Publications of PCM
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- Ayari, M., McAdams, S. (2004) "Polysémie et multidimensionnalité du phénomène de l'improvisation instrumentale arabe", In: Les pratiques d'écoute individuelles, Edited by: Madurell, F., Paris: Université de Paris-Sorbonne, (à paraître). [Ayari04a]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2004) "Pitch perception models from origins to today", International Conference on Acoustics, Kyoto. [PDF] [deCheveigne04b]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2004) "The cancellation principle in acoustic scene analysis", In: Perspectives on Speech Separation, Edited by: Divenyi, P., New York: Kluwer. [PDF] [deCheveigne04c]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2004 (a paraitre)) "Audition, action, espace", In: Agir dans l'espace, Edited by: Thinus-Blanc, C. Bullier, J., Paris. [PDF] [deCheveigne04d]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2004 in press) "Espace et son", In: Les espaces de l'homme, Edited by: Berthoz, A., Paris: Odile Jacob. [PDF] [deCheveigne04e]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2004) "Pitch perception models", In: Pitch, Edited by: Plack, Chris, Oxenham, Andrew, New York: Springer Verlag. [PDF] [deCheveigne04a]
- Lemaitre, G., Susini, P., Winsberg, S., McAdams, S. (2004) "A method to assess the ecological validity of laboratory-recorded car horn sounds", CFA/DAGA, Strasbourg, France. [Lemaitre04a]
- McAdams, S. (2004) "Problem-solving strategies in music composition: A case study", Music Perception 21, (à paraître). [McAdams04a]
- McAdams, S., Chaigne, A., Roussarie, V. (2004) "The psychomechanics of simple sound sources: Material properties of impacted bars", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 115, 1306-1320. [McAdams04b]
- Pressnitzer, D., de Cheveigné, A., McAdams, S., Collet, L. (2004) "Auditory Signal Processing: Psychophysics, Physiology and Modeling", New York: Springer-Verlag. [Pressnitzer04a]
- Pressnitzer, D., Ragot, R., Ducorps, A., Scwartz, D., Baillet, S. (2004) "Is the auditory continuity illusion based on a change-detection mechanism? A MEG study", Acta Acustica, in press (A). [Pressnitzer04c]
- Pressnitzer, D., Tardieu, J., Ragot, R., Baillet, S. (2004) "Mechanisms underlying the auditory continuity illusion", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, in press (A). [Pressnitzer04c]
- Susini, P., McAdams, S. (2004) "Temporal asymetry in loudness", CFA/DAGA, Strasbourg, France. [Susini04b]
- Susini, P., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S., Perry, I., Vieillard, S., Rodet, X. (2004) "Characterising the sound quality of air-conditiong noise", Applied Acoustics, (à paraître). [Susini04a]
- Tardieu, J., Susini, P., Poisson, F. (2004) "Soundscape design in train stations, I: soundscape function and identity", CFA/DAGA, Strasbourg, France. [Tardieu04a]
- Tillmann, B., McAdams, S. (2004) "Apprentissage implicite en modalité auditive : Statistique et acoustique", Neuropsychologie, (à paraître). [Tillmann04b]
- Tillmann, B., McAdams, S. (2004) "Implicit learning of musical timbre sequences: Statistical regularities confronted with acoustical (dis)similarities", Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, (à paraître). [Tillmann04a]
- Ayari, M. (2003) "L'écoute des musiques arabes improvisées : essai de psychologie cognitive", Paris: Collection Univers Musicals, L'Harmattan. [Ayari03b]
- Ayari, M., McAdams, S. (2003) "Aural analysis of arabic improvised instrumental Music (taqsîm)", Music Perception 21, 159-216. [Ayari03a]
- Baskind, A., de Cheveigné, A. (2003) "Pitch-Tracking of Reverberant Sounds, Application to Spatial Description of Sound Scenes", AES, Banff Centre, Canada. [Baskind03a]
- Bey, C. , McAdams, S. (2003) "Post-recognition of interleaved melodies as an indirect measure of auditory stream formation", Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance à paraître.. [Bey03a]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2003) "Time-domain auditory processing of speech", J. Phonetics 31, 547-561. [PDF] [deCheveigne03d]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2003) "Scene analysis without spectral analysis?", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 113, 2231 (Abstract). [deCheveigne03c]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2003) "Perception auditive de l'espace", Symposium "Les espaces de l'homme" (14, 15 Oct 2003, Collège de France). [deCheveigne03b]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2003) "The cancellation principle in ASA, natural and artificial", NSF Workshop on Speech Separation, Montreal. [deCheveigne03e]
- de Cheveigné, A., Baskind, A. (2003) "F0 estimation of one or several voices", Eurospeech, 833-836. [PDF] [deCheveigne03a]
- Houix, O. (2003) "Catgorisation auditive des sources sonores", Thesis: Université du Maine. [PDF] [Houix03a]
- Kult, A., Rupp, A., Pressnitzer, D., Scherg, M., Supek, S. (2003) "MEG study on temporal asymmetry processing in the human auditory cortex", In: Human Brain Mapping, in press. [Kult03a]
- Kult, A., Rupp, A., Pressnitzer, D., Scherg, M., Supek, S. (2003) "MEG study on temporal asymmetry processing in the human auditory cortex", Neuroimage 19. [Kult03b]
- Lemaitre, G., Susini, P., Winsberg, S., McAdams, S. (2003) "Perceptively based design of new car horns sounds", International Conference on Auditory Display: the Boston University Publications Production Department, University of Boston, 47-50. [Lemaitre03a]
- Limam, M.M., Diday, E., Winsberg, S. (2003) "Symbolic Class Description with Interval Data", Journal of Symbolic Data Analysis 1. [Limam03a]
- Marozeau, J., de Cheveigné, A., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (2003) "The dependency of timbre on fundamental frequency", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 114, 2946-2957. [Marozeau03a]
- McAdams, S. (2003) "Perceptual characterization of real and simulated sound sources", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 107 (à paraître). [McAdams03b]
- McAdams, S. (2003) "Qualification du typage sonore" (Rapport final, consultation auprès de PSA Peugeot-Citroën). [McAdams03d]
- McAdams, S. (2003) "Perception of musical timbre", Bulletin of Psychology and the Arts 4, 39-42. [McAdams03b]
- McAdams, S., Depalle, P., Clarke, E. (2003) "Analysing musical sounds (à paraître)", In: Empirical Musicology: Aims, Methods, Prospects, Edited by: Clarke, E., Cook, N., Oxford: Oxford University Press. [McAdams03a]
- McAdams, S., Matzkin, D. (2003) "The roots of musical variation in perceptual similarity and invariance", In: The Cognitive Neuroscience of Music, Edited by: Peretz, I., Zatorre, R., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 79-94. [McAdams03c]
- Pressnitzer, D., de Cheveigné, A., Winter, I. M. (2003) "Physiological correlates of the perceptual pitch shift of sounds with similar waveform autocorrelation", Acoustic Research Letters Online 5, 1-6. [PDF] [Pressnitzer03a]
- Reynolds, R. (2003) "Form and Method: Composing Music (à paraître)". [Reynolds03a]
- Susini, P., Gaudibert, P., Deruty, E., Dandrel, L. (2003) "Perceptive study and recommandation for sonification categories", International Conference on Auditory Display: the Boston University Publications Production Department, University of Boston, 292-295. [Susini03c]
- Susini, P., Houix, O., Misdariis, N. (2003) "Influence des informations ajoutées sur les jugements d'une séquence sonore I : protocole expérimental", Paris, France: Renault, 12 ((Technical Report)). [Susini03a]
- Susini, P., Houix, O., Misdariis, N. (2003) "Influence des informations ajoutées sur les jugements d'une séquence sonore II : résultats", Paris, France: Renault, 33 (Technical Report). [Susini03b]
- Verhey, J., Pressnitzer, D., Winter, I. M (2003) "The psychophysics and physiology of comodulation masking release", Experimental Brain Research 153, 405-415. [Verhey03a]
- Arz, J.P. (2002) "Définition d'un critère psychoacoustique de claquement des moteurs diesels", Thesis: DEA d'Acoustique Appliquée de l'Université du Maine, Le Mans (Masters). [Arz02a]
