Extensions and Applications of the
SDIF Sound Description Interchange Format
International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2000), Berlin, August 2000
This paper concentrates on recent extensions and applications of
the well established SDIF Sound Description Interchange Format:
SDIF selection is a standard way to access a part of an SDIF
file. It allows users to select SDIF frames of a certain type and
time, and certain parts of the matrix data. It can be appended to a
file name, making it easy to use for command-line programs. Other
applications include choosing output description types, or mapping them
to display modes or actions, e.g., when converting from untyped legacy
Foreign programming language interfaces allow processing of SDIF
data by languages other than C. Interfaces and support functions for
Lisp (CLOS) and Matlab are presented.
Dispatching file I/O is a new programming style to be supported
by Ircam's SDIF library. Users of the library specify a set of
callback functions each with an SDIF selection indicating the frames
and matrices that should be passed to that callback. The library takes
care of reading the file, and dispatches selected SDIF data to the
appropriate callback(s). Writing works analogously.
The applications described in this paper include utility programs
for Unix and Macintosh for conversion, viewing, extracting, and merging
of SDIF,
the integration of SDIF into the widely used software-systems
Additive, jMax, Max/MSP, Diphone, OpenMusic, and the synergetic effects
We propose an SDIF Frame Directory, which allows rapid random
access to data at a given time in an SDIF file by recording the file
position, type, time, and other information about each data frame in
an SDIF file.
- SDIF Selection
- Programming Interfaces
- Applications
- SDIF Frame Directory
- Conclusions and Future Work
- References
1 Introduction
Seeing that SDIF, the open, portable, well-defined, extensible Sound
Description Interchange Format [Wright, Chaudhary, Freed, Khoury & Wessel, 1999], is now well
established and accepted within the computer music community, this paper
concentrates on recent SDIF extensions and applications.
Most of these are implemented in Ircam's and Cnmat's free SDIF libraries for
Unix, Windows, and Macintosh that can be downloaded from
http://www.ircam.fr/sdif and http://www.cnmat.berkeley.edu/SDIF.
The following sections are ordered to minimize forward references:
Section 2 presents the SDIF selection, section 3 programming
interfaces to the SDIF library, and section 4 new applications of SDIF.
They are followed by a proposal for an SDIF frame directory in section 5,
and conclusions in section 6.
2 SDIF Selection
SDIF files can contain aggregates of different sound descriptions for
one or multiple sound objects, hence the need to address a subset of
these. The SDIF selection defines a syntax convention to specify a part of
the data of an SDIF file. For example, certain time ranges, certain
streams, certain frame or matrix types, or certain rows or columns of
the SDIF matrices can be selected. This selection specification can
be conveniently added to a file name, so that command-line programs
transparently inherit powerful selection capabilities. They only have
to use a selection-aware SDIF library, such as Ircam's, which takes
care of parsing and executing the selection.
There are more applications for the SDIF selection syntax: It can choose the
output description type of programs, or can map them to display modes or
2.1 Selection Syntax
The syntax for a filename, possibly including the directory path, with
an SDIF selection is:
The start of the selection specification is marked by the last
`::' occurring, followed by 6 optional selection elements. This way,
there is no ambiguity with filenames containing the selection element
The order of the selection elements is not significant, and
the selection specification can contain white space
All element specifications can be comma-separated lists of values.
Numerical specifications can also be ranges
lower-upper, or delta ranges
value+delta, selecting the range from value-delta to
The element markers have been chosen to minimize clashes with Unix shell special
characters. Their mnemonics and meanings are:
#stream-id as with ``number'' or $stream-id2 as with ``stream'' selects all streams with the given numbers or
- :frame/matrix, as in a file hierarchy, selects the
data with matching signatures. If only the frame element is present, all
matrices are selected. If only the matrix element is given, all matrices of
that type are selected, independent of the frames they occur in. This allows,
for instance, to view all comments in 1CMT matrices in a file.
- .column as in a C-struct and _row as in a LATEX
index select a sub-matrix in the selected matrices.
Beware that column, and sometimes row and matrix selections can produce invalid
SDIF output lacking required columns for a given matrix type or required
matrices for a given frame type. However, it is very useful to be able to do
this for external analysis of the data in an SDIF file. SDIF tools should
check if it is allowed to select columns or rows. If it is, the order of the
column and row selection is significant, allowing re-ordering.
