Ircam - Centre Georges-Pompidou Équipe Analyse/Synthèse

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Gestural Research at IRCAM

For a survey on current gestural research projects at IRCAM, the reader is directed to two main sources - the home pages of the "Groupe de Discussion sur le Geste Musical".

The internal page at:

Internal Page

contains information related to presentations and events taking place at IRCAM and around Paris and also different resources about sensors and musical pieces/gesture related projects at IRCAM's Pedagogy Department.

The second page is a public one (as opposed to the first one, accessible only from inside IRCAM) and is more directed to a discussion on different subjects related to gestural capture control. It provides, as well as links to projects inside IRCAM, links to researchers in different countries and their projects. Its address:

External Page

Marcelo Wanderley
Mon Jan 26 17:06:40 MET 1998