Équipe Analyse/Synthèse
Definitions des types utilises
* ^ ^
* /!\ All modification in a structure have to be reported in the following files: /!\
* --- ---
* init.c, free.c
#if defined(__alpha)
#if defined(__mips64) || defined(__alpha)
typedef unsigned int bit32;
typedef unsigned long bit32; /* was not unsigned.. */
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef char STRING[MAX_CHAR];
struct _MenuItem;
struct _KnownFont;
struct _KnownFile;
struct _SvpOptions;
struct _AnalysisContext;
struct _Scale;
struct _Margins;
struct _DisplayContext;
struct _Data;
struct _Channel;
struct _Source;
struct _Buffer;
struct _BufferName;
struct _Selection;
struct _SelectionList;
struct _SynchroTarget;
struct _ActionSynchroList;
struct _SynchroBase;
struct _View;
struct _Frame;
struct _XsWindow;
struct _Options;
struct _DefaultFormat;
struct _DefaultBpf;
struct _ColorRamp;
typedef struct _Input
XtInputId *inputId; /* */
FILE *stream; /* */
int filedes; /* */
unsigned long nb; /* number of bytes read */
unsigned long nbTotal; /* number of bytes to read */
typedef struct _Fts
FILE *stream;
int filedes;
struct _Buffer *buffer;
struct _View *destView;
typedef struct _MenuItem
char *name; /* name of the widget item */
char label[9]; /* the label for the item */
WidgetClass *class; /* pushbutton, label, separator... */
char mnemonic; /* mnemonic; NULL if none */
char *accelerator; /* accelerator; NULL if none */
char *accelText; /* to be converted to compound string */
void (*callback)(); /* routine to call; NULL if none */
XtPointer callbackData; /* clientData for callback() */
struct _MenuItem *subItems; /* pullright menu items, if not NULL */
Widget subWidget; /* pullright menu widget, if not NULL */
typedef struct _KnownFont
STRING name; /* */
XFontStruct *xStruct; /* */
typedef struct _KnownFile
short type; /* FILE_TYPE_[SF, AIFF, ..] */
STRING name; /* file name (.. ahh... yes !) */
FILE *stream; /* stream (return by fopen) */
int descr; /* descriptor (return by fno) */
struct stat status; /* got with lstat(name, &status) */
caddr_t mmap; /* address of memory map of the file */
int STdescr; /* descriptor of file opened by the sound Tool */
typedef struct _SvpOptions /* (modif 30/07/98) */
/* any change must be reported to copySvpOptions */
int fftSize; /* fft size in the super vp command line */
int windowSize; /* window size */
int step; /* step size */
STRING output; /* super vp output (ampl or ampl_db) */
typedef struct _AnalysisContext
/* any change must be reported to copyAnalysisContext */
Boolean fromAnalCt; /* True: compute analysis from selection copied in analysis context
False: '' '' '' active selection in source view */
short type; /* type of analysis: ANALYSIS_TYPE_### */
short spectrumType; /* type of scale: SPECTRUM_TYPE_### */
short windowType; /* type of window: WINDOW_TYPE_### */
short phasisType; /* type of phasis warping: PHASIS_TYPE_### */
double start; /* */
long length; /* */
float f0; /* */
float f0Min; /* */
float f0Max; /* */
float freqMax; /* */
long subDiv; /* */
float f0Ratio; /* */
float picsTreshold; /* */
float harmoTreshold; /* */
short power2; /* size of window */
SvpOptions* svpOptions; /* options in the super vp command line */
typedef struct _Scale
GC gc; /* Graphic Context for this axis only */
KnownFont *font; /* font for the string unit */
short type; /* x axis or y axis DIM_TYPE_[x, y, ..]*/
STRING unit; /* written under the hor. axis at right end */
long nbPixPerDiv; /* minimum nb of pixesl between two primary divisions */
long horTxtOffset; /* offset from primary hatch to middle of x label strings
* e.g. horTxtOffset=3 => x label string middle is 3 pixels
* at right of primary hatch bar */
long verTxtOffset; /* offset between top of x label strings and hor. axis
* e.g. 6 places the top of x label strings 6 pixels
* under the hor. axis */
long prLen; /* length of the primary hatch-times bar */
long scLen; /* length of the secondary hatch-times bar */
long trLen; /* length of the tertiary hatch-times bar */
long axisOffset; /* position of the axis from left or bottom drawable */
long unitMargin; /* margin between top of unit string and axis */
long maxDigitsFraction; /* maximum of digits in the fractional part of x label strings */
long maxDigitsInt; /* maximum of digits in the integer part of x label strings */
typedef struct _Margins
long top; /* top, */
long bottom; /* bottom, */
long left; /* left, */
long right; /* and right margins in pixel */
typedef struct _DisplayContext
Boolean updated; /* display context is updated by a first use */
GC gc; /* Graphic Context */
XColor background; /* the background color, set in the gc */
XColor foreground; /* the foreground color, set in the gc */
Margins *margins; /* top, bottom, left and right margins in pixel */
XRectangle clipRectangle; /* rectangle used to clip the "in margins" area */
KnownFont *font; /* font for nothing for the moment but..