Columns can be given either as a number or as a name. The column names are
given by the matrix type definition3.
- @time, as in English ``at time t'', selects the frames in the
given time range.
For example, to specify the part of the SDIF file piano.sdif which is contained
in stream number 1 in 1HRM frames and matrices, and to select only
columns 3 and 2 (amplitude and frequency) of rows 1 through 50 (the first fifty
partials appearing in each matrix), between the times 1.999 and 2.001, you can
piano.sdif :: #1 :1HRM /1HRM .3,2 _1-50 @2+0.001
As a shortcut, if the first selection element is the frame, you
can drop the frame element marker ':'. So, instead of
filename:::frame@cetera it is
2.2 Applications
The SDIF selection defines a syntax and a standard semantics for
programs reading SDIF files: Specifying a file name plus a selection
is exactly equivalent to removing all but the selection from the SDIF
file and then specifying that new file (which can be empty).
Implementing that semantics is made very easy in the Ircam SDIF
library by high level functions: Opening a file automatically parses
the selection specification, the
SdifFReadNextSelectedFrameHeader4 and
SdifFCurrMatrixIsSelected functions find selected frames and
matrices for you, and there are functions which perform the row and
column mapping given by the selection.
All Ircam SDIF tools accept an SDIF selection for reading.
This works also with standard input, using as filename
::select-spec or -::select-spec.
For writing, the selection can be used to specify the output description
type. For example, in Ircam's converter programs from untyped ASCII data
to SDIF, you can choose 1HRM or 1TRC output for partial data, or
the output type of the ubiquitous two-column break-point function files:
bpftosdif glass.f0 glass.sdif::1FQ0/1FQ0
As these programs also read SDIF, we immediately have
an SDIF type converter (use at your own risk).
The selection can also choose the display mode of description types. In
the Matlab application ViewEnv [Schwarz, 1998], for instance, the x- and
y-axis for frame-wise plotting are given by the column selection. Thus,
mongol.sdif::/1HRM,1TRC.2,3 as filename would plot partial amplitude
over frequency.
The SDIF selection can also be used for mapping actions to description
types, e.g.: ``Edit this frame type with that program''.
3 Programming Interfaces
This section treats programming language interfaces (APIs) for foreign
languages and for C, that allow using the functionality of the SDIF library by
The advantages of using the library via one of these interfaces, vs. rewriting
the functionality are evident: The programmer profits immediately from all the
capabilities of the library, some of which might not be possible at all with a
foreign language, and from all future enhancements of the library.
Interfaces to other languages, such as Perl or Java, are being considered.® conclusion?
3.1 Matlab
The SDIF interface for the mathematical modelling and programming language
Matlab is realized using its ``mex'' extension interface, based on
dynamic link libraries. Its present version allows to read and write SDIF
files frame-wise. It is particularly straightforward to use, because the
fundamental object of Matlab is the matrix of numbers, which nicely matches
the base concept of SDIF. The mex binaries can be downloaded from
For reading, the loadsdif mex-function is called with a
filename argument to open an SDIF file, returning header data (1NVT
name--value tables). An optional argument can specify a types file with
private description type definitions. Subsequent calls read and return one
matrix a time, along with the frame time, stream ID, and frame and matrix
signatures. An empty matrix signals end-of-file.
A further call with the
argument 'close' closes the file. This function is aware of the SDIF
selection appended to the filename, returning only the selected data.
For writing, the writesdif mex-function opens a file when
called with a filename argument. Again, a private types file can be specified.
Frames with any number of matrices can be written by one call with the
arguments stream ID, frame time, frame signature and one pair matrix
signature, matrix data per matrix. A further call with the argument
'close' closes the file5.
Some support functions have been written in the Matlab programming
language itself to further simplify using SDIF:
To check the existence of an SDIF file, and whether its file
header is correct, you can use the function sdifexist.
- To load an entire SDIF file at once, preserving its frame/matrix
structure, you can use loadsdiffile. It returns a cell array of
matrices, and arrays of frame time, stream, and signature.
- For even more straightforward access, loadsdifflat loads all
selected data from an SDIF file into one Matlab matrix, concatenating the
SDIF matrices vertically, the frame time being inserted as the first column.
