BibTeX entries in bib/specenv.bib

  author        = {Diemo Schwarz},
  title         = {{Spectral Envelopes in Sound Analysis and Synthesis}},
  type          = {{Diplomarbeit Nr. 1622}},
  school        = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik},
  address       = {Stuttgart, Germany},
  month         = {June},
  year          = {1998},
  url           = {},
  official-url  = {},
  abstract      = {In this project, Spectral Envelopes in Sound Analysis and Synthesis, various methods for estimation, representation, file storage, manipulation, and application of spectral envelopes to sound synthesis were evaluated, improved, and implemented. A prototyping and testing environment was developed, and a function library to handle spectral envelopes was designed and implemented. For the estimation of spectral envelopes, after defining the requirements, the methods LPC, cepstrum, and discrete cepstrum were examined, and also improvements of the discrete cepstrum method (regularization, stochastic (or probabilistic) smoothing, logarithmic frequency scaling, and adding control points). An evaluation with a large corpus of sound data showed the feasibility of discrete cepstrum spectral envelope estimation. After defining the requirements for the representation of spectral envelopes, filter coefficients, spectral representation, break-point functions, splines, formant representation, and high resolution matching pursuit were examined. A combined spectral representation with indication of the regions of formants (called fuzzy formants) was defined to allow for integration of spectral envelopes with precise formant descriptions. For file storage, new data types were defined for the Sound Description Interchange Format (SDIF) standard. Methods for manipulation were examined, especially interpolation between spectral envelopes, and between spectral envelopes and formants, and other manipulations, based on primitive operations on spectral envelopes. For sound synthesis, application of spectral envelopes to additive synthesis, and time-domain or frequency-domain filtering have been examined. For prototyping and testing of the algorithms, a spectral envelope viewing program was developed. Finally, the spectral envelope library, offering complete functionality of spectral envelope handling, was developed according to the principles of software engineering.},
  author        = {D. Schwarz},
  title         = {{\emph{Spectral Envelopes in Sound Analysis and Synthesis}}},
  type          = {{Diplomarbeit Nr. 1622}},
  school        = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik},
  address       = {Stuttgart, Germany},
  year          = {1998},
  author        = {D. Schwarz},
  title         = {{\emph{Spectral Envelopes in Sound Analysis and Synthesis}}},
  type          = {{Diplomarbeit}},
  school        = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Informatik},
  year          = {1998},
  editor        = {James Beauchamp},
  title         = {{The Sound of Music}},
  publisher     = {{Springer}},
  address       = {{New York}},
  year          = {2000},
  author        = {Xavier Rodet and Diemo Schwarz},
  title         = {{Spectral Envelopes and Additive+Residual Analysis-Synthesis}},
  note          = {In J.~Beauchamp, ed. \newblock {\em The Sound of Music}. \newblock Springer, New York, to be published 2000},
  author        = {X. Rodet and D. Schwarz},
  title         = {{Spectral Envelopes and Additive+\hspace{0pt}Residual Analysis-Synthesis}},
  note          = {In J.~Beauchamp, ed. \newblock {\em The Sound of Music}. \newblock Springer, N.Y., to be published},
  author        = {J. N. Holmes},
  title         = {{Formant synthesizers: Cascade or Parallel}},
  booktitle     = {{Speech Communication}},
  year          = {1983},
  volume        = {2},
  pages         = {251--273},
  author        = {J. N. Holmes},
  title         = {{Formant synthesizers: Cascade or Parallel}},
  booktitle     = {{Speech Communication}},
  volume        = {2},
  year          = {1983},
  author        = {Richard Wesley Hamming},
  title         = {{Digital Filters}},
  publisher     = {Prentice--Hall},
  series        = {Signal Processing Series},
  address       = {Englewood Cliffs},
  year          = {1977},
  author        = {R. W. Hamming},
  title         = {{Digital Filters}},
  publisher     = {Prentice--Hall},
  series        = {Signal Processing Series},
  year          = {1977},
  author        = {Freed, A. and Rodet, X. and Depalle, Ph.},
  title         = {{Performance, Synthesis and Control of Additive Synthesis on a Desktop Computer Using FFT$^{-1}$}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the 19th International Computer Music Conference},