- Ayari, M., McAdams, S. (2002) "Le schéma cognitif culturel de l'improvisation modale: Forme musicale et analyse perceptive", In: Observation, analyse, modèle. Peut-on parler d'art avec les outils de la science ?, Edited by: Lévy, F., Chouvel, J.-M., Paris: Harmattan, 395-418. [Ayari02a]
- Ayari, M., McAdams, S. (2002) "Le schéma cognitif culturel de l'improvisation: forme musicale et analyse perceptive (Psychologie expérimentale et problème d'universalisation de données)", 2e colloque international d'épistémologie musicale (colloque organisé par la SFAM, l'IRCAM et l'Université Paris X), IRCAM, Paris. [Ayari02b]
- Belin, P., McAdams, S., Thivard, L., Smith, B., Savel, S., Zilbovicius, M., Samson, S., Samson, Y. (2002) "The neuroanatomical substrate of sound duration discrimination", Neuropsychologia 40, 1956-1964. [Belin02a]
- Bey, C., McAdams, S. (2002) "Schema-based processing in auditory scene analysis", Perception and Psychophysics 64, 844-854. [Bey02a]
- Bigand, E., D'Adamo, D., Madurell, F., Poulin, B. (2002) "A preliminary investigation of the perceptual structure of musical materials in The Angel of Death", 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: Causal Productions, Adelaide [CD-ROM], Sydney. [Bigand02b]
- Bigand, E., Vieillard, S., Madurell, F., McAdams, S., Poulin, B. (2002) "Effects of instrumentation on the memorization of musical materials", 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: Adelaide: Causal Productions [CD-ROM], Sydney. [Bigand02a]
- Caclin, A., Brattico, E., Smith, B., Ternaviemi, M., Giard, M.-H., McAdams, S. (2002) "Electrophysiological correlates of musical timbre perception", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112, 2240 (A). [Caclin02a]
- Caclin, A., Brattico, E., Smith, B., Ternaviemi, M., Toiviainen, P., Näätänen, R., Giard, M.-H., McAdams, S. (2002) "Musical timbre perception: A combined psychophysical and electrophysiological study", ICON8, Porquerolles, 70. [Caclin02b]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2002) "Time-domain auditory processing of speech", Workshop on Temporal Information Processing in Speech, 18. [PDF] [deCheveigne02i]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2002) "Scalable metadata for search, sonification and display", International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2002), Kyoto (June 2002), 279-284. [PDF] [deCheveigne02h]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2002) "L'analyse de scènes auditives computationnelle", In: La parole, des modèles cognitifs aux machines communicantes - Analyse, synthèse et codage de la parole, Edited by: Mariani, J., Paris: Hermès, 175-196. [deCheveigne02f]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2002) "Two voice fundamental frequency estimation", Journal of the Acoustical Soceity of America 111, 2446(A). [deCheveigne02j]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2002) "Pitch perception models", Delmenhorst conference on pitch perception, Hanse Institute, Delmenhorst (July 2002). [deCheveigne02g]
- de Cheveigné, A., Gretzki, R., Baskind, A., Warusfel, W. (2002) "Effects of natural and artificial spatialization cues on segregation", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111, 2422 (A). [deCheveigne02c]
- de Cheveigné, A., Henrich, N. (2002) "Fundamental frequency estimation of musical sounds", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111, 2416 (A). [deCheveigne02e]
- de Cheveigné, A., Kawahara, H. (2002) "YIN, a fundamental frequency estimator for speech and music", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111, 1917-1930. [PDF] [deCheveigne02k]
- de Cheveigné, A., Kawahara, H. (2002) "The correlation network model applied to speech processing", Speech Comm in preparation. [deCheveigne02a]
- de Cheveigné, A., Kawahara, H. (2002) "F0-adaptive Spectral Estimation based on the Correlation Network Model", CREST workshop on Computational Models of Auditory Processing, Kyoto (July 2002). [deCheveigne02d]
- Frey, A. (2002) "La perception en temps réel d'une oeuvre de musique contemporaine", Thesis: Paris (Mémoire de maîtrise (Psychologie)). [Frey02a]
- Houix, O. (2002) "Groupements hiérarchiques et partition optimale", Séminaire méthodologie Arbres, classes, distances, Laboratoire Langages, Cognitions, Pratiques (LCPE). [Houix02b]
- Houix, O. (2002) "Catégorisation auditive des sources sonores", Journées Design Sonore, Boulogne Billancourt. [Houix02a]
- Kawahara, H., Zolfaghari, P., de Cheveigné, A. (2002) "On F0 trajectory optimization for very high-quality speech manipulation", ICSLP, 2397-2400. [Kawahara02a]
- Lemaitre, G., Susini, P., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (2002) "Etude de la perception du timbre des avertisseurs sonores (Rapport intermédiaire)", Contrat Klaxon-Ircam-Université du Maine (Technical Report). [Lemaitre02b]
- Lemaitre, G., Susini, P., Winsberg, S., McAdams, S. (2002) "Perception of the timbre of car horns", Forum Acusticum: S. Hirzel Verlag [CD-ROM], Sevilla, Spain. [Lemaitre02a]
- Lemaitre, G., Susini, P., Winsberg, S., McAdams, S. (2002) "Perception of the timbre of car horns", Acta Acustica 88, S123 (A). [Lemaitre02c]
- Levitin, D., McAdams, S., Adams, R. (2002) "Control parameters for musical instruments: A foundation for new mappings of gesture to sound", Organised Sound 7, 171-189. [Levitin02a]
- Limam, M., Vrac, M., Diday, E., Winsberg, S. (2002) "A top-down binary tree method for symbolic class descriptions", In: Proceedings of IPMU-2000, ESIA, Université de Savoie, Annecy, France, 877-889. [Limam02a]
- McAdams, S. (2002) "Musical similarity and dynamic processing in musical contexts", International Symposium on Musical Acoustics: ENM/UNAM, Mexico City [CD-ROM], Mexico City. [McAdams02g]
- McAdams, S., Bigand, E., Vieillard, S. (2002) "Composition et cognition musicales: Création, perception, appréciation", Programme Cognitique, MENRT (Rapport de fin de recherche). [McAdams02h]
- McAdams, S., Caclin, A., Smith, B. (2002) "A confirmatory analysis of four acoustic correlates of timbre space", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112, 2239 (A). [McAdams02d]
- McAdams, S., Drake, C. (2002) "Auditory perception and cognition", In: Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology: Vol. 1. Sensation and Perception, Edited by: Pashler, H., Yantis, S., New York: Wiley, 397-452. [McAdams02a]
- McAdams, S., Matzkin, D. (2002) "The roots of musical variation in perceptual similarity and invariance", In: The Biological Foundations of Music, Edited by: Peretz, I., Zatorre, R., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 80-94. [McAdams02b]
- McAdams, S., Reynolds, R. (2002) "Problem-solving strategies in the composition of The Angel of Death", 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: Adelaide: Causal Productions [CD-ROM], Sydney. [McAdams02e]
- McAdams, S., Smith, B. K., Vieillard, S., Bigand, E., Reynolds, R. (2002) "Real-time perception of a contemporary musical work in a live concert setting", 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: Causal Productions, Adelaide [CD-ROM], Sydney. [McAdams02f]
- Meddis, R., Delahaye, R., O'Mard, L., Sumner, C., Fantini, D. A., Winter, I. M., Pressnitzer, D. (2002) "A model of signal processing in the cochlear nucleus: Comodulation masking release", Acta acustica united with Acustica 88, 387-398. [Meddis02a]
- Menon, V., Levitin, D. J., Smith, B. K., Lembke, A., Kraznow, B., Glazer, D., Glover, G. H., McAdams, S. (2002) "Neural correlates of timbre change in harmonic sounds", Neuroimage 17, 1742-1754. [Menon02a]
- Patterson, R. D., Krumbholz, K., Pressnitzer, D. (2002) "The existence region for melodic pitch and computational models", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111, 2416 (A). [Patterson02a]
- Pressnitzer, D., Charvet, P. (2002) "Simple comme musique". [Pressnitzer02d]
- Pressnitzer, D., Demany, L., Rupp, A. (2002) "The perception of frequency peaks and troughs: psychophysical data and functional brain imaging data", Acta Acustica. [pressnitzer02a]
- Pressnitzer, D., McKinney, M., de Cheveigné, A., I.M., Winter (2002) "Pitch perception and the encoding of click trains in the mammalian ventral cochlear nucleus", Acta Acustica. [Pressnitzer02b]
