Info Sheet

Mental Obsessions are Dirk Rockendorf and Diemo Schwarz , both of age 25 and studying, who have been playing music together for a couple of years now. They started the current project in fall 1994.

Mental Obsessions can't be pressed into performing one special style. Rather, they experiment with all different ways of expression. That's why no single song can represent their entire music. One can only try to describe it:

Mental Obsessions deliberately keep specific properties of music to develop their typical tension between well known elements and ones you never heard before.

The lyrics play an important part, as well. They are meant to amplify the effect of a song by interpreting its atmosphere, thereby condensing it. Mental Obsessions want to put forward a point against the prevailing notion of normality and ideal of beauty. That's why their main topic are people who are in some sense obsessed or abnormal.