Conferences & Workshops
- Delmenhorst/Hearnet meeting on spatial hearing and Delmenhorst meeting on pitch (12-18 August 2002).
- ICAD2002 and Hideki Kawahara's CREST workshop
- Nato ASI on Dynamics of speech production and perception (Il Ciocco, June/July 2002)
- Pittsburgh ASA (June 2002)
- Temporal Integration in the Perception of Speech in Aix-en-Provence,
April 2002.
- Chicago ASA
- Eurospeech 2001 and Consistent and reliable acoustic cues for sound analysis workshop
- ICASSP 2001
- Journées d'étude de la Parole (JEP'2000)
- Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music
- Atlanta ASA meeting
- ISH 2000
- NIPS workshop Neural mechanisms of music perception My own workshop page.
- ICPhS 99 and symposium on the Dynamics of
Perception and Production of Speech
- Eurospeech99
- IJCAI 99 Computational
Auditory Scene Analysis workshop in Stockholm.
- Joint meeting of the ASA and European acoustics association,
Berlin, 1999
- My paper
for the ATR Workshop on "Events and auditory temporal structure"
organized by Minoru Tsuzaki.
- My paper for ICONIP 98 in Kyuushuu.
- My paper
for the Nagoya CREST workshop on "Stable representations for periodic sounds"
organized by Hideki Kawahara.
1998. Ma page de ressources CASA.
- 1998 NATO
advanced study instititute (Il Ciocco, Tuscany)
- XIth International
Symposium on Hearing, Nottingham, August 1997
- ESCA WorkshopThe Auditory
Basis of Speech Perception in Keele (July 1996). My own Keele page.