The spectral envelope and signal viewing application VIEWENV was written to allow for easy interactive testing and evaluation of the algorithms for spectral envelope estimation. All of the important parameters for the different estimation algorithms are directly accessible, either by numerical entry or by intuitive sliders, and changes are reflected immediately in the graphical output. Special care has been taken to facilitate comparing different algorithms, or different parameter settings for the same algorithm.
VIEWENV was written using the MATLAB programming environment, taking advantage of the high-level mathematical functions which are provided, and the rapid prototyping style of programming, due to MATLAB being an interpreted language.
In the following, I will describe the program from two different viewpoints. First, in section 2, aimed at the user who wants to view envelopes or visualize the effect of parameters, second, in section 3 for the developer who wants to extend the program by new algorithms or functions.
Finally, some useful general purpose
functions were written in the course of the development, which are
documented in section .
This documentation is also available as a stand-alone document on the web under http://....