The Continuity Illusion: Vowel Perception, Frequency Modulation, And Hearing Backwards In Time R.P. Carlyon, J.M. Deeks, D. Norris, and S. Butterfield MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit, 15 Chaucer Rd., Cambridge CB2 2EF, England. When a 'target' is turned off and then resumed a short time later, it can be heard as continuous, provided that the silent interval is filled by another sound that would have masked the target if it had actually remained uninterrupted. Hence both the level and frequency content of the 'inducing sound' are crucial. We performed a series of experiments investigating this 'continuity illusion' and its relationship to other aspects of auditory processing. In one study, we generated four different vowels, each consisting of two formants (F1 and F2). When the two formants were presented simultaneously, identification performance was very good. In a second condition, they were alternated for one second, so that F1 and F2 were never present at the same time; the duration of each formant presentation was 100 or 200 ms. Performance in this condition was close to chance. In a third condition, the F1s and F2s still alternated, but the silent intervals in each formant region were filled by noise bursts. The same noise burst was used to fill the gaps for all the F2s used, and its level was set in a preliminary experiment to induce the illusion of continuity for all F2s presented in isolation, and to fail to do so for all F1s. Similarly, the noise used to fill all F1 gaps induced continuity for all F1s in isolation, but for no F2s. Performance in this condition was substantially better compared to the condition with no noise, and to other conditions in which noise was added only to the F1 or F2 gaps. This demonstrates that the neural mechanisms responsible for vowel perception receive input from those underlying the continuity illusion. A second study investigated the finding that, when a frequency modulated (FM) tone is interrupted, and that interruption filled by noise, listeners not only hear the tone as continuous, but also hear the modulation continue through the noise. We wondered whether the phase of FM would be preserved during the illusion. To test this, we asked subjects to discriminate between two stimuli, both of which consisted of two portions of a 1-kHz tone modulated at a rate of 5 Hz, and separated by a 200-ms interval filled by noise. The level and frequency content of the noise were sufficient to induce the continuity illusion. In one of the two sounds the FM phase was the same after the noise as it would have been if the tone had been uninterrupted. Subjects could not discriminate between this sound and one in which the FM phase after the noise was shifted by 180°. This shows that FM phase is not preserved in the illusion, and demonstrates a paradoxical percept: subjects hear a modulation as continuous, but do not notice what would be an obvious phase reversal in that modulation. Finally, we presented listeners with a 300-ms wideband noise, which was immediately followed (without interruption) by a 300-ms narrowband noise. When asked to adjust the duration of a second narrowband noise presented 500 ms later, they adjusted it to a duration of about 370 ms. This is consistent with the onset of the first narrowband noise being perceived as occurring before the end of the wideband noise. We will present additional data investigating this explanation. If correct, it is an example of 'hearing backwards in time': a subsequent sound (narrowband noise) affects what is heard before the end of a preceding sound (wideband noise).