  address       = {Waseda University Center for Scholarly Information},
  year          = {1993},
  publisher     = {International Computer Music Association},
  url           = {http://cnmat.CNMAT.Berkeley.EDU/~adrian/FFT-1/FFT-1_ICMC93.html},
  author        = {Freed, A. and Rodet, X. and Depalle, Ph.},
  title         = {{Performance, Synthesis and Control of Additive Synthesis on a Desktop Computer Using FFT$^{-1}$}},
  booktitle     = {Proc. ICMC},
  year          = {1993},
  author        = {Xavier Serra and Jordi Bonada and Perfecto Herrera and Ramon Loureiro},
  title         = {{Integrating complementary spectral models in the design of a musical synthesizer}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference},
  year          = {1997},
  url           = {},
  author        = {X. Serra and J. Bonada and P. Herrera and R. Loureiro},
  title         = {{Integrating Complementary Spectral Models in the Design of a Musical Synthesizer}},
  booktitle     = {Proc. ICMC},
  year          = {1997},
  author        = {Marine Campedel Oudot},
  title         = {{\'E}tude du mod\`ele ``sinusoïdes et bruit'' pour le traitement de la parole. Estimation robuste de l'enveloppe spectrale},
  type          = {Th\`ese},
  school        = {Ecole Nationale Sup\'erieure des T\'el\'ecommunications},
  address       = {Paris, France},
  month         = {November},
  year          = {1998},
  author        = {M. Campedel Oudot},
  title         = {{\'E}tude du mod\`ele sinusoïdes et bruit pour le traitement de la parole. Estimation robuste de l'enveloppe spectrale},
  type          = {Th\`ese},
  school        = {ENST},
  address       = {Paris},
  year          = {1998},
  author        = {François Déchelle and Maurizio De Cecco and Enzo Maggi and Norbert Schnell},
  title         = {{{\it jMax} Recent Developments}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference},
  year          = {1999},
  note          = {},
  author        = {F. Déchelle and M. DeCecco and E. Maggi and N. Schnell},
  title         = {{{\it jMax} Recent Developments}},
  booktitle     = {Proc. ICMC},
  year          = {1999},
  author        = {Fran\c{c}ois D\'echelle and Norbert Schnell and Ricardo Borghesi and Nicolas Orio},
  title         = {{The {\it jMax} Environment: An Overview of New Features}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference},
  address       = {Berlin},
  year          = {2000},
  note          = {},
  author        = {F. D\'echelle and N. Schnell and R. Borghesi and N. Orio},
  title         = {{The {\it jMax} Environment: An Overview of New Features}},
  booktitle     = {Proc. ICMC},
  address       = {Berlin},
  year          = {2000},
  note          = {},
  author        = {Fitz, K. and Haken, L. and Holloway, B.},
  title         = {{Lemur -- A Tool for Timbre Manipulation}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference},
  pages         = {158--161},
  address       = {Banff},
  month         = {September},
  year          = {1995},
  author        = {Fitz, K. and Haken, L. and Holloway, B.},
  title         = {{Lemur -- A Tool for Timbre Manipulation}},
  booktitle     = {Proc. ICMC},
  year          = {1995},
  author        = {R. Gribonval and E. Bacry and S. Mallat and Ph. Depalle and X. Rodet},
  title         = {{Analysis of Sound Signals with High Resolution Matching Pursuit}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the IEEE Time--Frequency and Time--Scale Workshop (TFTS)},
  year          = {1996},
  note          = {\bibasurl},
  url           = {\url{}},
  author        = {R. Gribonval and Ph. Depalle and X. Rodet and E. Bacry and S. Mallat},
  title         = {{Sound Signal Decomposition using a High Resolution Matching Pursuit}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)},
  location      = {Clear Water Bay, Hong-Kong},
  month         = {August},
  year          = {1996},
  note          = {\bibasurl},
  abstract-url  = {\url{}},
  url           = {\url{}},
  author        = {Xavier Rodet},
  title         = {{Time-Domain Formant-Wave-Function Synthesis}},
  journal       = {Computer Music Journal},
  volume        = {8},
  number        = {3},
  month         = {Fall},
  year          = {1984},
  pages         = {9--14},
  note          = {reprinted from \cite{fof2}},
  author        = {X. Rodet},
  title         = {{Time-Domain Formant-Wave-Function Synthesis}},
  journal       = {Computer Music Journal},
  month         = {Fall},
  year          = {1984},
  editor        = {J. C. Simon},
  title         = {{Spoken Language Generation and Understanding}},