Optionally, it also returns arrays for the stream ID, frame and matrix
signatures, and indices that link frames to their matrices. For this to be
possible, the user has to make sure that all selected matrices have the same
number of columns, which can always be achieved using a column selection. For
m = loadsdifflat('piano.sdif::/1HRM.2,3_1')only one example
loads the first partial of any additive analysis data found in file
piano.sdif into the matrix m. Its columns are: frame time,
partial frequency, partial amplitude. Similarly,
f = loadsdifflat('f0.sdif::1FQ0/1FQ0.1')
plot(f(:,1), f(:,2))
loads and plots the fundamental frequency break-point function
over time from file f0.sdif.
- writesdiffile and writesdifflat are the
counterparts of the respective load functions. They write a complete
SDIF file, using the same representation of the data to be written as
is returned by loadsdiffile and loadsdifflat. For your
convenience, the stream ID and signature parameters can be scalars if
they stay the same throughout the file.
3.2 Lisp
The functions of Ircam's SDIF library have been made directly callable from
the Lisp dialect CLOS (Common Lisp Object System) on Macintosh by Carlos
Agon. This forms the basis of OpenMusic, described in section 4.3. The functions
allow reading of frame header and matrix data, searching for data
according to the selection, accessing and setting file header data
needed by certain Ircam applications6, and writing frames and
CLOS allows calling the functions of a dynamic C-library directly. It can also
access all scalar C-types, including pointers (it cannot dereference them,
though). Because the Ircam SDIF library follows an object-oriented
design, all manipulations are carried out on the
library's basic objects (SDIF file, frame and matrix headers, selection,
list, hash) by calling access functions with the object pointers.
3.3 Dispatching File I/O
For more efficient usage of the library, and better shielding of the
programmer from the details of reading and writing SDIF, a callback-oriented
API will be made available as part of the Ircam SDIF library. It supports an
alternative programming style for reading and writing by using a ``read/write
manager''. Users of the library specify callback functions associated with one
SDIF selection each. The library takes care of reading/writing one or more
files, and dispatches selected SDIF data to the appropriate callback(s).
Writing works analogously: each callback is called in turn to provide data to
be written to one or possibly several files by the library.
The callbacks can
be from independent modules of a system, each handling
different parts of SDIF files.
4 Applications
4.1 Utilities
These utilities for Unix and Macintosh are part of the Ircam SDIF library:
- querysdif
- Displays a summary of the data in an SDIF file, and the
ASCII header information, in 1NVT name--value tables and others, e.g.:
Data in file piano-res.sdif (4792 bytes):
1 1REB frames in stream 1 between time 0.0 and\
0.0 containing
1 1RES matrices with max. 174 rows, 5 columns
1 1CHA matrices with max. 174 rows, 1 columns
4 1NOI frames in stream 2 between time 0.0 and\
1.3 containing
4 1DIS matrices with max. 1 rows, 2 columns
- sdifextract
- Uses the SDIF selection to output part of the data of an
SDIF file. The output can be in one of the 3 formats SDIF, multi-bpf (text
lines of frame time and all selected columns), or in the frame-oriented text
format of Additive. For example, to view the confidence of a pitch estimate
over time, pipe the output into the bpf-plotter XSedit:
sdifextract -bpf mongol.sdif::1FQ0.2 | XSedit
- sdiftotext, texttosdif
- Converts to text form and back to SDIF, while
preserving the frame and matrix structure.
- pmconvert
- Convert between Additive text and binary formats and SDIF,
deducing the types from the filename extensions. It is the basis of a
Macintosh drag&drop converter, distributed with Diphone
[Rodet & Lefèvre, 1997].
- formattosdif, fmttosdif, picstosdif, f0tosdif, sdiftoformat, sdiftofmt,
- Aliases to pmconvert with fixed input/output types, SDIF
input allowing SDIF selection.
