Ircam - Centre Georges-Pompidou Équipe Analyse/Synthèse

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GDGM - Report from the Second Meeting - 1998

March, 16th 1998 - Salle B 22 - IRCAM

Invited lecturer: Dinesh K. Pai - University of British Columbia - Canada

Dinesh Pai (right) with Vincent and Marcelo - on March 16th.

Abstract of his presentation:

To be useful, a simulated environment should be both compelling and sufficiently accurate. For instance, in telerobotics, a virtual environment can be used to overcome the effects of communication delay and to make robots easy to program. Such an environment must accurately simulate the relevant physics of the remote site, while providing salient visual, haptic, and auditory cues at interactive rates. I will describe some of the work in our lab at the University of British Columbia towards these goals.

First, I will describe a virtual environment interface for telerobotics, developed in our lab. The system is designed for programming contact tasks such as assembly and surgery, using force control and model-based vision.

I will then describe physically-based simulation of sound produced by colliding objects in such virtual environments. The computed sounds depend on the material of the body, its shape, and the location of the impact.

Haptic interfaces provide kinesthetic feedback and enhance the sense of realism of simulated environments. I will describe haptic interaction with multiresolution geometric models extracted from image data.

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