/* $Id: SdifFile.h,v 3.9 2000/08/22 13:17:24 schwarz Exp $ * * Copyright (c) 1998 by IRCAM - Centre Pompidou * All rights reserved. * * For any information regarding this and other IRCAM software, please * send email to: * manager@ircam.fr LIBRARY * SdifFile.h * * Sdif Files management * High Level. * * author: Dominique Virolle 1997 LOG * $Log: SdifFile.h,v $ * Revision 3.9 2000/08/22 13:17:24 schwarz * Centralised error report function SdifFError, called from _SdifFError * macro. Error level names (gSdifErrorLevel) are printed, so that users * can tell warnings from errors. Errors are counted by level in * SdifFileT.ErrorCount[]. Error counts can be queried with SdifFNumErrors. * * Revision 3.8 2000/05/22 15:23:15 schwarz * Added functions to retrieve and inspect the stream ID table of a file. * * Revision 3.7 2000/05/04 15:05:48 schwarz * SDIF Selection is now parsed automatically on opening a file, * and placed in file->Selection. * Moved SdifCheckFileFormat and SdifSignatureTab functions into * separate files SdifCheck and SdifSignatureTab. * * Revision 3.6 2000/04/26 15:31:24 schwarz * Added SdifGenInitCond for conditional initialisation. * * Revision 3.5 2000/03/01 11:19:37 schwarz * Tough check for pipe on open. * Added SdifFCurrDataType. * * Revision 3.4 1999/09/28 10:37:00 schwarz * Added SdifCheckFileFormat to test if a file is in SDIF. * * Revision 3.3 1999/09/20 13:21:58 schwarz * Introduced user data and access functions SdifFAddUserData/GetUserData. * * Revision 3.2 1999/08/25 18:32:35 schwarz * Added cocoon-able comments with sentinel "DOC:" (on a single line). * * Revision 3.1 1999/03/14 10:56:51 virolle * SdifStdErr add * * Revision 2.3 1999/02/28 12:16:42 virolle * memory report * * Revision 2.2 1999/01/23 13:57:33 virolle * General Lists, and special chunk preparation to become frames * * Revision 2.1 1998/12/21 18:27:16 schwarz * Inserted copyright message. * * Revision 2.0 1998/11/29 11:41:41 virolle * - New management of interpretation errors. * - Alignement of frames with CNMAT (execpt specials Chunk 1NVT, 1TYP, 1IDS). * _ Sdif Header File has a Sdif format version. * - Matrices order in frames is not important now. (only one occurence of * a Matrix Type in a Frame Type declaration ) * - Hard coded predefined types more dynamic management. * - Standart streams (stdin, stdout, stderr) set as binary for Windows32 to * have exactly the same result on each plateforme. * * Revision 1.6 1998/11/10 15:31:45 schwarz * Removed all 'extern' keywords for prototypes, since this is redundant * (function prototypes are automatically linked extern), and it * prohibits cocoon from generating an entry in the HTML documentation * for this function. * * Revision 1.5 1998/07/23 17:02:49 virolle * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.4 1998/05/14 09:50:35 schwarz * Added SdifCurrOneRowData to return a pointer to the raw data. * This can subsequently be used for SdifSetCurrOneRow. */ #ifndef _SdifFile_ #define _SdifFile_ #include "SdifFileStruct.h" #include "SdifGlobals.h" /* // FUNCTION GROUP: Opening and Closing of Files */ /*DOC: */ SdifFileT* SdifFOpen (const char *Name, SdifFileModeET Mode); SdifFileT* SdifOpenFile (const char *Name, SdifFileModeET Mode); SdifFileT* SdifFOpenText (SdifFileT *SdifF, const char* Name, SdifFileModeET Mode); /*DOC: */ void SdifFClose (SdifFileT *SdifF); void SdifCloseFile (SdifFileT *SdifF); SdifFrameHeaderT* SdifFCreateCurrFramH (SdifFileT *SdifF, SdifSignature Signature); SdifMatrixHeaderT* SdifFCreateCurrMtrxH (SdifFileT *SdifF); FILE* SdifFGetFILE_SwitchVerbose (SdifFileT *SdifF, int Verbose); void SdifTakeCodedPredefinedTypes (SdifFileT *SdifF); void SdifFLoadPredefinedTypes (SdifFileT *SdifF, char *TypesFileName); extern int gSdifInitialised; extern SdifFileT *gSdifPredefinedTypes; /* // FUNCTION GROUP: Init/Deinit of the Library */ /*DOC: Initialise the SDIF library, providing a name for an optional additional file with type definitions or "". This function has to be called once and only once per process before any other call to the SDIF library. */ void SdifGenInit (char *PredefinedTypesFile); /*DOC: Initialise the SDIF library if it has not been initialised before. This function has to be called at least once, but can be called as many times as desired. Especially useful for dynamic libraries. [in] PredefinedTypesFile: name for an optional additional file with type definitions or "". */ void SdifGenInitCond (char *PredefinedTypesFile); /*DOC: Deinitialise the SDIF library */ void SdifGenKill (void); /*DOC: Print version information to standard error. */ void SdifPrintVersion(void); /* // FUNCTION GROUP: Current Header Access Functions */ /*DOC: Permet de donner des valeurs à chaque champ de l'entête de frame temporaire de SdifF.

Exemple: SdifSetCurrFrameHeader(SdifF, '1FOB', _SdifUnknownSize, 3, streamid, 1.0); */ SdifFrameHeaderT* SdifFSetCurrFrameHeader (SdifFileT *SdifF, SdifSignature Signature, SdifUInt4 Size, SdifUInt4 NbMatrix, SdifUInt4 NumID, SdifFloat8 Time); /*DOC: Permet de donner des valeurs à chaque champ de l'entête de matice temporaire de SdifF.

Exemple: SdifSetCurrMatrixHeader(SdifF, '1FOF', eFloat4, NbFofs, 7); */ SdifMatrixHeaderT* SdifFSetCurrMatrixHeader (SdifFileT *SdifF, SdifSignature Signature, SdifDataTypeET DataType, SdifUInt4 NbRow, SdifUInt4 NbCol); /*DOC: Recopie la mémoire pointée par Values en fonction de l'entête de matrice courante.


  #define NbCols = 10;
float t[NbCols] = { 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 0.};
SdifFSetCurrMatrixHeader(SdifF, 'mtrx', eFloat4, 1, NbCols);
SdifFSetCurrOneRow (SdifF, (void*) t);
On connait la taille de la mémoire à recopier par le type de donnée (ici: eFloat4) et le nombre de colonnes (ici: NbCols). Il faut que le type de donnée de la matrice courante corresponde avec la taille d'un élément de t. Si t est composé de float sur 4 bytes, alors on doit avoir eFloat4. Si t est composé de double float sur 8 bytes, alors c'est eFloat8.
