will be copied from env1. Env2 must have been properly allocated with seNewSpecEnv. */ seReturn seResample (seSpecEnv *env1, seSpecEnv *env2); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _SECLASSES_H_ */