  publisher     = {{D. Reidel Publishing Company}},
  address       = {{Dordrecht, Holland}},
  year          = {1980},
  author        = {Xavier Rodet and Yves Potard and Jean--Baptiste Barri\`ere},
  title         = {{The {\sc Chant}--Project: From the Synthesis of the Singing Voice to Synthesis in General}},
  journal       = {Computer Music Journal},
  volume        = {8},
  number        = {3},
  month         = {Fall},
  year          = {1984},
  pages         = {15--31},
  author        = {X. Rodet and Y. Potard and J.--B. Barri\`ere},
  title         = {{The {\sc Chant}--Project: From the Synthesis of the Singing Voice to Synthesis in General}},
  journal       = {Computer Music Journal},
  month         = {Fall},
  year          = {1984},
  author        = {Xavier Rodet and Yves Potard and Jean--Baptiste Barri\`ere},
  title         = {{CHANT: de la synth\`ese de la voix chant\'ee \`a la synth\`ese en g\'en\'eral}},
  journal       = {{Rapports de recherche IRCAM}},
  address       = {Paris},
  year          = {1985},
  note          = {\bibhttp{}},
  author        = {Dominique Virolle},
  title         = {{La Librairie CHANT: Manuel d'utilisation des fonctions en C}},
  month         = {April},
  year          = {1997},
  note          = {\bibhttp{}},
  author        = {Thierry Galas and Xavier Rodet},
  title         = {{An Improved Cepstral Method for Deconvolution of Source--Filter Systems with Discrete Spectra: Application to Musical Sound Signals}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)},
  address       = {Glasgow},
  month         = {September},
  year          = {1990},
  notes         = {dcep with cloud, some pictures, middle (3 pages)},
  author        = {Thierry Galas and Xavier Rodet},
  title         = {{Generalized Discrete Cepstral Analysis for Deconvolution of Source--Filter Systems with Discrete Spectra}},
  booktitle     = {IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics},
  address       = {New Paltz, New York},
  month         = {October},
  year          = {1991},
  notes         = {dcep with cloud, no pictures, short (2 pages)},
  author        = {Thierry Galas and Xavier Rodet},
  title         = {{Generalized Functional Approximation for Source--Filter System Modeling}},
  booktitle     = {Proc. Eurospeech},
  address       = {Geneve},
  year          = {1991},
  pages         = {1085--1088},
  notes         = {power spectrum modeling, all pole, dcep with cloud, log frequency, many pictures},
  author        = {Th. Galas and X. Rodet},
  title         = {{Generalized Functional Approximation for Source--Filter System Modeling}},
  booktitle     = {Proc. Eurospeech},
  year          = {1991},
  author        = {M. Oudot and O. Capp\'e and E. Moulines},
  title         = {{Robust Estimation of the Spectral Envelope for ``Harmonics+Noise'' Models}},
  booktitle     = {IEEE Workshop on Speech coding},
  address       = {Pocono Manor},
  month         = {September},
  year          = {1997},
  author        = {O. Capp\'{e} and M. Oudot and E. Moulines},
  title         = {{Spectral Envelope Estimation using a Penalized Likelihood Criterion}},
  booktitle     = {IEEE ASSP Workshop on App. of Sig. Proc. to Audio and Acoust.},
  address       = {Mohonk},
  month         = {October},
  year          = {1997},
  author        = {O. Capp\'{e} and E. Moulines},
  title         = {{Regularization Techniques for Discrete Cepstrum Estimation}},
  journal       = {IEEE Signal Processing Letters},
  volume        = {3},
  number        = {4},
  pages         = {100--102},
  month         = {April},
  year          = {1996},
  author        = {Xavier Rodet and Dominique François and Guillaume Levy},
  title         = {{Xspect: a New Motif Signal Visualisation, Analysis and Editing Program}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)},
  location      = {Hong Kong},
  month         = {August},
  year          = {1996},
  note          = {\bibhttp{}},
  author        = {Xavier Rodet and Dominique Fran\c{c}ois},
  title         = {{XSPECT: Introduction}},
  month         = {January},
  year          = {1996},
  note          = {\bibhttp{}},
  author        = {Ph. Depalle and G. Garcia and X. Rodet},
  title         = {{Tracking of Partials for Additive Sound Synthesis Using Hidden Markov Models}},
  note          = {\bibhttpa {Abstract} {}},
  pages         = {225--228},
  booktitle     = {IEEE Trans.},
  year          = {1993},
  month         = {April},
  author        = {Ph. Depalle and G. Garcia and X. Rodet},
  title         = {{Tracking of Partials for Additive Sound Synthesis Using Hidden Markov Models}},
  pages         = {225--228},