En général, les données d'un programme ne se présente pas sous cette forme et il faut réaliser une transposition lors des transfert de Sdif à un programme. Le programme Diphone Ircam a un bon exemple de lecture avec transposition automatique, généralisée pour tout type de matrice. */ SdifOneRowT* SdifFSetCurrOneRow (SdifFileT *SdifF, void *Values); /*DOC: Permet de donner la valeur Value dans la ligbe de matrice temporaire de SdifF à la colonne numCol (0CurrMtrxH->NbCol). */ SdifOneRowT* SdifFSetCurrOneRowCol (SdifFileT *SdifF, SdifUInt4 numCol, SdifFloat8 Value); /*DOC: Recupère la valeur stockée à la colonne numCol de la ligne temporaire. C'est un SdifFloat8 donc un double!! */ SdifFloat8 SdifFCurrOneRowCol (SdifFileT *SdifF, SdifUInt4 numCol); /*DOC: Idem que la fonction précédente mais en utilisant le type de la matrice et le nom de la colonne. */ SdifFloat8 SdifFCurrOneRowColName (SdifFileT *SdifF, SdifMatrixTypeT *MatrixType, char *NameCD); /*DOC: Renvoie la signature temporaire de Chunk ou de Frame. */ SdifSignature SdifFCurrSignature (SdifFileT *SdifF); /*DOC: Met à 0 tous les bits de la signature temporaire. */ SdifSignature SdifFCleanCurrSignature (SdifFileT *SdifF); /*DOC: Renvoie la signature temporaire du dernier Frame lu ou du prochain à écrire. */ SdifSignature SdifFCurrFrameSignature (SdifFileT *SdifF); /*DOC: Renvoie la signature temporaire de la dernier matrice lue ou de la prochaine à écrire. */ SdifSignature SdifFCurrMatrixSignature (SdifFileT *SdifF); /*DOC: Renvoie la ligne temporaire de SdifF. */ SdifOneRowT* SdifFCurrOneRow (SdifFileT *SdifF); /*DOC: Returns a pointer to the data of the current matrix row. According to the matrix data type, it can be a pointer to float or double. */ void* SdifFCurrOneRowData (SdifFileT *SdifF); /*DOC: Renvoie SdifF->CurrMtrx->NbCol, nombre de colonnes de la matrice en cours de traitement. */ SdifUInt4 SdifFCurrNbCol (SdifFileT *SdifF); /*DOC: Renvoie SdifF->CurrMtrx->NbRow, nombre de lignes de la matrice en cours de traitement. */ SdifUInt4 SdifFCurrNbRow (SdifFileT *SdifF); /*DOC: Returns the data type of the current matrix. */ SdifDataTypeET SdifFCurrDataType (SdifFileT *SdifF); /*DOC: Renvoie SdifF->CurrFramH->NbMatrix, mombre de matrices du frame courant. */ SdifUInt4 SdifFCurrNbMatrix (SdifFileT *SdifF); /*DOC: Renvoie SdifF->CurrFramH->NumID, index de l'objet du frame courant. */ SdifUInt4 SdifFCurrID (SdifFileT *SdifF); /*DOC: Renvoie SdifF->CurrFramH->Time. */ SdifFloat8 SdifFCurrTime (SdifFileT *SdifF); /* // FUNCTION GROUP: File Data Access Functions */ /*DOC: Return list of NVTs for querying. [] precondition NVTs have been read with SdifFReadAllASCIIChunks. */ SdifNameValuesLT *SdifFNameValueList (SdifFileT *file); /*DOC: Return number of NVTs present. [] precondition NVTs have been read with SdifFReadAllASCIIChunks. */ int SdifFNameValueNum (SdifFileT *file); /*DOC: Return the file's stream ID table, created automatically by SdifFOpen. */ SdifStreamIDTableT *SdifFStreamIDTable (SdifFileT *file); /*DOC: Add user data, return index added */ int SdifFAddUserData (SdifFileT *file, void *data); /*DOC: Get user data by index */ void *SdifFGetUserData (SdifFileT *file, int index); SdifFileT* SdifFReInitMtrxUsed (SdifFileT *SdifF); SdifFileT* SdifFPutInMtrxUsed (SdifFileT *SdifF, SdifSignature Sign); SdifSignature SdifFIsInMtrxUsed (SdifFileT *SdifF, SdifSignature Sign); /* // FUNCTION GROUP: Error flag for file */ /*DOC: Return number of errors present for file of level upto or more severe. Example: SdifFNumErrors(f, eError) is true if an error or a fatal error occurred since opening the file, false if there were only warnings or remarks. */ int SdifFNumErrors (SdifFileT *SdifF, SdifErrorLevelET upto); /*DOC: Return pointer to last error struct or NULL if no error present for this file. */ SdifErrorT* SdifFLastError (SdifFileT *SdifF); /*DOC: Return tag of last error or eNoError if no error present for this file. */ SdifErrorTagET SdifFLastErrorTag (SdifFileT *SdifF); #endif /* _SdifFile_ */