- Pressnitzer, D., Meddis, R. (2002) "Modèles fonctionnels du système auditif périphérique", In: VIème congrès de la Société Française d'Audiologie. [Pressnitzer02c]
- Reynolds, R. (2002) "Compositional strategies in The Angel of Death for piano, chamber orchestra and computer processed sound", 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: Causal Productions, Adelaide [CD-ROM], Sydney. [Reynolds02b]
- Reynolds, R. (2002) "Form and Method: Composing Music (The Rothschild Essays)", Edited by: McAdams, S., New York: Routledge. [Reynolds02a]
- Rivenez, M., Gorea, A., Pressnitzer, D., Drake, C. (2002) "The tolerance window for sequences of musical, environmental and artificial sounds", In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Edited by: C. Stevens, D. Burnham, G. McPherson, E. Schubert and J. Renwick, Adelaide: Causal Productions. [Rivenez02b]
- Susini, P. (2002) "Interactions son/image", Paris, France: Projet de recherche EliasArt, 1-39 (Technical Report). [Susini02e]
- Susini, P. , McAdams, S. , Smith, B. (2002) "Global and continuous loudness estimation of time-varying levels", ACUSTICA - acta acustica 88, 536-548. [Susini02a]
- Susini, P., Gaudibert, P., Deruty, E., Dandrel, L. (2002) "Représentation fonctionnelle", Paris, France: Projet RNRT - Radio Thème, 1-10 (Technical Report). [Susini02f]
- Susini, P., McAdams, S. (2002) "Influence of sound-directed attentional focus on overall loudness ratings", Forum Acusticum: S. Hirzel Verlag, Sevilla, Spain. [Susini02b]
- Susini, P., Vieillard, S., Deruty, E., Dandrel, L. (2002) "Etude des hyperliens sonores II: Pertinence d'un ensemble de paramètres acoustiques sur le soulignement sonore d'un mot", Paris, France: Projet RNRT - Radio Thème, 1-16 (Technical Report). [Susini02d]
- Susini, P., Vieillard, S., Deruty, E., Smith, B. K. , Marin, C. (2002) "Sound Navigation: Sonified Hyperlinks", International Conference on Auditory Display: ATR, Kyoto, Japan. [Susini02c]
- Tardieu, J. (2002) "Etude psychophysiques de l'illusion de continuité auditive", Thesis: DEA Atiam, Université Paris VI, Paris (Masters). [Tardieu02a]
- Vieillard, S., Bigand, E., Madurell, F., McAdams, S., Reynolds, R. (2002) "Can listening to excerpts of original versions of contemporary musical materials facilitate recognition of their transformed versions?", 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: Adelaide: Causal Productions [CD-ROM], Sydney. [Vieillard02b]
- Vieillard, S., McAdams, S., Houix, O., Reynolds, R. (2002) "Perceptual and cognitive criteria used in the categorization of thematic excerpts from a contemporary musical piece", 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: Adelaide: Causal Productions [CD-ROM], Sydney. [Vieillard02a]
- Vrac, M., Diday, E., Winsberg, S., Limam, M. (2002) "Symbolic class description", In: Data Analysis, Classification and Related Methods: Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Federation of Classification Societies, Berlin: Springer, 329-339. [Vrac02a]
- Winsberg, S., DeSoete, G. (2002) "A bootstrap procedure for mixture models: applied to multidimensional scaling latent class models", Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 18, 391-406. [Winsberg02a]
- Ayari, M. (2001) "Perception et représentation musicales", Revue Tunisienne de Musicologie 2. [Ayari01a]
- Ayari, M. (2001) "Processus cognitifs et analyse musicale", Revue de recherches en sciences Culturelles, Artistiques et Musicologique (Tunis) 1. [Ayari01b]
- Brown, J., Houix, O., McAdams, S. (2001) "Feature dependence in the automatic identification of musical woodwind instruments", Journal of the Acoustical Soceity of America 109, 1064-1072. [Brown01a]
- Caclin, A. (2001) "Etude de la perception du timbre musical : Psychophysique et imagerie cérébrale", Thesis: Ecole Normale Supérieure, Sciences Cognitives (Mémoire de DEA). [Caclin01a]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2001) "Method for the scaling of the indexing data of a multimedia document", US (Patent). [deCheveigne01c]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2001) "Méthode d'indexation dans une structure de description multimédia", France, 01 05893 (Patent). [deCheveigne01f]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2001) "Estimation de périodes fondamentales de sources concurrentes multiples notamment de son", France, 01 06683 (Patent). [deCheveigne01e]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2001) "Procédé d'extraction de la fréquence fondamentale d'un signal sonore au moyen d'un dispositif mettant en oeuvre un algorithme d'autocorrélation", France, 01 07284 (Patent). [deCheveigne01d]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2001) "Fundamental frequency, correlation network, ICA, and hearing", CREST workshop, Tokyo. [deCheveigne01r]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2001) "Correlation Network model of auditory processing", Workshop on Consistent & Reliable Acoustic Cues for sound analysis. [deCheveigne01t]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2001) "Running autocorrelation model of F0 estimation", ASA, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 2417. [deCheveigne01a]
- de Cheveigné, A. (2001) "Generalized Correlation Network model of auditory processing", Workshop on Consistent & Reliable Acoustic Cues for sound analysis. [deCheveigne01i]
- de Cheveigné, A., Kawahara, H. (2001) "Comparative evaluation of F0 estimation algorithms", Eurospeech, 2451-2454. [deCheveigne01h]
- de Cheveigné, A., Pressnitzer, D. (2001) "Generalized correlation network", Hearnet workshop, May 2001. [deCheveigne01q]
- de Cheveigné, A., Pressnitzer, D. (2001) "Modèle Réseau de Corrélation de traitement auditif", La cognition: de l'artificiel au naturel, Paris, Collège de France, 13. [deCheveigne01s]
- Dufournet, D., Susini, P., Slama, M., McAdams, S. (2001) "An annoyance meter for squeak-and-rattle diagnostics", 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, 38-39 [CD-ROM]. [Dufournet01a]
- Faure, A., McAdams, S. (2001) "Des sons aux mots : comment parle-t-on du timbre musical ?", In: Langage et pensée: 10ème Séminaire Jean-Louis Signoret, Edited by: Viader, F., Eustache, F., Brussels: De Boeck. [Faure01a]
- Junker, F., Susini, P., Cellard, P., Martin, N. (2001) "Sensory evaluation of air-conditioning noise: Comparative analysis of two methods", ICA, Rome, Italie. [Junker01a]
- Krumbholz, K., Patterson, R. D., Pressnitzer, D. (2001) "The perception of periodicity near the lower limit of pitch", In: Physiological and Psychophysical Bases of Auditory Function, Edited by: Houtsma, A. J. M., Kohlrausch, A., Prijs, V. F., Schoonhoven, R., Maastricht, The Netherlands: Shaker Publishing BV, 75-82. [Krumbholz01a]
- Lemaitre, G., Susini, P., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (2001) "Etude de l'effet du mode de fixation des avertisseurs sonores automibles sur la perception du son" (Rapport intermédiaire, contrat Klaxon-Ircam-Université du Maine). [Lemaitre01a]
- Lemaitre, Guillaume, Vergez, Christophe, Rodet, Xavier, Caussé, René (2001) "Physical modeling of oboe-like instruments: influence of the bore conicity and of the pipeneck after the double reed", In: Proceedings of SCI 2001 10, 563-568. [Lemaitre01b]
- Marozeau, J., de Cheveigné, A., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (2001) "The perceptual interaction between pitch and timbre of musical sound", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 109, 2288. [Marozeau01b]
- Marozeau, J., de Cheveigné, A., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (2001) "The perceptual interaction between the pitch and timbre of musical sound", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109, 2288 (A). [Marozeau01a]
- Matzkin, D. (2001) "Perception de similarité de mélodies tonales et non tonales: Etude pluridisciplinaire", Thesis: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Cognitive Sciences, Paris (PhD thesis). [Matzkin01a]
- McAdams, S. (2001) "Psychology of music: Perception/Cognition: Timbre", In: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd ed., Edited by: Sadie, S., Tyrell, J., London: Grove Music 20, 538-539. [http://www.grovemusic.com/] [McAdams01a]