  booktitle     = {IEEE Trans.},
  year          = {1993},
  author        = {Xavier Rodet},
  title         = {{Musical Sound Signals Analysis/Synthesis: Sinusoidal+Residual and Elementary Waveform Models}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the IEEE Time--Frequency and Time--Scale Workshop (TFTS)},
  month         = {August},
  year          = {1997},
  note          = {\bibhttpa {Abstract} {}, \bibhttpa {PostScript}  {}},
  author        = {X. Rodet},
  title         = {{Musical Sound Signals Analysis/Synthesis: Sinusoidal+Residual and Elementary Waveform Models}},
  booktitle     = {Proc. IEEE Time--Frequency/Time--Scale Workshop},
  year          = {1997},
  author        = {Xavier Rodet},
  title         = {{The Additive Analysis--Synthesis Package}},
  year          = {1997},
  note          = {\bibhttp{}},
  author        = {Xavier Rodet and Adrien Lef\`evre},
  title         = {{The Diphone Program: New Features, new Synthesis Methods and Experience of Musical Use}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)},
  month         = {September},
  year          = {1997},
  address       = {Tessaloniki, Greece},
  note          = {\bibhttpa {Abstract} {}, \bibhttpa {PostScript}  {}},
  author        = {Xavier Rodet and Adrien Lef\`evre},
  title         = {{The Diphone Program: New Features, new Synthesis Methods and Experience of Musical Use}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)},
  month         = {September},
  year          = {1997},
  address       = {Tessaloniki, Greece},
  abstract-url  = {},
  postscript-url= {},
  author        = {X. Rodet and A. Lef\`evre},
  title         = {{The Diphone Program: New Features, new Synthesis Methods and Experience of Musical Use}},
  booktitle     = {Proc. ICMC},
  address       = {Tessaloniki},
  year          = {1997},
  author        = {Xavier Rodet and Phillipe Depalle},
  title         = {{A new additive synthesis method using inverse Fourier transform and spectral envelopes}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)},
  month         = {October},
  year          = {1992},
  author        = {Dominique Virolle},
  title         = {{Sound Description Interchange Format (SDIF)}},
  month         = {January},
  year          = {1998},
  note          = {\bibhttp{}},
  author        = {Fran\c{c}ois Dechelle and Maurizio DeCecco and Miller Puckette and David Zicarelli},
  title         = {{The IRCAM ``Real-Time Platform'': Evolution and Perspectives}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)},
  location      = {Aarhus, Danemark},
  year          = {1994},
  note          = {\bibhttp{}},
  author        = {Miller Puckette},
  title         = {{FTS: A Real-Time Monitor for Multiprocessor Music Synthesis}},
  journal       = {Computer Music Journal},
  volume        = {15},
  number        = {3},
  pages         = {58--67},
  month         = {Winter},
  year          = {1991},
  note          = {\bibhttpa {Available from} {}},
  author        = {Miller Puckette},
  title         = {{Combining Event and Signal Processing in the MAX Graphical Programming Environment}},
  journal       = {Computer Music Journal},
  volume        = {15},
  number        = {3},
  pages         = {68--77},
  month         = {Winter},
  year          = {1991},
  note          = {\bibhttpa {Available from} {}},
  author        = {Xavier Rodet and Phillipe Depalle and G. Poirot},
  title         = {{Speech Analysis and Synthesis Methods Based on Spectral Envelopes and Voiced/Unvoiced Functions}},
  booktitle     = {European Conference on Speech Tech.},
  location      = {Edinburgh},
  month         = {September},
  year          = {1987},
  author        = {X. Rodet and Ph. Depalle and G. Poirot},
  title         = {{Speech Analysis and Synthesis Methods Based on Spectral Envelopes and Voiced/Unvoiced Functions}},
  booktitle     = {European Conf. on Speech Tech.},
  location      = {Edinburgh},
  year          = {1987},
  author        = {Adrian Freed and Xavier Rodet and Phillipe Depalle},
  title         = {{Synthesis and Control of Hundreds of Sinusoidal Partials on a Desktop Computer without Custom Hardware}},
  booktitle     = {ICSPAT},
  location      = {San Jos\'e},
  year          = {1992},
  note          = {\bibhttp{}},
  notes         = {fft-1, fm, se better than BPF},
  author        = {A. Freed and X. Rodet and Ph. Depalle},
  title         = {{Synthesis and Control of Hundreds of Sinusoidal Partials on a Desktop Computer without Custom Hardware}},
  booktitle     = {ICSPAT},
  year          = {1992},
  author        = {Xavier Rodet and Philippe Depalle and Guillermo Garc\'{\i}a},
