Function |
Description |
Incr |
Types |
Page |
acort |
Autocorrelation function |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
autoyw |
Resolution of Yule-Walker System |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
bkman |
Blackman window |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cdotpr |
Complex dot-product |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cfft |
Complex Fast Fourier Transform |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cholesky |
Cholesky decomposition of a matrix |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
convt |
Convolution of two vectors |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cpvmul |
Complex multiplication of two polar coordinate vectors |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cpvsmml |
Multiplication of two polar vectors by a real scalar |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
creorgo |
Rearrangement of the elements of a complex vector |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
crergoa |
Rearrangement of a complex vector and addition |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cvadd |
Addition of two complex vectors |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cvcomb |
Creates a complex vector from two real vectors |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cvconj |
Conjugation of a complex vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cvcsml |
Multiplication of a complex vector by a complex scalar |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cvdiv |
Division of one complex vector by another |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cvexp |
Exponential of a complex vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cvmags |
Squared magnitude of a complex vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cvmov |
Creates a copy of a complex vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cvmul |
Multiplication of two complex vectors |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cvneg |
Negative of a complex vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cvinv |
Reciprocal of a complex vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cvrev |
Reverses the elements in a complex vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cvcsma |
Complex scalar times complex vector plus complex vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cvsmul |
Multiplication of a complex vector by real scalar |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cvsub |
Subtraction of two complex vectors |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
dotpr |
Dot product of two real vectors |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
fftwts |
Generation of the vector of complex roots of unity |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
hamm |
Hamming window |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Function |
Description |
Incr |
Types |
Page |
hann |
Hanning window |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
hist |
Histogram of the elements of a vector |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
ilevins |
Inverse Levinson algorithm on real AR filter coefficient vector |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
levins |
Levinson algorithm on real reflection coefficient vector |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
lveq |
Tests equality of the elements of two real vectors |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
lveqzs |
Replaces zero elements in vector with one |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
lvge |
Greater or equal comparison of two vectors |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
lvgt |
Greater than comparison of two vectors |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
lvne |
Inequality comparison of two vectors |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
lvnot |
Compares the elements of a vector with zero |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
lvsmth |
Smoothing of the data contained in a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
matinv |
Inversion of a matrix |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
maxmgv |
Maximum magnitude value of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
maxmgvi |
Maximum magnitude value and position in a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
maxv |
Maximum value of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
maxvi |
Maximum value and position in a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
meamgv |
Mean value of the magnitudes of a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
meanv |
Mean value of the elements in a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
measqv |
Mean of the square value of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
minmgv |
Minimum of the magnitudes of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
minmgvi |
Minimum of the magnitudes and position in a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
minv |
Minimum value of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
minvi |
Minimum value and position in a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
mmul |
Multiplication of two matrices |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
mtrans |
Transpose of a matrix |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
mvmul |
Premultiplication of a real vector by a real matrix |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
polar |
Conversion from rectangular to polar coordinates |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
rblsq |
Optimal least-square solution of a linear system plus noise |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
rect |
Conversion from polar to rectangular coordinates |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
reorgo |
Rearranges the elements of a vector |
no |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
rfft |
FFT of a real input vector |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
rfftsig |
Signal processing FFT of a real input vector |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
rmsqv |
Square root of mean of the squares of elements in a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
sve |
Sum of the elements of a real vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
svemg |
Sum of the absolute value of the elements of a real vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
svesq |
Sum of the squares of the elements of a real vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
svs |
Sum of the signed squares of the elements of a real vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
trian |
Triangular window |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
trianginf |
Resolution of lower triangular matrix |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
triangsup |
Resolution of upper triangular matrix |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
csort |
Rearranges a complex vector by a sorting vector |
no |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
sort |
Rearranges a real vector by a sorting vector |
no |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vabs |
Absolute value of the elements of a real vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vacos |
Arc-cosine of the elements of a real vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vacosh |
Hyperbolic arc-cosine of the elements of a real vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Function |
Description |
Incr |
Types |
Page |
vadd |
Addition of two real vectors |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vaddosb |
Sum of two real vectors divided by their difference |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
valog |
Anti-log value of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vam |
Vector plus vector then times a third vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vasin |
Arc-sine value of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vasinh |
Hyperbolic arc-sine of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vatan |
Arc-tangent of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vatan2 |
Arc-tangent of the quotient of two vectors |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vatanh |