- McAdams, S. (2001) "Le concert des sens reste sous le joug du biologique", Revue du Palais de la Découverte 284, 53. [McAdams01b]
- McAdams, S., Bigand, E., Vieillard, S. (2001) "Composition et cognition musicales: Création, perception, appréciation", Programme Cognitique, MENRT (Rapport intermédiaire). [McAdams01d]
- McAdams, S., Matzkin, D. (2001) "Similarity, invariance and musical variation", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 930, 62-76. [McAdams01c]
- Meddis, R., Delahaye, R., Fantini, D., Winter, I. M., Pressnitzer, D. (2001) "A model of a brainstem circuit that might be involved in comodulation masking release", In: Physiological and Psychophysical Bases of Auditory Function, Edited by: Houtsma, A. J. M., Kohlrausch, A., Prijs, V. F., Schoonhoven, R., Maastricht, The Netherlands: Shaker Publishing BV, 252-257. [Meddis01a]
- Neuert, V., Pressnitzer, D., Patterson, R. D., Winter, I. M. (2001) "The response of single units in the inferior colliculus of the guinea pig to damped and ramped sinusoids", Hearing Research 159, 36-52. [PDF] [Neuert01a]
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- Pressnitzer, D., Patterson, R. D. (2001) "Distortion products and the perceived pitch of harmonic complex tones", In: Physiological and Psychophysical Bases of Auditory Function, Edited by: Houtsma, A. J. M., Kohlrausch, A., Prijs, V. F., Schoonhoven, R., Maastricht, The Netherlands: Shaker Publishing BV, 97-104. [PDF] [Pressnitzer01c]
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- Susini, P., Perry, I., Vieillard, S., Winsberg, S., McAdams, S., Rodet, X. (2001) "Sensory evaluation of air-conditioning noise: Sound design and psychoacoustic evaluation", 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, 20-21 [CD-ROM]. [Susini01a]
- Susini, P., Vieillard, S., Marin, Cécile, Smith, B. (2001) "Etude des Hyperliens sonores.", Projet RNRT, Radio Thème. (Technical Report). [susini01f]
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- Ayari, M. (2000) "Esquisse d'écoute et de pensée musicales arabes", Thesis: Université Paris VIII, Musique, Paris (Doctoral thesis). [Ayari00a]
- Bigand, E., McAdams, S., Forêt, S. (2000) "Divided attention in music", International Journal of Psychology 35, 270-278. [Bigand00a]
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- Houix, O., McAdams, S., Caussé, R. (2000) "Structures vibrantes et catégorisation auditive", 5ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Lausanne, 437-440. [Houix01a]
- Krumbholz, K., Patterson, R. D., Pressnitzer, D. (2000) "The Lower Limit of Pitch as revealed by Rate Discrimination Thresholds", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 108, 1170-1180. [Krumbholz00a]
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- McAdams, S. (2000) "The psychomechanics of real and simulated sound sources", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 107, 2792(A). [McAdams00b]
- McAdams, S. (2000) "La psychoméchanique des sources sonores simples", Actes du 5ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique: Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne, Lausanne, XXI. [McAdams00c]
- McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (2000) "Psychophysical quantification of individual differences in timbre perception", In: Contributions to Psychological Acoustics: Results of the 8th Oldenburg Symposium on Psychological Acoustics, Edited by: Schick, A., Meis, M., Reckhardt, C., Oldenburg: Bis, 165-182. [McAdams00a]
- Peeters, G., McAdams, S., Herrera, P. (2000) "Instrument sound description in the context of MPEG-7", Proceedings of the 2000 International Computer Music Conference, Berlin, 166 -169. [Peeters00a]
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- Pressnitzer, D., Winter, I. M. (2000) "Encoding first- and second-order periodicity in the ventral cochlear nucleus", In: Abstracts of the twenty-third midwinter research meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, St Petersburg, Florida, 181. [Pressnitzer00d]
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- Susini, P., McAdams, S. (2000) "L'approche psychoacoustique de la qualité sonore", France: Prédit - Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'environnement, 1 - 38 (Rapport intermédiare). [Susini00d]
- Susini, P., McAdams, S. (2000) "Psychophysical validation of a proprioceptive device by cross-modal matching of loudness", Acustica 86, 515-525. [Susini00e]
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- Brochard, R., Drake, C., Botte, M.-C., McAdams, S. (1999) "Perceptual organization of complex auditory sequences: Effect of number of simultaneous subsequences and frequency separation", Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 25, 1742-1759. [Brochard99a]
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- de Cheveigné, A. (1999) "Pitch shifts of mistuned partials: a time-domain model", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 106, 887-897. [abstract] [deCheveigne99i]
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- de Cheveigné, A., Smith, B. (1999) "A 'Sound Transparency' descriptor", ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG99/m5198 (Technical Report). [deCheveigne99a]
- Drake, C., McAdams, S. (1999) "The continuity illusion: Role of temporal sequence structure", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 106, 3529-3538. [Drake99a]
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- Kawahara, H., Masuda-Katsuse, I., de Cheveigné, A. (1999) "Restructuring speech representations using a pitch-adaptive time-frequency smoothing and an instantaneous-frequency-based F0 extraction: Possible role of a repetitive structure in sounds", Speech Communication 27, 187-207. [Kawahara99a]
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- McAdams, S. (1999) "Perspectives on the contribution of timbre to musical structure", Computer Music Journal 23, 96-113. [McAdams99a]
- McAdams, S., Beauchamp, J., Meneguzzi, S. (1999) "Discrimination of of musical instrument sounds resynthesized with simplified spectrotemporal parameters", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 105, 882-897. [McAdams99d]
- McAdams, S., Misdariis, N. (1999) "Perceptual-based retrieval in large musical sound databases", Human Centred Processes '99: ENST Bretagne, Brest, 445-450. [McAdams99b]
- McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (1999) "Multidimensional scaling of musical timbre constrained by physical parameters", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 105, 1273(A). [McAdams99c]
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- Pressnitzer, D., McAdams, S. (1999) "Summation of roughness across frequency regions", In: Temporal processing in the auditory system: Psychophysics, physiology and models of hearing, Edited by: T. Dau, V. Hohmann and B. Kollmeier, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 105-108. [PDF] [Pressnitzer99e]
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- Susini, P., McAdams, S. (1999) "Contrôle et évaluation des caractéristiques temporelles de montée en régime moteur", Paris: GIE PSA/Renault (Rapport intermédiaire). [susini99e]
- Susini, P., McAdams, S., Perry, I., Rodet, X. (1999) "Etude psychoacoustique de bruits d'unités intérieures de climatisation", Paris: EDF (Rapport intermédiaire).
- Susini, P., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (1999) "A multidimensional technique for sound quality assessment", Acustica 85, 650-656. [Susini99a]
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- Bey, C., McAdams, S. (1998) "Implication of top-down processes in auditory streaming", 39th Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Dallas, 25(A).
- Bey, C., McAdams, S. (1998) "Perception de mélodies intercalées : Implication des processus descendants dans l'organisation auditive", VIIe Colloque de l'Association pour la Recherche Cognitive, Paris, 255-260.
- Bigand, E., Madurell, F., McAdams, S. (1998) "Quelques commentaires psychologiques sur le commentaire d'écoute", Musurgia 5, 71-81.
