normalize_filename Module (

import string
def my_normal(filename):
	d = filename
	# check the content
	d = string.replace(d, " Audio Track", "")
	# lower case
	d = string.lower(d)
	# retrieve accents
	d = string.replace(d, "", "a")
	d = string.replace(d, "", "e")
	d = string.replace(d, "\xcc\x81", "")
	d = string.replace(d, "", "e")
	d = string.replace(d, "", "e")
	d = string.replace(d, "", "i")
	d = string.replace(d, "", "o")
	d = string.replace(d, "", "u")
	d = string.replace(d, "", "u")
	d = string.replace(d, "", "c")
	# retrieve special characters
	d = string.replace(d, " ", "_")
	d = string.replace(d, "-", "_")
	d = string.replace(d, ":", "_")
	d = string.replace(d, ";", "_")
	d = string.replace(d, ",", "")
	d = string.replace(d, "~1", "")

	# if there are several points leave the last one
	splits = d.split('.')
	if len(splits)>2:
		body = ''
		for split in splits[0:-1]: body += split
		ext  = splits[-1]
		body = string.replace(body, ".", "_")
		d = body+'.'+ext
	# chek the numbering (at least three numbers filled with zeros)

	return d

# Vincent Rioux, 2003.
# Tutorial, Language Ref, Libraries.