BibTeX entries in bib/psychoac.bib

  author        = {B. C. J. Moore},
  title         = {{An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing}},
  publisher     = {Academic Press Limited},
  edition       = {3rd},
  year          = {1989},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{cslu:esca98mm}: masking effects},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {Patrick Susini and Stephen McAdams and Suzanne Winsberg},
  title         = {Caractérisation perceptive des bruits de véhicules},
  booktitle     = {Actes du $4^{\textrm{ème}}$ Congrès Français d'Acoustique},
  publisher     = {Société Française d'Acoustique},
  month         = {April},
  year          = {1997},
  address       = {Marseille},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {Anne Faure and Stephen McAdams},
  title         = {Comparaison de profils sémantiques et de l'espace perceptif de timbres musicaux},
  booktitle     = {Actes du $4^{\textrm{ème}}$ Congrès Français d'Acoustique},
  publisher     = {Société Française d'Acoustique},
  month         = {April},
  year          = {1997},
  address       = {Marseille},
  note          = {},
  url           = {},
  remarks       = {Mapping of semantic profiles (letting subjects choose descriptive words for timbre) to perceptual dimensions. Some references: Faure96, Grey77, Krimphoff94, Krumhansl89, McAdams95, Tversky77},
  abstract      = {The purpuse of this study is to compare semantical profiles and perceptual dimensions of musical timbre. In a previous experiment, we extracted 23 most often used verbal attributes from spontaneous verbalizations describing similarities and differences between pairs of timbres and we tried to compare their use with the relative positions of timbres along each perceptual dimension. In this experiment, we used a VAME paradigm to test more quantitatively these verbal attributes. 12 synthetic sounds were presented and rated on each of the 23 unipolar semantic scales. Several distances (ether euclidien or from Tversky's model of similarity) between timbres were then calculated and the MDS semantical models obtained were compared to perceptual one. The structure of semantical and perceptual models differed a lot and the correlations with the semantical scales leads us to prefer a model in two dimensions without specificities derived from a distance directly obtained from Tversky's mod},

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