# SDIF README # $Id: README,v 3.4 2002/10/30 18:18:51 schwarz Exp $ (C) Copyright Ircam 1998-2003 # Introduction SDIF stands for Sound Description Interchange Format. The general idea of SDIF is to store information related to signal processing and specifically of sound, in files, according to a common format to all data types. Thus, it is possible to store results or parameters of analyses, syntheses... # Installation and compilation Refer to the file INSTALL # Utilisation From version 3.3 the library doesn't need the SdifTypes.STYP file any more. Only if you want to try out experimental description types, you need to set the environment variable SDIFTYPES to use tools. SDIFTYPES must be set to the path of SdifTypes.STYP (file of frames and matrix types). By default, this file is in sdif_package_dir/data/ For example, if you put SDIF in joe home directory, to set SDIFTYPES you must execute: - if you use bash: export SDIFTYPES= /home/joe/SDIF-3.3/data/SdifTypes.STYP - if you use csh: setenv SDIFTYPES /home/joe/SDIF-3.3/data/SdifTypes.STYP # Documentation There is an HTML documentation in doc directory. # License Agreement SDIF is free software, distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. See the file COPYING for further information. # Contact SDIF home page: http://www.ircam.fr/sdif