* "on ne sait jamais" */
Boolean visibleSignal; /* signal must be visible */
Boolean visibleScales; /* scales must be visible */
Boolean visibleScalesInactive; /* scales must be visible even when the view is inactive */
Boolean visibleSelections; /* selections must be visible */
Boolean visibleColorScale; /* (modif 01/09/98) colorscale must be visible */
Boolean visibleColorScaleInactive;/* (modif 02/09/98) colorscale must be visible even when the view is inactive */
short mode; /* line or shadow */
double coeff[MAX_DIM]; /* scale coeff. of display in pixels per unit */
double offset[MAX_DIM]; /* starting offset of display in pixels
* pixel = coeff * unit + offset */
Boolean centredXAxis; /* is the x axis centred in the Frame ?
* ^- redondant avec -v */
Boolean freezeAxis; /* dont compute min and max,
but take them in the display context of the previous buffer in the view */
double zoomCoeff; /* zoom factor (1/2 means zooming in, half page width) */
double pageCoeff; /* page moving factor (1/2 means moving an half page forward) */
Scale *scale[MAX_DIM]; /* the scales */
Boolean outlineMode; /* if true, the view is not completly draw, used for move*/
/* (modif 14/08/98) */
typedef struct _Data
int type; /* format of samples:
unsigned long nb; /* number of values */
int size; /* size of samples in bytes in memory */
caddr_t values; /* pointer to values (to be cast later)
* ### OR ?? ###*/
short increment; /* increment when entrelaced values (mult. channels) */
double min[MAX_DIM]; /* the min. value */
double max[MAX_DIM]; /* the max. value */
double peakAmp[MAX_DIM]; /* the amplitude peak */
double globalPeakAmp[MAX_DIM]; /* the amplitude peak from the beginning until where we are */
typedef struct _Channel
struct _Buffer *buffer; /* the buffer where channel is from */
Data *data; /* the data */
float outputLevel; /* coeff to set the sound output level */
int nview; /* number of view in which the channel is displayed */
struct _View *view[MAX_VIEW_CHANNEL]; /* the view in which the channel is displayed, NULL if not */
typedef struct _Source
struct _View *view; /* the source view, if already exists */
float analysisBeginTime; /* the position in the source view where the analysis begins */
/* (modif 11/08/98) */
struct _Buffer *buffer; /* the source buffer */
Channel *channel; /* the source channel */
struct _Selection *selection; /* the source selection (copy of the view's selection) */
AnalysisContext *analysisContext; /* analysis Context */
typedef struct _Buffer
Widget menuButton; /* button in the buffer's list menu widget */
Widget popupButton; /* button in the buffer's popup menu widget */
short type; /* format of buffer:
* BUFFER_TYPE_[sample, List1D, List2D, ListOfTrames, half2D] */
short dimension; /* dimension of buffer: DIM_TYPE_[1D, 2D, 3D] */
short nature; /* nature of buffer:
* BUFFER_NATURE_[TAsignal, TFsignal, spectrum, spectrogram,...] */
STRING identifier; /* identifier (for ex. file basename) */
STRING comment; /* comment string */
double rate; /* sampling rate if one */
Boolean swap; /* the disk's samples has to be swaped */
long dataOffset; /* offset of data (from buffer->file->mmap) */
double min[MAX_DIM]; /* the min. value */
double max[MAX_DIM]; /* the max. value */
double peakAmp[MAX_DIM]; /* the amplitude peak */
Boolean writable; /* the buffer is writable if file is writable */
Boolean modified; /* the buffer is modified if buffer != file */
KnownFile *file; /* the file where are saved the data if it exists */
Input *input; /* the input from which the data were read */
XtInputId inputId; /* the inputId in input.c */
Source *source; /* the source from which the data were computed */
int nchannel; /* number of sound channels in the file */
Channel *channel[MAX_CHANNEL]; /* the channel list (### PROVISOIRE array ###) */
Boolean visitingMode; /* memorymap or load */
#if defined(__alpha)
SFHEADER SFhd; /* Header used by the sound Tool */
Boolean removableFile; /* the associated file can be removed */
typedef struct _BufferName
STRING name; /* name (for ex. file basename) */