- de Cheveigné, A. (1998) "Analyse de scènes auditives computationnelle", École d'été - La parole, des modèles cognitifs aux machines communicantes. [PDF (text without figures, in French)] [deCh98-grenoble]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1998) "The auditory system as a separation machine", ATR workshop on events and auditory temporal structure, 1-7. [PDF] [deCh98-ATREATS]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1998) "Cancellation model of pitch perception", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 103, 1261-1271. [abstract] [deCh98-cpitch]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1998) "Periodicity and missing feature theory in audition", CREST Workshop on Stable representations for periodic sounds, Nagoya. [PDF] [deCh98-CREST]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1998) "Time domain processing in the auditory system", ICONIP (International Conference on Neural Information Processing), 1327-1332. [PDF] [deCh98-ICONIP]
- de Cheveigné, A., Kawahara, H. (1998) "A model of vowel perception based on missing feature theory", ATR-HIP, TR-H-252 (Technical Report). [PDF] [deCh98-TR]
- Faure, A., McAdams, S. (1998) "Du percept au concept : comment parle-t-on du timbre des instruments de musique ?", 6ième colloque du l'école doctorale Neurobiologie & Comportement, Paris, C9.
- Kawahara, H., de Cheveigné, A., Patterson, R.D. (1998) "An instantaneous-frequency-based pitch extraction method for high quality speech transformation: revised TEMPO in the STRAIGHT-suite", ICSLP, (Dec. 1998). [kawa98-1]
- Kawahara, H., Katayose, H., Patterson, R.D., de Cheveigné, A. (1998) "Equilibrium points of frequency-to-instantaneous-frequency mapping and its application to accurate F0 extraction", CREST workshop on "Stable representations for periodic sounds", Nagoya. [kawa98-3]
- Kawahara, H., Katayose, H., Patterson, R.D., de Cheveigné, A. (1998) "Highly accurate F0 extraction using instantaneous frequencies", Proc. ASJ special interest group on hearing, H-98-XX/MA-98-XX. [kawa98-2]
- Matzkin, D. (1998) "La perception de similarité musicale peut-elle être étudiée dans le cadre de la théorie de la modularité et de l'indépendance perceptive ?", Thesis: EHESS, Sciences Cognitives, Paris (Mémoire de DEA).
- McAdams, S., Botte, M.-C., Drake, C. (1998) "Auditory continuity and loudness computation", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 103, 1580-1591.
- McAdams, S., Drake, C. (1998) "Intensité subjective des sources sonores multiples : Rôle des mécanismes perceptifs d'organisation en flux auditifs", Paris: Ministère de l'Environnement (Rapport de fin de contrat).
- McAdams, S., Kudo, K., Kirchner, H. (1998) "Perceptual interaction of exciter and resonator properties in percussive instrument sounds", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 103, 2966(A).
- McAdams, S., Susini, P. (1998) "Caractérisation perceptive des bruits de véhicules", Actes du Congrès SIA/SFA, Paris, France.
- McAdams, S., Susini, P., Misdariis, N., Winsberg, S. (1998) "Multidimensional characterisation of perceptual and preference judgements of vehicle and environmental noises", Proceedings of Euro-Noise 98, Munich, Allemagne, 561-566.
- Misdariis, N., Smith, B., Pressnitzer, D., Susini, P., McAdams, S. (1998) "Validation of a multidimensional distance model for perceptual dissimilarities among musical timbres", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 103, 3005. [misdariis98]
- Pressnitzer, D. (1998) "Perception de rugosité psychoacoustique: d'un attribut élémentaire de l'audition à l'écoute musicale", Thesis: Université Paris VI (Thèse de Doctorat). [pressnitzouille]
- Pressnitzer, D., McAdams, S. (1998) "Phase effects in roughness perception", In: Psychophysical and Physiological Advances in Hearing, Edited by: A. Rees, A. Q. Summerfield, A. R. Palmer and R. Meddis, London: Whurr Publishers, 286-292. [pressnitzer97c]
- Roussarie, V., McAdams, S., Chaigne, A. (1998) "Perceptual analysis of vibrating bars synthesized with a physical model", 16th International Congress on Acoustics, Seattle, 2227-2228.
- Susini, P. (1998) "Sound an ergonomy", In: On Sound Design, Edited by: Delage, B, Engelen, H, Stockholm, 14-18.
- Susini, P., McAdams, S. (1998) "Application de la méthode d'évaluation de l'intensité perçue par appareiement inter-modal aux sons d'accélération de voitures", GIE PSA/Renault (Rapport intermédiaire).
- Susini, P., McAdams, S. (1998) "Global and continuous judgments of sounds with time-varying intensity: Cross-modal matching with a proprioceptive input device", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 103, 2812(A).
- Susini, P., McAdams, S. (1998) "Evaluation de la sonie de sons extraits de l'environnement urbain par appariement inter-modal", Paris: GIE PSA/Renault (Rapport intermédiaire).
- Susini, P., Misdariis, N., Winsberg, S., McAdams, S. (1998) "Caractérisation perceptive de bruits", Acoustique et Techniques 13, 11-15.
- Beauchamp, J. W., McAdams, S., Meneguzzi, S. (1997) "Perceptual effects of simplifying musical instrument sound time-frequency representations", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 101, 3167(A).
- Bey, C., McAdams, S. (1997) "Etudes des processus de formation des flux auditifs par une méthode objective", 4e Congrès Français d'Acoustique: Teknea, Marseille, 531-534.
- Bey, C., McAdams, S. (1997) "Implication des processus descendants dans la formation des flux auditifs", La perception: Du natural à l'artificiel, Journées Internationales d'Orsay sur les Sciences Cognitives 1997, Orsay, 29-32.
- Botte, M.-C., Drake, C., Brochard, R., McAdams, S. (1997) "Perceptual attenuation of non-focused auditory streams", Perception and Psychophysics 59, 419-425.
- de Cheveigné, A. (1997) "Concurrent vowel identification III: A neural model of harmonic interference cancellation", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 101, 2857-2865. [abstract] [deCh97-JASA3]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1997) "Harmonic fusion and pitch shifts of inharmonic partials", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 102, 1083-1087. [abstract] [deCh97-hartmann]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1997) "Ten experiments in concurrent vowel segregation", ATR Human Information Processing Research Labs, TR-H-217 (Technical Report). [abstract] [deCh97-TR]
- de Cheveigné, A., Kawahara, H. (1997) "Modeling the perception of multiple pitches", IJCAI workshop on Computational Auditory Scene Analysis, Nagoya, 11-18. [deCh97-IJCAI]
- de Cheveigné, A., Kawahara, H., Tsuzaki, M., Aikawa, K. (1997) "Concurrent vowel identification I: Effects of relative level and F0 difference", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 101, 2839-2847. [abstract] [deCh97-JASA1]
- de Cheveigné, A., McAdams, S., Marin, C. (1997) "Concurrent vowel identification II: Effects of phase, harmonicity and task", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 101, 2848-2856. [abstract] [deCh97-JASA2]
- de Cheveigné, A., Tsuzaki, M. (1997) "A model of the pitch shifts of mistuned partials", Acoust. Soc. Japan spring meeting, 415-416. [PDF] [deCh97-ASJ]
- Donnadieu, S. (1997) "Représentation mentale du timbre des sons complexes et effets de contexte", Thesis: Université Paris V, Psychologie des Processus Cognitifs, Paris (Thèse de Doctorat).
- Faure, A., McAdams, S. (1997) "Comparaison de profils sémantiques et de l'espace perceptif des timbres musicaux", 4eme Congrès Français d'Acoustique: Teknea, Marseille, France, 625-628.
- Kawahara, H., de Cheveigne, A. (1997) "F0 extraction method free from errors and its evaluation", IEICEJ (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers), SP-69 (Technical Report). [kawa97-1]
- Kawahara, H., Masuda, I., de Cheveigné, A (1997) "Restructuring speech representations using STRAIGHT-TEMPO: possible role of a repetitive structure in sounds", ATR-Human Information Processing Research Laboratories (Technical Report). [kawa97-3]
- Kawahara, H., Masuda, I., de Cheveigné, A. (1997) "STRAIGHT: A speech analysis-modification-synthesis method and TEMPO: A pitch extraction method", Spring meeting of the ASJ, 233-234. [kawa97-4]
- Kirchner, H. (1997) "A non-speeded classification study on the mechanical dimensions of timbre", Thesis: Université Wilhelm, Psychologie, Münster (Mémoire de DEA).
