About Python
You might find here some details about this curious animal:
For MacOSX Users / Fink, Emacs and Python:
Until Python2.3 is released it seems reasonable to use
it with Fink (a large project
dedicated to port Linux OpenSource softwares to the Mac).
How to install Fink (en français...)
télécharger apple X11 et X11sdk (liens sur
la même page)
FINK:télécharger fink installer
% pico ~/.cshrc
source /sw/bin/init.csh
FINK-GUI:chercher system
installer system-xfree86 (bouton-droit + in terminal->install binary)
installer python (idem)
installer emacs
Installer apple developper tools
installer python-mode.el pour emacs
installer ipython
installer eterm
configurer .cshrc
en cas de pépins:sudo dpkg -r --force-depends xfree86-rootless xfree86-rootless-shlibs
xfree86-base xfree86-base-shlibs
Some notes about xml, regular expressions...
* arguments
if len(sys.argv)>1:
python_filename = sys.argv[0]
arg1 = sys.argv[1]
arg2 = sys.argv[2]
* pyxml
import xml.dom.minidom
import xml.dom.ext
from xml.xpath import Evaluate
** open xml file
fxml = open(xmlpath, 'r')
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(fxml)
** get child
if doc.hasChildNodes():
node = doc.childNodes()
for node in nodes:
text_attribute = node.getAttribute('name')
numeric_attr = int(text_attribute)
** get a certain child
childs_tag1 = Evaluate("descendant::tag1", doc)
** get text value
def gettxtvalue(node):
if node.hasChildNodes():
childs = node.childNodes
for child in childs:
if child.nodeName == "#text":
return child.nodeValue
** exemple
<tag1> texte ... </tag1>
* sortie ascii
asciifile = open('ascii.txt', 'w')
value = gettxtvalue(node_n)
* regular expression re module
simInf ='[^<]<([^<]*)>[^>]'
douInf = '<<([^<]*)>>'
simBra = re.compile(string.replace(string.replace(simInf,"<", "\["),">", "\]"))
douBra = re.compile(string.replace(string.replace(douInf,"<", "\["),">", "\]"))
simCurl = re.compile(string.replace(string.replace(simInf,"<", "\{"),">", "\}"))
douCurl = re.compile(string.replace(string.replace(douInf,"<", "\{"),">", "\}"))
simInf ='<([^<]*)>'
simInf = re.compile(simInf)
douInf =re.compile(douInf)
def parsePic(line):
result = simCurl.findall(line)
if result != []:
return result, [simCurl.search(line).start(), simCurl.search(line).end()]
return ""
def parsePicPath(line):
result = douCurl.findall(line)
if result != []:
return result, [douCurl.search(line).start(), douCurl.search(line).end()]
return ""