int number; /* number of buffers which have that name */
typedef struct _Selection
short dimension; /* dimension: A segment: DIM_TYPE_[x, y, z]
* A surface: DIM_TYPE_[xy, yz, xz]
* A volume: DIM_TYPE_xyz */
STRING identifier; /* identifier */
STRING textValues; /* text in the window->textWidget with the values of the selection */
Boolean visible; /* is visible ? */
int isynchro; /* index in the view's synchro list (### PROVISOIRE array ###) */
int nmark; /* number of marks (if polygon) */
int pixelMark[MAX_MARK]; /* the marks list (### PROVISOIRE array ###) */
double valueMark[MAX_MARK]; /* the marks list (### PROVISOIRE array ###) */
typedef struct _SelectionList /* THE ndimSelection FIRST SELECTIONS ARE RESERVED
int nselection; /* number of selections */
int ndimSelection; /* number of dim.-selections
* EX: first = time, second = freq, etc.. */
int activeSelection; /* active (or current) selection*/
int activeCursor; /* active (or current) cursor */
Selection *selection[MAX_SELECT]; /* the selections list (### PROVISOIRE array ###) */
typedef struct _SynchroTarget
short actionTarget; /* (### PROVISOIRE type of ###) action to be done (target view) to synchronize */
struct _View *view; /* which view to synchronize with */
typedef struct _ActionSynchroList
int nsynchroTarget; /* number of target to synchronize with the view */
SynchroTarget *synchroTarget[MAX_SYNCHRO]; /* list of the targets to synchronize */
typedef struct _SynchroBase
Boolean activeSynchro; /* True if the synchros are activated */
struct _View *tempViewTarget; /* pointer to the target View */
Boolean actionsTab[MAX_ACTION][MAX_ACTION]; /* table of all the actions to synchronize */
Widget toggleTab[MAX_ACTION][MAX_ACTION]; /* table of the toggles in the synchroTab */
Boolean xPageModified; /* flag = 1 if xPage has been modified */
Boolean yPageModified; /* flag = 1 if yPage has been modified */
int nactionSynchro; /* number of actions to synchronize with other views */
ActionSynchroList *actionSynchroList[MAX_ACTION]; /* actions to synchronize with other views
0 <=> page, 1<=> pageX ... */
typedef struct _View
struct _Frame *frame; /* the parent frame */
STRING identifier; /* identify the view (file, type..) */
Widget idWidget; /* identifer widget */
Widget menuButton; /* button in the view's list menu widget */
Widget popupButton; /* button in the view's popup menu widget */
Pixmap pixmap; /* Xwindow pixmap */
GC gc; /* Xwindow Graphic Context to copy view in frame */
Pixmap clipMask; /* Xwindow clipMask, added to gc */
#ifdef openGL
GLXPixmap glxPixmap; /* (modif 03/08/98) pixmap used by openGL */
GLXContext glxContext; /* (modif 14/08/98) glx context used by openGL */
GC gcClip; /* Xwindow Graphic Context to copy view pixmap */
int nsegment; /* number of segments */
XSegment segment[MAX_SEGS]; /* segments drawn byXDrawSeg, for 2D signals */
#ifdef openGL
GLuint glListName; /* name of the view's openGl display list */
#endif /* (modif 12/08/98) */
int nDC; /* number of Display Context */
int activeDC; /* active (or current) Display Context */
DisplayContext *displayContext[MAX_DC]; /* display Context list (### PROVISOIRE array ###) */
Buffer *buffer; /* the assoc. buffer */
int ichannel; /* the assoc. channel */
Channel *channel; /* the assoc. channel */
SelectionList *selectionList; /* the selection list (### PROVISOIRE array ###) */
SynchroBase *synchroBase; /* all the elements which concern the synchronization */
int baseSelectionUndo; /* base of Undo stack */
int nSelectionUndo; /* active element of Undo stack */
Selection *selectionUndo[MAX_UNDO]; /* undo circular stack */
AnalysisContext *defaultAnalysisContext; /* default analysis Context */
typedef struct _Frame
struct _XsWindow *window; /* the parent window */
Widget drawWidget; /* drawing area widget */
Widget menuButton; /* button in the frame's list menu widget */
Widget popupButton; /* button in the frame's popup menu widget */
Dimension width, height; /* drawing area sizes */
Pixmap pixmap; /* global Xwindow pixmap */
#ifdef openGL
GLXPixmap glxPixmap; /* pixmap for openGL (modif 03/08/98) */
