I would like to thank the following people, without whom this project would have been much harder to accomplish, or not possible at all:
Xavier Rodet for accepting me into the analysis/synthesis team, for
the interesting subject and countless suggestions, Prof. Dr. Rul
Gunzenhäuser for agreeing to examine the work, Prof. Dr. Klaus
Lagally for his unbureaucratic approach and encouraging of the
endeavor, Katharina Mehner for more understanding and support than can
be asked for and for her critical revision and comments of the report,
Margret Schwarz and Rudolf Schwarz for laying the basis for all this
to be possible, Andrew Brown for a steady dose of philosophy and his
incredible accuracy pinning flawed thoughts, Marcelo Wanderley for the
fruitful discussions and structured comments, Marine Campedel for the
cheerful sharing of her knowledge, Geoffroy Peeters for ``un
p'tit café?'' and the music, Christoph Vergez for his good humor
and the practical tips, Rémi Gribonval for ideas on wavelets, Adrien
Lefèvre for the nice environment, Natalie Henrich for being my first
fearless user and perseverant -tester