[PCM] [Unité Mixte] [IRCAM] [CNRS] [LMA] ( accés restreint: [iii] [pcm] [~marozeau])

Jeremy Marozeau

e-mail: jeremy.marozeau (at) a3.epfl.ch (email for life)

Current Web Page: www.slpa.neu.edu/people/marozeau.html

cell phone:

I am a Research Associate at Northeastern University. I have done a PhD on the perception of timbre of musical sound in the Perception et Cognition Musicale group of the Ircam-CNRS joint research unit, affiliated to both Ircam and CNRS. I have done part of my PhD at CNMAT at University of California in Berkeley. I have done a Post-Doc at the LMA-CNRS at Marseille on the loudness of non stationary sounds. I am graduate for the Swiss Institute of Technologie. I have a master DEA ATIAM .
[PCM] [Unite Mixte] [IRCAM] [CNRS] (acc?s restreint: [iii] [pcm] [~marozeau])