Publications de Phillipe Depalle

Freed, Adrian, Xavier Rodet, Philippe Depalle:
Synthesis and Control of Hundreds of Sinusoidal Partials on a Desktop Computer without Custom Hardware (ICSPAT 1992)

Ph. Depalle, G. Garcia, X. Rodet:
A Virtual Castrato (!?) (ICMC 1994)

Rodet, Xavier, Ph. Depalle, G. Garcia:
New Possibilities in Sound Analysis and Synthesis (ISMA 1995)
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Gribonval R., E. Bacry, S. Mallat, Ph. Depalle and X. Rodet:
Analysis of Sound Signals with High Resolution Matching Pursuit,
Proceedings of the IEEE Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Workshop (TFTS'96), 1996.
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Ph. Depalle and T. Hélie:
Extraction of Spectral Peak Parameters Using a Short-Time Fourier Transform Modeling and No Sidelobe Windows
Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Audio ..., Mohonk 1997.
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Ph. Depalle and L. Tromp:
An Improved Additive Analysis Method Using Parametric Modelling of the Short-Time Fourier Transform
Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference (ICMC'96), Clear Water Bay, Hong-Kong, August 1996 .
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Gribonval R., Ph. Depalle, X. Rodet, E. Bacry and S. Mallat:
Sound signal decomposition using a high resolution matching pursuit,
Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference (ICMC'96), Clear Water Bay, Hong-Kong, August 1996.
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