GLXContext glxContext; /* (modif 14/08/98) glx context used by openGL */
GC gc; /* global Xwindow graphic context,
* to copy frame pixmap to drawingArea and some others op. */
int nview; /* number of views in the frame */
int activeView; /* active (or current) view */
View *view[MAX_VIEW_FRAME]; /* the views list (### PROVISOIRE array ###) */
typedef struct _XsWindow
Widget widget; /* MainWindow widget */
Display *display; /* display */
Screen *screen; /* screen */
Window xWindow; /* window X */
char *geometry; /* geometry */
Dimension width, height; /* size */
Widget textWidget; /* text field with information on the activeSelection ...*/
Widget synchroButton; /* button to activate or deactivate the synhcro */
int nframe; /* number of frames in the window */
int activeFrame; /* active (or current) frame */
Frame *frame[MAX_FRAME_WINDOW]; /* the frames list (### PROVISOIRE array ###) */
typedef struct _ColorRamp /* (modif 03/08/98) */
int ibramp; /* index of the begining of the color ramp */
int ieramp; /* index of the end of the color ramp */
int bDisplayRampAmpl; /* index of the begining ampl of the displayed color ramp */
int eDisplayRampAmpl; /* index of the end amplitude of the displayed color ramp */
typedef struct _Options
Boolean askBeforeExit; /* */
#if defined(__alpha)
char *audioDisplay; /* */
Boolean autoPlaceWindow; /* */
int buttonBarSize; /* */
Boolean createViewWarning; /* */
Boolean firstViewCreated; /* */
char *fileFormat; /* */
char *frameActiveBkgColor; /* */
char *frameActiveShadowType; /* */
int frameActiveShadowCode; /* */
char *frameBkgColor; /* */
char *frameShadowType; /* */
int frameShadowCode; /* */
char *idActiveBkgColor; /* */
char *idBkgColor; /* */
int idLeftPosition; /* */
int marginTop; /* */
int marginBottom; /* */
int marginRight; /* */
int marginLeft; /* */
float maxSecVerify; /* */
float maxSecScreen; /* */
char *mode; /* */
int nColors; /* */
char *openFilesIn; /* */
Boolean rawWarning; /* */
Boolean selectionQuestion; /* */
char *sfDir; /* */
Boolean signalFullPage; /* */
int splitPercent; /* */
Boolean watchBufferLimits; /* */
char *zoomMode; /* */
Boolean privateColormap; /* */
char *menuBarColor; /* */
char *buttonColor; /* */
int activeBufferForeground; /* */
int nbSamplesBeforeWarning; /* */
int dBLimitForDisplay; /* (modif 04/09/98) les valeurs < ne sont pas esprises en compte*/
*OptionsPtr, Options;
typedef struct _DefaultFormat
char *type; /* short or float */
int size; /* size of samples in bytes in memory */
double rate; /* */
char *byteOrder; /* big or little */
long dataOffset; /* */
int channels; /* */
} DefaultFormat;
/*** New Typedef ***/
typedef struct _DefaultBpf
Boolean invert; /* inverse : y x values instead of x y values */
int columns; /* nb columns */
float rate; /* sample rate */
char *outputMode;
float filterTime; /* Filter Time for Super VP output */
} DefaultBpf;
/*** New Typedef ***/
enum TShortCutSynchro {
SRCXLIM_TGXLIM, /* Synchro Source X limits / Target X limits */
SRCSEG_TGSEG, /* Synchro Source Segment / Target Segment */
SRCSEG_TGANA, /* Synchro Source Segment / Target Analysis */
SRCPG_TGPG /* Synchro Source Page / Target Page */
/****** XSedit Structures *****/
/* Definition de types */
typedef struct _xyCel {
float x, y ;
struct _xyCel * next ;
void * props ;
} xyCel ;
typedef struct _listCel {
struct _listCel * next ;
void * data, * props ;
} listCel ;
typedef struct _BrkpfStruc {
long drawPoints;
long drawLines;
long drawSelected;
long delete;
long select, move ;
long drag;
long initDrag ;
char dragType ;
long dragIX ;
long dragIY ;
XPoint oldPoint ;
listCel * listOfList ;
listCel * listOfListCur ;
xyCel * prevPointedCel ;
xyCel * movingCel ;
long x, y, width, height ;
unsigned moveMask ;
Cursor cutCurs, selCurs , moveCurs, penCurs;
GC gc, gcTemp, clearGc, selectGc, zoomGc, frameGc, zoomClearGc , frameClearGc ;
} BrkpfStruc ;
typedef struct _polyLines {
Display * myDisplay ;
Drawable myWindow ;
GC gc ;
XPoint * beginPoint ;
XPoint * endPoint ;
XPoint * points;
int npoints ;
} polyLines ;
Derniere modification : 15/09/98 - Vivien Guillet