Cnmat's SDIF library provides these SDIF
- spew-sdif
- Print all data in an SDIF file, checking it for validity
- copy-sdif
- Copy an SDIF file by parsing it and writing each frame
header and matrix to the new file (pedagogical example program)
- sf2sdif, sdif2sf
- Convert a sound file to an SDIF file with 1TDS
frames, vice versa to one or more sound file(s)
- dotformat2sdif, f0tosdif, F0tosdif, pics2sdif, i2sdif, res2sdif
- Conversion utilities from legacy analysis result formats
- merge-sdif
- Combine 2 or more SDIF files into a single SDIF file,
renumbering streams if necessary
4.2 Sound Analysis--Synthesis
Ircam's additive sinusoidal analysis--synthesis packages Additive,
Partial++, and Hmm all read and write pitch and partial data in
SDIF. So does Diphone, which also analyses and synthesizes resonance model
and FOF data for Chant in SDIF.
A general SDIF reader/writer has been integrated into jMax
[Déchelle, Schnell, Borghesi & Orio, 2000] by Patrice Tisserand. The reader/writer for Max/MSP
[Wright, Dudas, Khoury, Wang & Zicarelli, 1999] has been improved: An SDIF-buffer may now hold any
number of SDIF streams, and MSP can now look up data in an SDIF stream based on
"relative" time, a ratio from zero (the smallest time-tag in the stream) to one
(the largest), rather than giving an absolute time in seconds.
Cnmat's Open Sound World [Chaudhary, Freed & Wright, 2000] real time
synthesis and processing environment also includes support for SDIF.
The Analysis--Synthesis Comparison panel session at ICMC 2000 has been a
major impetus for the adoption of SDIF outside of Ircam and Cnmat. The idea
of the panel is all participants analyse the same set of input sound files with
their various analysis--synthesis software, writing results as SDIF files. This
allows a meaningful and interesting comparison of subtle and not-so-subtle
differences among the different analysis techniques.
Here is the list of participants in the comparison session at the time of
writing this paper:
Additive [Rodet, 1997],
Hmm [Depalle, Garcia & Rodet, 1993],
Loris [Fitz, Haken & Chirstensen, 2000], MDSynth [Wakefield, 1998], Partial++, SINOLA [Peeters & Rodet, 1999],
SNDAN [Beauchamp, 1993],
SMS [Serra, Bonada, Herrera & Loureiro, 1997]. All have committed to supporting SDIF input and output with their analysis--synthesis systems.
4.3 Computer Aided Composition
OpenMusic [Assayag, Rueda, Laurson, Agon & Delerue, 1999] is an object-oriented visual programming environment for
music composers, based on CLOS (section 3.2). Objects are symbolized by
icons and operations are performed by dragging an icon from a particular place
and dropping it onto another. A multitude of classes implementing musical data
and behaviour are provided. They are associated with graphical editors and may
be visually subclassed by the user to meet specific needs.
SDIF files and access functions from the Lisp interface (section 3.2)
are reified as graphical classes and methods. These allow high-level
access to SDIF data (see figure 1), editing, and writing.
An application of SDIF in OpenMusic for synthesis is described in
[Assayag, Agon & Stroppa, 2000]: generation of control data for the Chant-synthesizer.
Figure 1: Reading from an SDIF file with OpenMusic
5 SDIF Frame Directory
Many applications would benefit from rapid random access to data at a given
time in an SDIF file, without scanning the whole file. We propose a way to add
a frame directory to an SDIF file, which records the file position, type, time,
and other information about each data frame occurring in the file.
The SDIF frame directory is best represented as a normal SDIF description
type. Thus, programs unaware of this extension can ignore it completely.
However, as soon as a program uses a directory-aware SDIF library, the frame
directory will be generated and used automatically, e.g. for SDIF selection.
According to our proposition, an SDIF file with a frame directory looks like in
figure 2. The directory pointer is the first frame of the file,
containing the file position of the directory so that it can be found
immediately. The SDIF directory contains the stream IDs, signatures, times,
and file positions of all SDIF data frames.
Figure 2: Schema of an SDIF file with frame directory
5.1 Representation of the Directory
An SDIF Directory is represented as a 1DIR SDIF frame. Its time is the time
of the last data frame, to preserve the time ordering, as stipulated
by the SDIF standard.
The SDIF directory consists of directory entries, one for each data frame.
The directory pointer is an SDIF directory itself with a single entry,
recording the file position of the SDIF directory frame.
To represent the directory entries, we propose a flat representation,
which stores the entries as one list of tuples of frame time,
signature, stream ID, position. Although introducing
redundancy, it offers the most efficient handling and access of the directory.
