Atelier du 4 avril
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"Towards a theory of the principle monaural pathway: pitch, time and auditory grouping"

présenté par Neil Todd, Université de Manchester

Vendredi 4 avril de 9 h 30 à 12 h 30
Salle 12
Laboratoire de Psychologie Expérimentale
28 rue Serpente, 75006 Paris

In this workshop I discuss a theory of the central auditory system (Todd, 1996abcdef; Todd and Brown, 1996) which consists of a core sensory process and two interactive central processes, pattern matching and cross-correlation, which operate on sensory memory images produced by the core process. The theory provides an integrated account of number of pitch, time and grouping phenomena in terms of the known anatomy and physiology of the central auditory system, and thus lays the foundation for an explanation of higher level phenomena such as melody and rhythm.

I. Anatomical and Physiological Basis

The first part of the workshop will be concerned with the anatomical and physiological basis of the theory. In particular it will focus on the implications of the existence of channels which are tuned to detect amplitude modulation (AM) (Kay, 1982; Langner, 1992).

II. Pitch

Some aspects of pitch perception are considered from the point of view of the theory: pure tone discrimination, shift of virtual pitch and the roots of chords. The implications of the model for the recognition of melodic and harmonic intervals are discussed.

III. Time

Some aspects of time perception and temporal processing are considered from the point of view of the theory: the filled interval illusion, the psychophysical law for time discrimination and amplitude modulation (AM) detection. Implications for a more general theory of rhythm are discussed.

IV. Grouping

Some aspects of auditory grouping are considered from the point of view of the theory: auditory streaming and the effect of harmonic number and onset asynchrony on the fusion of a harmonic complex.


Kay, R.H. Hearing of modulation in sounds. Physiological Reviews 62(3), 894-975. (1982)

Langner, G. Periodicity coding in the auditory system. Hear. Res. 60, 115-142. (1992)

Todd, N.P.McAngus (1996a). Towards a theory of the principal monaural pathway: pitch, time and auditory grouping. In W. Ainsworth and S. Greenberg (Eds). Proceedings of the International Workshop on The auditory basis of speech perception. Keele, July, 1996. pp 216-221.

Todd, N.P. McAngus (1996b) Towards a theory of the central auditory system I: Architecture. Proceedings of the ICMPC. Montreal, August, 1996.

Todd, N.P. McAngus (1996c) Towards a theory of the central auditory system II: Pitch. Proceedings of the ICMPC. Montreal, August, 1996.

Todd, N.P. McAngus (1996d) Towards a theory of the central auditory system III: Time. Proceedings of the ICMPC. Montreal, August, 1996.

Todd, N.P. McAngus (1996e) Towards a theory of the central auditory system IV: Grouping. Proceedings of the ICMPC. Montreal, August, 1996

Todd, N.P.McAngus (1996f) An auditory cortical theory of auditory stream segregation. Network : Computation in Neural Systems. 7, 349-356.

Todd, N.P. McAngus & Brown, G. (1996) Visualization of rhythm, time and metre. AI Review 10, 253-273.