  title         = {{New Possibilities in Sound Analysis and Synthesis}},
  booktitle     = {ISMA},
  location      = {Dourdan},
  year          = {1995},
  note          = {\bibhttp {} \bibhttpa {PostScript} {}},
  notes         = {fft-1 + se, phys. models, ana/syn overview, farinelli},
  author        = {Philippe Depalle and Guillermo Garc\'{\i}a and Xavier Rodet},
  title         = {{A Virtual Castrato (!?)}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)},
  location      = {Aarhus, Danemark},
  year          = {1994},
  note          = {\bibhttp{}},
  author        = {Peter Wyngaard and Chris Rogers and Philippe Depalle},
  title         = {{UDI 2.1---A Unified DSP Interface}},
  year          = {1992},
  note          = {\bibhttp{}},
  author        = {Guillermo Garc\'{\i}a},
  title         = {{Pm: A library for additive analysis/transformation/synthesis}},
  month         = {July},
  year          = {1994},
  note          = {\bibhttp{}},
  author        = {Marcelo M. Wanderley and Norbert Schnell and Joseph Rovan},
  title         = {{ESCHER---Modeling and Performing composed Instruments in real-time}},
  booktitle     = {IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference},
  location      = {San Diego},
  month         = {October},
  year          = {1998},
  note          = {To be published},
  author        = {Nathalie Henrich},
  title         = {{Synth\`ese de la voix chant\'ee par r\`egles}},
  month         = {July},
  year          = {1998},
  publisher     = {IRCAM},
  address       = {Paris, France},
  note          = {{Rapport de stage D.E.A. Acoustique, Traitement de Signal et Informatique Appliqu\'es \`a la Musique}},
  author        = {Jason Meldrum},
  title         = {{The Z--Transform}},
  note          = {\bibhttpa {Online tutorial} {}},
  year          = {1997},
  author        = {Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer},
  title         = {Digital Signal Processing},
  year          = {1975},
  publisher     = {Prentice--Hall},
  editor        = {Alan V. Oppenheim},
  chapter       = {Digital Processing of Speech},
  title         = {Applications of Digital Signal Processing},
  pages         = {117--168},
  year          = {1978},
  publisher     = {Prentice--Hall},
  author        = {Stuart Rosen and Peter Howell},
  title         = {Signals and Systems for Speech and Hearing},
  year          = {1991},
  publisher     = {Academic Press},
  address       = {London},
  author        = {Curtis Roads},
  title         = {The Computer Music Tutorial},
  year          = {1996},
  publisher     = {MIT Press},
  author        = {J.D. Markel and A.H. Gray},
  title         = {{Linear Prediction of Speech}},
  publisher     = {Springer},
  year          = {1980},
  author        = {G. A. Merchant and T. W. Parks},
  title         = {{Efficient Solution of a Toeplitz--plus Hankel Coefficient Matrix System of Equations}},
  booktitle     = {IEEE TASSP},
  volume        = {30},
  pages         = {40--44},
  month         = {February},
  year          = {1982},
  author        = {Eberhard Zwicker},
  title         = {Psychoakustik},
  year          = {1982},
  publisher     = {Springer},
  author        = {Keith A. Teague and Walter Andrews and Buddy Walls},
  title         = {{Enhanced Modeling of Discrete Spectral Amplitudes}},
  booktitle     = {IEEE Workshop on Speech coding},
  address       = {Pocono Manor},
  month         = {September},
  year          = {1997},
  author        = {R. von Sachs},
  title         = {{Peak-insensitive non-parametric spectrum estimation}},
  booktitle     = {Journal of time series analysis},
  year          = {1994},
  volume        = {15},
  number        = {4},
  pages         = {429--452},
  author        = {J.C. Risset and M.V. Mathews},
  title         = {{Analysis of musical-instrument tones}},
  journal       = {Physics Today},
  volume        = {22},
  number        = {2},
  pages         = {23--30},
  month         = {February},
  year          = {1969},
  author        = {Michael Unser and Akram Aldroubi and Murray Eden},
  title         = {{B--Spline Signal Processing: \mbox{Part~I---Theory}}},
  volume        = {41},
  optnumber     = {2},
  pages         = {821--833},
  booktitle     = {IEEE Transactions on signal processing},
  year          = {1993},
  author        = {Tony Robinson},
  title         = {{Speech Analysis}},
  note          = {\bibhttpa {Online tutorial} {}},
  year          = {1998},
  author        = {S.~Mallat and S.~Zhong},
  title         = {{Characterization of Signals from Multiscale Edges}},
  journal       = {IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell.},