- Kluxen, C. (1997) "Facteurs contribuant à la perception de la tension musicale dans la musique tonale et non-tonale", Thesis: Université Paris IV, Musique et Musicologie du XXe Siècle, Paris (Mémoire de DEA).
- Lakatos, S., McAdams, S., Caussé, R. (1997) "The representation of auditory source characteristics: Simple geometric form", Perception & Psychophysics 59, 1180-1190.
- Marin, C., de Cheveigné, A. (1997) "Rôle de la modulation de fréquence dans la séparation de voyelles", SFA, 527-530. [marin97]
- McAdams, S. (1997) "L'organisation perceptive de l'environnement sonore", In: Rencontres IPSEN en ORL, Edited by: Christen, Y., Collet, L., Droy-Lefaix, M.-T., Boulogne: Editions Irvinn, 91-102.
- McAdams, S., Bertoncini, J. (1997) "Organization and discrimination of repeating sound sequences by newborn infants", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 102, 2945-2953.
- McAdams, S., Donnadieu, S., Roussarie, V., Houix, O. (1997) "Représentation auditive des sons émis par les structures vibrantes. Tome II: Etude psychoacoustique des sons réels et des sons de synthèse", Ministère de l'Environnement (Rapport de fin de contrat).
- McAdams, S., Smith, B.K., Maillot, M., Frachet, B. (1997) "Sélectivité fréquentielle et identification de voyelles simultanées chez des auditeurs normo-entendants et malentendants", In: Rencontres IPSEN en ORL, Edited by: Christen, Y., Collet, L., Droy-Lefaix, M.-T., Boulogne: Editions Irvinn, 131-145.
- Misdariis, N., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (1997) "Caractérisation perceptive des bruits de passage de véhicules de transport", SNCF (Rapport de fin de contrat).
- Paraskeva, S. (1997) "L'influence du timbre, de la présence/absence de la tonalité et de l'éducation musicale dans la perception des schémas de tension et de détente musicales", Thesis: Université Paris V, Psychologie Cognitive, Paris (Mémoire de DEA).
- Paraskeva, S., McAdams, S. (1997) "Influence of timbre, presence/absence of tonal hierarchy and musical training on the perception of tension/relaxation schemas of musical phrases", 1997 International Computer Music Conference: ICMA, Thessaloniki, 438-441.
- Pressnitzer, D. (1997) "L'approche du phénomène sonore", In: La petite encyclopédie de la musique, Paris: Editions du Regard, 75-78. [pressnitzer97ency]
- Pressnitzer, D. (1997) "Sons rugueux, sons tendus", Pour la Science (French edition of Scientific American) 240, 34. [pressnitzer97pls]
- Pressnitzer, D. (1997) "La petite encyclopédie de la musique", Paris: Éditions du Regard, 75-78. [pressnitzer97ency]
- Pressnitzer, D., McAdams, S. (1997) "Influence of phase effects on roughness modeling and control", 1997 International Computer Music Conference: ICMA, Thessaloniki, 31-34.
- Pressnitzer, D., McAdams, S. (1997) "Influence of phase effects on roughness modelling", In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Thessaloniki, 31-34. [pressnitzer97icmc]
- Pressnitzer, D., McAdams, S. (1997) "Influence de la phase sur la perception de rugosité de sons complexes", 4e Congrès Français d'Acoustique: Teknea, Marseille, 535-538.
- Susini, P., McAdams, S. (1997) "Méthode d'appariement inter-modal", Paris: GIE PSA/Renault (Rapport intermédiaire).
- Susini, P., McAdams, S. (1997) "Jugements instantanés et jugement global de l'intensité acoustique d'un son dynamique de 1000 Hz en utilisant deux méthods", Paris: GIE PSA/Renault (Rapport intermédiaire).
- Susini, P., McAdams, S. (1997) "Revue bibliographique des méthodes de jugement perceptif continu de sons non stationnaires", Paris: GIE PSA/Renault (Rapport intermédiaire).
- Susini, P., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (1997) "Caractérisation perceptive des bruits de véhicules", 4e Congrès Français d'Acoutique: Teknea, Marseille, 543-546.
- Susini, P., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (1997) "Perceptual characterisation of vehicules noises", EEA Symposium: Psychoacoustic in Industry and Universities, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
- Beauvois, M. W., McAdams, S. (1996) "Stimulus intensity and auditory stream formation", Acustica 82, S85(A).
- Brochard, R., Drake, C., McAdams, S., Botte, M.-C. (1996) "Effect of the number of distracting streams on the focusing of attention on one auditory stream", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 99, 2597(A).
- de Cheveigné, A. (1996) "Speech fundamental frequency estimation", ATR-HIP, TR-H-195 (Technical Report). [deCh96-TR]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1996) "Ségrégation de voyelles simultanées: effets du niveau relatif et de la différence de F0", Journées d'Étude de la Parole, 55-58. [PDF] [deCh96-JEP]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1996) "A neural cancellation model of F0-guided sound separation", ESCA Workshop on the Auditory Basis of Speech Perception, Keele, 180-185. [PDF] [deCh96-KEELE]
- de Cheveigné, A., Marin, C. (1996) "The segregation of frequency-modulated concurrent harmonic sounds", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 100, 2718. [PDF] [deCh96-ASA]
- Donnadieu, S., McAdams, S. (1996) "Effects of context change on dissimilarity, discrimination, and categorisation tasks on timbre perception", Fechner Day 96. 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics: ISP, Padova, 239-244.
- Donnadieu, S., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (1996) "Categorization, discrimination, and context effects in the perception of natural and interpolated timbres", 4th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: Faculty of Music, McGill University, Montréal, 73-78.
- Faure, A. (1996) "Analyse de protocoles verbaux obtenus en comparant des timbres musicaux", Deuxième Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Cognitives, Presqu'île de Giens (Vars), 293-296.
- Faure, A., McAdams, S., Nosulenko, V. (1996) "Verbal correlates of perceptual dimensions of timbre", 4th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: Faculty of Music, McGill University, Montréal, 79-84.
- Kawahara, H., de Cheveigné, A. (1996) "Error free F0 extraction algorithm and its evaluation", ATR, TR-H-206 (Technical Report). [kawa96]
- Lakatos, S., McAdams, S., Caussé, R. (1996) "Perception of auditory source characteristics: Simple geometric form", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 100, 2719(A).
- Marin, C., McAdams, S. (1996) "The role of frequency modulation, polyperiodicity, and auditory beats in the recognition of spectrally embedded complex target sounds", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 100, v.
- Marin, Cécile M.H., McAdams, Stephen (1996) "The role of auditory beats induced by frequency modulation and polyperiodicity in the perception of spectrally embedded complex target sounds", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 100, 1736-1753.
- McAdams, S. (1996) "L'organisation perceptive du monde sonore", Médecine des Arts 18, 15-17.
- McAdams, S. (1996) "Organisation et représentation perceptives en audition", Thesis: Université René Descartes (Paris V), Psychologie, Paris (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches).
- McAdams, S. (1996) "Perception des sources sonores", BIO : Lettres du Département des Sciences de la Vie, CNRS 62, 5.
- McAdams, S. (1996) "Audition: Cognitive psychology of music", In: The Mind-Brain Continuum, Edited by: Llinás, R., Churchland, P., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 251-279.
- McAdams, S. (1996) "Stratégies d'écoute: L'auditeur et la musique électroacoustique", In: Les cinq sens de la création, Edited by: Borio, M., Sauvageot, A., Seyssel: Editions Champ Vallon, 70-76.
- McAdams, S., Bharucha, J. J. (1996) "Cognitive processing of musical structure", International Journal of Psychology 31, 148(A).
- McAdams, S., Pressnitzer, D. (1996) "L'approche de la psychoacoustique musicale et de la psychologie cognitive de la musique", Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France (Rapport du groupe Ecoute Interactive de la Musique).
- McAdams, S., Pressnitzer, D. (1996) "Psychoacoustic factors contributing to musical tension in Western non-tonal music", International Journal of Psychology 31, 148(A). [McAdams96a]
- Pressnitzer, D., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S., Fineberg, J. (1996) "Roughness and tension of orchestral timbres", In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Montreal: McGill University, 85-90. [pressnitzer96icmpc]
- Pressnitzer, D., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S., Fineberg, J. (1996) "Roughness and musical tension of orchestral timbres", 4th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: Faculty of Music, McGill University, Montréal, 85-90.
- Pressnitzer, D., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S., Fineberg, J. (1996) "Tension musicale et rugosité psychoacoustique dans la musique non-tonale", Journées d'Informatique Musicale, Caen, 147-156.
- Pressnitzer, D., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S., Fineberg, J. (1996) "Tension et rugosité dans une musique non tonale.", In: Acte des Journées d'Informatique Musicale, Caen, 147-156. [pressnitzer96jim]
- Samoylenko, E. S., McAdams, S., Nosulenko, V. N. (1996) "Systematic analysis of verbalizations produced in comparing musical timbres", International Journal of Psychology 31, 255-278.
- Susini, P., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (1996) "Perception acoustique des sons de véhicules égalisés en sonie", GIE PSA/Renault (Rapport de fin de contrat).
- Beauchamp, J., Horner, A., McAdams, S. (1995) "Musical sounds, data reduction, and perceptual control parameters", SMPC95 Conference: SMPC, Berkeley, 8-9(A).
- Bey, C. (1995) "Un test objectif évaluant la capacité de séparer les flux auditifs", Thesis: Université Paris VI, Sciences Cognitives, Paris (Mémoire de DEA).
- Botte, M.C., McAdams, S., Drake, C. (1995) "La perception des sons et de la musique", In: Perception et agnosies : Séminaire Jean-Louis Signoret, Edited by: Lechevalier, B., Eustache, F., Bruxelles: De Boeck, 55-99.
- Brochard, R., Drake, C., Botte, M-C., McAdams, S. (1995) "Focusing attention on one auditory stream does not depend on the number of simultaneous streams", Fechner Day 95. 11th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics: ISP, Cassis, 155-160.
- de Cheveigné, A. (1995) "Experiments in vowel segregation", ATR-HIP, TR-H-154 (Technical Report). [deCh95-threeTR]
- de Cheveigné, A., Kawahara, H., Tsuzaki, M., Aikawa, K. (1995) "Sensitive experimental techniques for the study of sound segregation", ASJ automn meeting, Acoust. Soc. Japan, 373-374. [PDF] [deCh95-ASJ]
- de Cheveigné, A., McAdams, S., Laroche, J., Rosenberg, M. (1995) "Identification of concurrent harmonic and inharmonic vowels: A test of the theory of harmonic cancellation and enhancement", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 97, 3736-3748.
- Donnadieu, S., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (1995) "Effects of context change on timbre perception", SMPC95 Conference: SMPC, Berkeley, 12(A).
- Lakatos, S., McAdams, S. (1995) "Scaling of harmonic and percussive timbres: Perceptual spaces and verbal attributes", SMPC95 Conference: SMPC, Berkeley, 10(A).
- McAdams, S., Botte, M-C., Drake, C. (1995) "The partitioning of loudness in the auditory continuity phenomenon", Fechner Day 95. 11th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics: ISP, Cassis, 109-114.
- McAdams, S., de Cheveigné, A. (1995) "Processus d'organisation auditive: Expérimentation psychologique et modélisation informatique", Paris: Action concertée "Sciences de la Cognition", Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (Rapport de fin de contrat).
- McAdams, S., Susini, P., Winsberg, S. (1995) "Perception acoustique des sons de véhicules", Paris: GIE PSA/Renault (Rapport de fin de contrat).
- McAdams, S., Winsberg, S., Donnadieu, S., De Soete, G., Krimphoff, J. (1995) "Perceptual scaling of synthesized musical timbres: Common dimensions, specificities, and latent subject classes", Psychological Research 58, 177-192.
- Bigand, E., McAdams, S., Forêt, S. (1994) "Divided attention in polyphonic listening", 3rd International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: ESCOM, Liège, 237-238.
- Botte, M.-C., Drake, C., Brochard, R., McAdams, S., Argenti, A.-M. (1994) "Focalisation attentionelle appliquée aux flux auditifs. Premières mesures", Journal de Physique 4, 407-410.
- Botte, M.C., Drake, C., Brochard, R., McAdams, S., Argenti, A.M. (1994) "Preliminary measures of the focusing of attention on auditory streams", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 95, 2965(A).
- de Cheveigné, A. (1994) "Strategies for voice separation based on harmonicity", ICSLP, Yokohama, 1071-1074. [PDF] [deCh94-ICSLP]
- de Cheveigné, A., Kawahara, H., Aikawa, K., Lea, A (1994) "Speech separation for speech recognition", Journal de Physique 4, C5-545-C545-548. [PostScript] [deCh94-SFA2]
- de Cheveigné, A., McAdams, S., Laroche, J., Rosenberg, M. (1994) "Identification de voyelles simultanées harmoniques et inharmoniques", Journal de Physique 4, 533-536.
- Donnadieu, S., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (1994) "Caractérisation du timbre des sons complexes. I : Analyse multidimensionnelle", Journal de Physique 4, 593-596.
- Donnadieu, S., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (1994) "Context effects in "timbre space"", 3rd International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: ESCOM, Liège, 311-312.
- Fales, C., McAdams, S. (1994) "The fusion and layering of noise and tone: Implications for timbre in African instruments", Leonardo Music Journal 4, 69-77.
- Fales, C., McAdams, S. (1994) "Tone/noise fusion and timbre in African musical instruments", 3rd International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: ESCOM, Liège, 105-106.
- Krimphoff, J., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (1994) "Caractérisation du timbre des sons complexes. II: Analyses acoustiques et quantification psychophysique", Journal de Physique 4, 625-628.
- McAdams, S. (1994) "Review of Auditory Scene Analysis by Albert S. Bregman", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 95, 1177-1178.
- McAdams, S. (1994) "Reconnaissance de sources et d'événements sonores", In: Penser les sons : Psychologie cognitive de l'audition, Edited by: McAdams, S., Bigand, E., Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 157-214.
- McAdams, S. (1994) "Big sister Pitch's little brother Timbre comes of age", 3rd International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: ESCOM, Liège, 41-45.
- McAdams, S. (1994) "Audition: physiologie, perception et cognition", In: Traité de psychologie expérimentale, Edited by: Richelle, M., Requin, J., Robert, M., Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 1, 283-344.
- McAdams, S., Bigand, E. (1994) "Introduction à la cognition auditive", In: Penser les sons : Psychologie cognitive de l'audition, Edited by: McAdams, S., Bigand, E., Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1-10.
- McAdams, S., Bigand, E. (1994) "Penser les sons: Psychologie cognitive de l1audition", Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
- McAdams, S., Botte, M.-C., Banide, F., Durot, X., Drake, C. (1994) "The computation of loudness in the auditory continuity phenomenon", ATR Workshop on "A Biological Framework for Speech Perception and Production: ATR Technical Report, Kyoto, 81-86.
- McAdams, S., Botte, M.-C., Drake, C. (1994) "Le phénomène de la continuité auditive et la répartition de la sonie entre flux auditifs", Journal de Physique 4, 383-386.
- McAdams, S., Winsberg, S., Murail, T., Fineberg, J., Bigand, E., Drake, C. (1994) "Dissonance: Allegories of the concept and Disintegrations of the preconceptions", 3rd International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: ESCOM, Liège, 317-318.
- Nosulenko, V.N., Samoylenko, E.S., McAdams, S. (1994) "L'analyse de descriptions verbales dans l'étude des comparaisons de timbres musicaux", Journal de Physique 4, 637-640.
- Pressnitzer, D. (1994) "Rugosité auditive de sons complexes : perception, physiologie et modélisation.", Thesis: Université Paris VI, ATIAM, Paris (Mémoire de DEA). [pressnitzer94]
- Santon, F., Marchioni, A., Susini, P. (1994) "L'intelligibilité de la parole en présence d'un écho et de bruit", Journal de Physique 1, 537 -540.