Hyperbolic arc-tangent of the elements of two vectors |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vclip |
Clips a real vector at upper and lower thresholds |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vclr |
Clears the elements of a real vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vcos |
Cosine of the elements of a real vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vcosh |
Hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a real vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vcvmul |
Element-wise product of real and a complex vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vdbsafe |
Safe conversion to Decibels of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vdist |
Hypothenus-like calculation on two vectors |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vdiv |
Division of elements of one real vector by another |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vexp |
Exponential of the elements of a real vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vexpdev |
Vector of Gaussian distributed random numbers |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vfill |
Sets all elements of a vector to the same value |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vfiliir1 |
First order IIR filter |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vfiliir2 |
Second order IIR filter |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vshort |
Converts a floating-point vector to short |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vlong |
Converts a floating-point vector to long |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vfloat |
Converts a short integer vector to float |
yes |
s |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vlfloat |
Converts a long integer vector to float |
yes |
l |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vfrac |
Fractional part of each element of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vgeomea |
Geometric mean of corresponding elements of two vectors |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vgeoser |
Generates a geometric series |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vharmea |
Harmonic mean of corresponding elements of two vectors |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vicexpr |
Intercorrelation-index like expression between three vectors |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vimag |
Imaginary part of a complex vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vinter |
Real linear interpolation vector of two vectors |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vinv |
Reciprocal value of each element of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vinvsafe |
Reciprocal value of elements of a vector (safe) |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vj0 |
Zero-order Bessel function of the first kind of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vj1 |
First-order Bessel functionof the first kind of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vjn |
n-order Bessel function of the first kind of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vlicomb |
Linear combination of two vectors |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vlim |
Binarization of a vector by a limit value |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vlisnl |
n-order median filtering |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vln |
Natural logarithm of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vlog |
Base 10 logarithm of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vma |
Vector times vector plus vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vmax |
Element-wise maximum value between two vectors |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Function |
Description |
Incr |
Types |
Page |
vmaxmg |
Element-wise maximum absolute value of two vectors |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vmin |
Element-wise minimum value of two vectors |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vminmg |
Element-wise minimum absolute value of two vectors |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vmmul |
Post-multiplication of a matrix by a vector |
no |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vmov |
Makes a copy of a real vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vmsa |
Multiplication of two vectors and addition of a scalar |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vmsb |
Vector times vector minus scalar |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vmul |
Vector times vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vneg |
Negative value of each element of a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vpeaks |
Finds peaks in a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vpoly |
Computes the value of a polynomial function |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vramp |
Creates a vector of linearly increasing/decreasing values |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vran0 |
Vector of uniformly distributed random numbers |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vreal |
Real part of a complex vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vrelerr |
Relative error between two vectors |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vresamp |
Resamples a vector of (time,frequency) ordered pairs |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vrev |
Reverses the order of the elements in a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vrot |
Shifts the position of the elements in a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsadd |
Adds a scalar value to a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsasm |
Scalar times vector plus scalar |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsboadd |
Difference of two vectors divided by their sum |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsboads |
Difference of two vectors divided by their sum (safe) |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsbm |
Vector minus vector then times a third vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsdiv |
Vector divided by scalar |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsin |
Sine of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsinh |
Hyperbolic-sine of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsinter |
Linear interpolation of two vectors by a scalar |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsma |
Vector times vector plus vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsmax |
Maximum value of a scalar and each element of a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsmin |
Minimum value of a scalar and each element of a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsmmul |
Vector times vector times scalar |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsmsa |
Vector times scalar plus scalar |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsmsb |
Vector times scalar minus scalar |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsmul |
Vector times scalar |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsq |
Square of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsqicex |
Square of an intercorrelation expression of two vectors |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsqrt |
Square root of each element of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vssq |
Signed-square of each element of a vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vssub |
Vector minus scalar |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vsub |
Vector minus vector |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vswap |
Exchanges corresponding elements from two vectors |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vtan |
Tangent of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vtanh |
Hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a vector |
yes |
fd |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vthres |
Thresholds each element of a vector by a scalar |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
vwrap |
Modulo value of each element of a vector with a scalar |
yes |
fdl |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |