BibTeX entries in bib/speech-s.bib

  editor        = {J.P.H. van Santen and J. Hirschberg and J. Olive and R. Sproat},
  title         = {{Progress in Speech Synthesis}},
  publisher     = {Springer-Verlag},
  address       = {New York},
  year          = {1996},
  isbn          = {0-387-94701-9},
  amazon-url    = {},
  remarks       = {van Santen Author Links: \url{}, Springer Heidelberg: \url{}, Springer New-York: \url{}},
  key           = {synthesis},
  author        = {H. Valbret and E. Moulines and J. P. Tubach},
  title         = {Voice transformation using {PSOLA} technique},
  journal       = {speech},
  year          = {1992},
  month         = {June},
  volume        = {11},
  number        = {2-3},
  pages         = {189--194},
  author        = {N. Chomsky and M. Halle},
  title         = {The Sound Pattern of English},
  publisher     = {Harper \& Row},
  address       = {New York, NY},
  year          = {1968},
  author        = {G. Bailly and R. Laboissi\`{e}re and J. L. Schwartz},
  title         = {Formant trajectories as audible gestures: an alternative for speech synthesis.},
  journal       = {Journal of Phonetics},
  year          = {1991},
  volume        = {19},
  pages         = {9--23},
  author        = {F.K. Soong and A.E. Rosenberg},
  title         = {On the use of Instantaneous and Transitional Spectral Information in Speaker Recognition},
  booktitle     = {IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing},
  volume        = {36},
  year          = {1988},
  pages         = {871--879},
  note          = {},
  keywords      = {derivative of cepstrum},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{tcts:iscas97}},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {D.W. Griffin and J.S. Lim},
  title         = {Multiband Excitation Vocoder},
  booktitle     = {IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing},
  volume        = {36},
  year          = {1988},
  pages         = {1123--1235},
  note          = {},
  keywords      = {robust cepstrum by sinusoidal weighting},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{tcts:iscas97}},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {C. d'Alessandro and P. Mertens},
  title         = {Automatic pitch contour stylization using a model of tonal perception},
  booktitle     = {Computer Speech and Language},
  year          = {1995},
  pages         = {257--288},
  note          = {},
  keywords      = {perceptual stylization, based on a model of tonal perception},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{tcts:iscas97}},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {C. Traber},
  title         = {{F0 Generation with a Database of Natural F0 Patterns and with a Neural Network}},
  booktitle     = {Talking Machines: Theories, Models, and Designs},
  editor        = {G. Bailly and C. Benot},
  publisher     = {North Holland},
  year          = {1992},
  pages         = {287--304},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{tcts:iscas97}: machine learning techniques: multilayer perceptrons},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {Y. Sagisaka and N. Kaiki},
  title         = {{Optimization of Intonation Control Using Statistical F0 Resetting Characteristics}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics},
  volume        = {2},
  publisher     = {Speech and Signal Processing},
  year          = {1992},
  pages         = {49--52},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{tcts:iscas97}: machine learning techniques: linear regression},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {J. Hirschberg},
  title         = {{Using Text Analysis to Predict Intonational Boundaries}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of Eurospeech},
  location      = {Genova},
  year          = {1991},
  pages         = {1275--1278},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {B. M{\"o}bius and M. P{\"a}tzold and W. Hess},
  title         = {{Analysis and Synthesis of German F0 Contours by Means of Fujisaki's Model}},
  booktitle     = {Speech Communication},
  volume        = {13},
  year          = {1993},
  pages         = {53--61},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {Y. Sagisaka},
  title         = {{Speech synthesis by rule using an optimal selection of non-uniform synthesis units}},
  booktitle     = {Proc. of the Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing},
  publisher     = {},
  year          = {1988},
  pages         = {679},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {(origin of unit selection?), cited in \cite{cslu:esca98mm}: since the late 1980's, selection-based concatenative synthesis from large databases has received increased interest as a potential improvement upon fixed diphone inventories. \tbf},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {W. J. Wang and W. N. Campbell and N. Iwahashi and Y. Sagisaka},
  title         = {{Tree-based unit selection for English speech synthesis}},
  booktitle     = {Proc. of the Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing},
  volume        = {},
  publisher     = {},
  year          = {1993},
  pages         = {191--194},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{cslu:esca98mm, cslu:icslp98cronk}: clustering and decision trees. \tbf},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {S. Nakajima},
  title         = {{Automatic synthesis unit generation for English speech synthesis based on multi-layered context oriented clustering}},
  booktitle     = {Speech Communication},
  volume        = {14},
  month         = {September},
  year          = {1994},
  pages         = {313},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{cslu:esca98mm, cslu:icslp98cronk}: clustering and decision trees. \tbf},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {R. E. Donovan},
  title         = {Trainable Speech Synthesis},
  type          = {PhD thesis},
  school        = {Cambridge University},
  year          = {1996},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{cslu:esca98mm}: Mahalanobis distance},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {X. D. Huang and A. Acero and et al.},
  title         = {{Whistler: A trainable text-to-speech system}},
  booktitle     = {Proc. of the Int'l Conf. on Spoken Language Processing},
  year          = {1996},
  pages         = {2387--2390},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{cslu:esca98mm}: decision trees for speech synthesis},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {O. Karaali and G. Corrigan and I. Gerson},
  title         = {{Speech Synthesis with Neural Networks}},
  booktitle     = {Proc. of World Congress on Neural Networks},
  month         = {September},
  year          = {1996},
  pages         = {45--50},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{cslu:esca98mm}: data driven direct mapping with NN},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {C. Tuerk and T. Robinson},
  title         = {{Speech synthesis using artificial neural networks trained on cepstral coefficients}},
  booktitle     = {Proc. EUROSPEECH},
  pages         = {1713--1716},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{cslu:esca98mm}: data driven direct mapping with NN},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {S. R. Quackenbush and T. P. Barnwell and M. A. Clements},
  title         = {{Objective Measures of Speech Quality}},
  publisher     = {Prentice-Hall},
  address       = {Englewood Cliffs, NJ},
  year          = {1988},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{cslu:esca98mm}: distance measures for coding},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {N. Nocerino and F. K. Soong and L. R. Rabiner and D. H Klatt},
  title         = {{Comparative study of several distortion measures for speech recognition}},
  booktitle     = {Speech Communication},
  volume        = {4},
  year          = {1985},
  pages         = {317--331},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{cslu:esca98mm}: distance measures for ASR},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {H. Hermansky and J. C. Junqua},
  title         = {{Optimization of perceptually-based ASR front-end}},
  booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing},
  year          = {1988},
  pages         = {219},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{cslu:esca98mm}: distance measures for ASR},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {O. Ghitza and M. M. Sondhi},
  title         = {{On the perceptual distance between two speech segments}},
  booktitle     = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America},
  year          = {1997},
  volume        = {101},
  pages         = {522--529},
  number        = {1},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{cslu:esca98mm}: distance measures in general},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {J. H. L. Hansen and D. T. Chappell},
  title         = {{An auditory-based distortion measure with application to concatenative speech synthesis}},
  booktitle     = {IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing},
  volume        = {6},
  month         = {September},
  year          = {1998},
  pages         = {489--495},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{cslu:esca98mm}: distance measures for concatenative speech synthesis},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {H. Hermansky and N. Morgan},
  title         = {{RASTA processing of speech}},
  booktitle     = {IEEE Transactions on Speech and Acoustics},
  volume        = {2},
  month         = {October},
  year          = {1994},
  pages         = {587--589},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{cslu:esca98mm}},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {A. L. Edwards},
  title         = {{An Introduction to Linear Regression and Correlation}},
  publisher     = {W. H. Freeman and Co},
  address       = {San Francisco},
  year          = {1993},
  note          = {},
  remarks       = {cited in \cite{cslu:esca98mm}: Fisher transform},
  abstract      = {},
  author        = {Wen Ding and Nick Campbell},
  title         = {Optimising Unit Selection with Voice Source and Formants in the {CHATR} Speech Synthesis System},
  booktitle     = {Proc. Eurospeech '97},
  address       = {Rhodes, Greece},
  month         = {September},
  year          = {1997},
  pages         = {537--540},
  remarks       = {To BE FOUND!},

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