  year          = {1992},
  volume        = {40},
  number        = {7},
  pages         = {2464--2482},
  month         = {July},
  author        = {N.~Delprat and B.~Escudi\'e and P.~Guillemain and R.~Kronland-Martinet and Ph.~Tchamitchian and B.~Torr\'esani},
  title         = {Asymptotic Wavelet and Gabor Analysis~: Extraction of Instantaneous Frequency},
  optcrossref   = {},
  optkey        = {},
  journal       = {},
  year          = {1992},
  volume        = {38},
  number        = {2},
  pages         = {644--664},
  month         = {March},
  optnote       = {},
  optannote     = {},
  author        = {Ph.~Guillemain and R.~Kronland-Martinet},
  title         = {Characterization of Acoustic Signals Through Continuous Linear Time--Frequency Representations},
  optcrossref   = {},
  optkey        = {},
  journal       = {},
  year          = {1996},
  volume        = {84},
  number        = {4},
  pages         = {561--585},
  month         = {April},
  optnote       = {},
  optannote     = {},
  author        = {Stephane Mallat},
  title         = {{A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing}},
  publisher     = {AP Professional},
  address       = {London},
  year          = {1997},
  author        = {Y. T. Chan},
  title         = {{Wavelet Basics}},
  publisher     = {Kluwer Academic Publ.},
  address       = {Boston},
  year          = {1995},
  author        = {Barbara Burke Hubbard},
  title         = {{The World According to Wavelets: The Story of a Mathematical Technique in the Making}},
  publisher     = {A K Peters Ltd},
  year          = {1997},
  author        = {Aldroubi and Eden},
  title         = {Wavelet analysis and its applications},
  chapter       = {Polynomial Spline and Wavelets},
  publisher     = {???},
  year          = {???},
  volume        = {2},
  author        = {Hermann L. von Helmholtz},
  title         = {On the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music},
  publisher     = {Dover},
  address       = {New York},
  year          = {1954},
  note          = {Original title: \cite{helmholtz}},
  author        = {Hermann L. von Helmholtz},
  title         = {Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen: als physiologische Grundlage f\"ur die Theorie der Musik},
  publisher     = {Vieweg},
  address       = {Braunschweig},
  edition       = {6th},
  year          = {1913},
  author        = {Hermann L. von Helmholtz},
  title         = {Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen: als physiologische Grundlage f\"ur die Theorie der Musik},
  publisher     = {Georg Olms Verlag},
  address       = {Hildesheim},
  year          = {1983},
  author        = {John E. Clark and Colin Yallop},
  title         = {An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology},
  publisher     = {Blackwell},
  address       = {Oxford},
  year          = {1996},
  author        = {Grzegorz Dogil},
  title         = {Phonetic Correlates of Word Stress},
  journal       = {AIMS Phonetik (Working Papers of the Department of Natural Language Processing)},
  volume        = {2},
  number        = {2},
  publisher     = {Institut f\"ur Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung},
  location      = {Stuttgart, Germany},
  address       = {Stuttgart, Germany},
  year          = {1995},
  note          = {\bibhttpa {Contents} {}},
  author        = {Jackson, Michael},
  title         = {Software requirements \& specifications : a lexicon of practice, principles, and prejudices},
  publisher     = {Addison--Wesley},
  address       = {Wokingham},
  year          = {1995},
  author        = {Jackson, Michael A.},
  title         = {System development},
  publisher     = {Prentice--Hall Intern.},
  address       = {Englewood Cliffs},
  year          = {1983},
  series        = {Prentice--Hall International series in computer science},
  author        = {Nagl, Manfred},
  title         = {Softwaretechnik: methodisches Programmieren im Gro{\ss}en},
  publisher     = {Springer},
  address       = {Berlin},
  year          = {1990},
  series        = {Springer compass},
  author        = {Sommerville, Ian},
  title         = {Software engineering},
  edition       = {2nd},
  publisher     = {Addison--Wesley},
  address       = {Wokingham [u.a.]},
  year          = {1985},
  series        = {International computer science series},
  author        = {Ian A. Utting},
  title         = {{Lecture Notes in Object-Oriented Software Engineering}},
  publisher     = {University of Kent at Canterbury},
  address       = {Canterbury, UK},
  year          = {1993},

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