Degree +1

According to our positive / negative axis, this degree corresponds to :
* positive feedback to an implicit question
* aknowledgement of a usual action
* alert : end of a little problem

Examples here are taken from 4 programs : AOL Instant Messenger, ICQ Mac, Outlook & Entourage.

The first three examples, "successful file transfer", concern the category : "alert : end of a little problem", the problem being the file transfer.
Examples 4 to 19 are all "positive feedbacks to implicit actions / questions" : receiving a message or a mail.

You can listen to the samples here or go to the analysis page.

  program provider theme meaning sample
Example 1 ICQ Mac official abstract successful file transfer
Example 2 AIM official abstract successful file transfer
Example 3 AIM user game successful file transfer
Example 4 ICQ Mac official abstract getting a message
Example 5 ICQ Mac official abstract getting a mail
Example 6 AIM official abstract getting a message
Example 7 AIM user game getting a message
Example 8 AIM official abstract getting new message
Example 9 AIM user game getting new message
Example 10 OutLook official abstract getting new mail
Example 11 OutLook official abstract getting new mail
Example 12 OutLook user abstract getting new mail
Example 13 OutLook user movie getting new mail
Example 14 OutLook user game getting new mail
Example 15 Entourage official abstract getting new mail
Example 16 Entourage user abstract getting new mail
Example 17 Entourage user abstract getting new mail
Example 18 Entourage user game getting new mail
Example 19 Entourage user game getting new mail