A detailed discussion of the representation can be found on Ircam's
SDIF pages at
The list of directory entries is represented in two SDIF Matrices IDIR
and 1DIR as shown below, with their data types and column names. One entry is
constituted by corresponding rows from the matrices.
IDIR double {time}
1DIR uint32 {frame-type, stream-id, filepos}
5.2 More Details on Representation
File positions are represented by the number of bytes counting from the
start of the file, usable with fseek().7
The directory pointer is an SDIF directory containing
a single entry: the file and time position of the SDIF directory it points to.
Even if we don't write the SDIF directory, each file should include a null
directory pointer right after the header, which can be used as the standard
place to store the size and end time of a file.
Extension of the SDIF directory is possible by adding
more information about the frames as additional matrices in the 1DIR frame, or
additional columns in the matrices, which are ignored by other programs.
Updating and consistency: When the frame time, type, or stream ID get
overwritten, the directory has to be updated or invalidated by setting the
directory pointer to null.
On re-writing a file, the library would regenerate the SDIF directory. To
catch the worst case in which programs change or add some data, and
pass the rest through, not being aware of the special meaning of the directory,
some sanity checks are performed: First, the target position of the directory
pointer can be checked if it actually contains the SDIF directory, if the frame
time is correct, and if it is the last frame in the file. Second, every access
through the directory can be validated by cross-checking if the frame found at
the recorded position is really of the recorded type, time, and stream.
5.3 Design Decisions to be Taken
Before our proposal of an SDIF frame directory is standardised, some design
decisions have to be made, based on questions like: What is the most frequent
access/query on a directory? It will probably be something like: Where is the
frame of stream n with type 1ABC closest to time xyz?
How often do updates within a file occur versus appends, or do files normally
get rewritten when they are edited?
This determines whether to support multiple SDIF
directories: The definition could be extended to allow later addition of data
to an existing SDIF file, without having to rewrite its frame directory. The
SDIF directory would then end with a directory pointer, containing the file
position of the next directory for data that has been appended, so that we get
a linked list of SDIF directories.
6 Conclusions and Future Work
The synergetic effects of the interchange standard SDIF are already visible:
OpenMusic generates control data for Chant and jMax, Diphone edits data for
jMax and soon will work as a generic SDIF data editor.
All applications will immediately benefit from direct access through the SDIF
directory. Notably Diphone, OpenMusic, and all applications using the SDIF
selection will only have to be relinked with the enhanced Ircam SDIF library.
An important extension is the SDIF Stream Relationships Language,
discussed in [Wright, Chaudhary, Freed, Khoury, Momeni, Schwarz & Wessel, 2000], a formal language
for describing the relationships between streams in an SDIF file, based on XML.
We are working to define an XML-based formal SDIF Type Definition
Language for defining description types, to replace Ircam's 1TYP
frames. It would define the matrices that must appear in a frame of a given
type, define the required and optional columns of a given matrix type,
including name, units, and legal ranges, and define the legal matrix data types
for each matrix type.
The extensions described here constitute considerable enhancements for SDIF
users (utilities and selection), programmers (foreign languages and APIs), and
existing and future applications (frame directory), thus accelerating the
proliferation of the SDIF format in a multitude of fields and applications.
The authors wish to thank Xavier Rodet, Carlos Agon, Amar Chaudhary,
and David Wessel for their support with this article.
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- 1
- To specify a filename containing `::' itself, simply
append `::', which means an empty selection matching all data.
- 2
- The dollar sign can be used in URLs instead of #, which has a
special meaning there. This is to allow selections with an SDIF-aware web
- 3
- For the moment, types are defined
in Ircam's 1TYP frames, later in an XML-based language.
- 4
- This function will
later make use of the SDIF frame, directory described in section 5, for
direct access to selected frames.
- 5
- This will in future automatically write
the SDIF directory (section 5).
- 6
- Name--value tables in
1NVT frames for spectral envelopes and bookkeeping information, stream
info tables in 1IDS frames for Chant.
- 7
- In 32 bits, we could
then have files up to 4 GB in size. As soon as this will be not enough for a
future application, we can use 2DIR frames with 64 bit file
This document was translated from LATEX by