- de Cheveigné, A. (1993) "Time-domain comb filtering for speech separation", ATR Human Information Processing Laboratories, TR-H-016 (Technical Report). [deCh93-combTR]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1993) "Separation of concurrent harmonic sounds: Fundamental frequency estimation and a time-domain cancellation model of auditory processing", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 93, 3271-3290. [abstract] [deCh93-JASA]
- Donnadieu, S. (1993) "Les effets de contexte et leurs influences sur la perception des relations de dissemblance entre différents timbres musicaux", Thesis: Université Paris V, Psychologie des Processus Cognitifs, Paris (Mémoire de DEA).
- Krimphoff, J. (1993) "Analyse acoustique et perception du timbre", Thesis: Université du Maine, Acoustique Appliquée, Le Mans (Mémoire de DEA).
- Lea, A., de Cheveigné, A. (1993) "Effects of an interfering complex tone on a vowel continuum", Automn meeting of the ASJ, 195-196. [lea93]
- McAdams, S. (1993) "Analyse de Auditory Scene Analysis de Albert S. Bregman", L'Année Psychologique 93, 609.
- McAdams, S. (1993) "Recognition of sound sources and events", In: Thinking in Sound: The Cognitive Psychology of Human Audition, Edited by: McAdams, S., Bigand, E., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 146-198.
- McAdams, S. (1993) "L'utopie d'une psychoacoustique musicale", Les Cahiers de l'IRCAM 4, v.
- McAdams, S., Bigand, E. (1993) "Thinking in Sound: The Cognitive Psychology of Human Audition", Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- McAdams, S., Bigand, E. (1993) "Introduction to auditory cognition", In: Thinking in Sound: The Cognitive Psychology of Human Audition, Edited by: McAdams, S., Bigand, E., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-9.
- McAdams, S., Bigand, E., Drake, C. (1993) "Processus perceptifs et cognitifs dans l'écoute et dans l'interprétation musicales", Paris: Direction de la Musique et de la Danse, Minstère de la Culture (Rapport de fin de contrat).
- Botte, M.C., McAdams, S. (1992) "Organisation perceptive dans l'audition", Les Cahiers de l'Audition 5, 22-26.
- Demany, L., McAdams, S. (1992) "L'audition organisatrice: Le système auditif humain est un organisateur de spectres", Le Courrier du CNRS 79, 43.
- McAdams, S. (1992) "Aspects cognitifs de l'audition humaine", Paris: DRET, Rapport de fin de contrat (Technical Report).
- McAdams, S. (1992) "Perception and memory of musical timbre", International Journal of Psychology 27, 146(A).
- McAdams, S., Cunibile, J.C. (1992) "Perception of timbral analogies", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London, series B 336, 383-389.
- de Cheveigné, A. (1991) "L'éditeur de signal 'à distance' MapSignal", ICPhS, 490-493. [PDF] [deCh91-ICPhS2]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1991) "A model for the discrimination of pure tone pitch", ICPhS, Aix en Provence, 74-77. [PDF] [deCh91-ICPhS1]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1991) "Speech f0 extraction based on Licklider's pitch perception model", ICPhS, 218-221. [PDF] [deCh91-ICPhS3]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1991) "A mixed speech F0 estimation algorithm", ESCA (Eurospeech)-91, Genova, 445-448. [PDF] [deCh91-eurospeech]
- Marin, Cécile (1991) "Processus de séparation perceptive des sources sonores simultanées.", Thesis: Université Paris III, Phonétique (Thèse de Doctorat).
- Marin, Cécile M.H., McAdams, Stephen (1991) "Segregation of concurrent sounds II: Effects of spectral envelope tracing, frequency modulation coherence, and frequency modulation width", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 89, 341-351.
- McAdams, S. (1991) "Pertseptivnaya organizatsiya akusticheskoy sryedy [L'organisation perceptive du monde sonore]", In: Problemy ekologicheskoy psykhoakustiki [Problèmes de psychoacoustique écologique], Edited by: Nosulenko, V., Moscow: Institut de Psychologie, 28-50.
- McAdams, S., Saariaho, K. (1991) "Qualités et fonctions du timbre musical", In: Le timbre : Métaphores pour la composition, Edited by: Barrière, J.B., Paris: Editions Christian Bourgois, 164-181.
- Anastas, M. (1990) "L'organisation perceptive des patterns temporels", Thesis: Université Paris V, Psychologie des Processus Cognitifs, Paris (Mémoire de DEA).
- de Cheveigné, A. (1990) "Auditory nerve fiber spike generation model", ATR Interpreting Telephony Res. Labs. technical report, TR-I-0139 (Technical Report). [deCh90-spikeTR]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1990) "The MapSignal remote speech editor", ATR Interpreting Telephony Res. Labs. technical report, TR-I-0137 (Technical Report). [deCh90-mapsignalTR]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1990) "F0 estimation from mixed speech", ATR Auditory and visual perception research labs, TR-A-0097 (Technical Report). [deCh90-mixedTR]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1990) "Experiments in pitch extraction", ATR Interpreting Telephony Res. Labs technical report, TR-I-0138 (Technical Report). [deCh90-pitchTR]
- Hartmann, W. M., McAdams, S., Smith, B. K. (1990) "Hearing a mistuned harmonic in an otherwise periodic complex tone", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 88, 1712-1724.
- Marin, C.M.H., McAdams, S. (1990) "Interactions among cues contributing to concurrent sound segregation", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 88, S146(A).
- Marin, C.M.H., McAdams, S., Liènard, J.S. (1990) "The role of beats in the segregation of concurrent sounds based on frequency modulation coherence", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 87, S157(A).
- Marin, C.M.H., McAdams, S., Liénard, J.S. (1990) "Le rôle des battements sur la séparation perceptive de sources sonores simultanées due à l'indice de modulation de fréquence", Journal de Physique 2, 167-170.
- McAdams, S. (1990) "L'organisation perceptive du monde sonore", Paris: Fondation Fyssen (Rapport scientifique).
- McAdams, S. (1990) "Reply to "Comments on S. McAdams' review of Sound Color" [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 86, 2469-2471 (1989)]", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 86, 2471(B).
- McAdams, S., Bertoncini, J., Bobrow, J. (1990) "Organization and discrimination of repeating sound sequences by newborn infants", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 88, S91(A).
- McAdams, S., Deliège, I. (1990) "Special issue" (Psychology of Music) 18(1).
- McAdams, S., Marin, C. M. H. (1990) "Auditory processing of frequency modulation coherence", Fechner Day 90. 6th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics: ISP, Würzburg, 175-180.
- McAdams, S., Marin, C.M.H. (1990) "Within- and cross-channel mechanisms in the detection of frequency modulation coherence and incoherence", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 87, S157(A).
- Bertoncini, J., Morais, J., Bijeljac-Babic, R., McAdams, S., Peretz, I., Mehler, J. (1989) "Dichotic perception and laterality in neonates", Brain and Langauge 37, 591-605.
- de Cheveigné, A. (1989) "Pitch and the narrowed autocoincidence histogram", Proc. ICMPC, Kyoto, 67-70. [PDF] [deCh89-ICMPC]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1989) "The MapSignal remote speech editor", Proc. Acoust. Soc. Japan Automn meeting, 383-384. [deCh89-ASJ2]
- de Cheveigné, A., Kuwabara, H. (1989) "Narrowed autocoincidence of nerve spike patterns and pure tone pitch", Proc. Acoust. Soc. Japan Automn meeting, 383-384. [deCh89-ASJ1]
- Marin, C.M.H., McAdams, S., Liénard, J.S. (1989) "The role of beats in concurrent sound segregation based on frequency modulation cues", Fechner Day 89. 5th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics: ISP, Cassis, 120-125.
- McAdams, S. (1989) "Les nombreux visages de la cognition humaine dans la recherche et la pratique musicales", In: La musique et les sciences cognitives, Edited by: McAdams, S., Deliège, I., Bruxelles: Editions Pierre Mardaga, 11-20.
- McAdams, S. (1989) "Psychological constraints on form-bearing dimensions in music", Contemporary Music Review 4, 181-198.
- McAdams, S. (1989) "Review of Generative Processes in Music: The Psychology of Performance, Improvisation, and Composition, edited by John A. Sloboda", Music Perception 7, 195-201(B).
- McAdams, S. (1989) "Segregation of concurrent sounds. I: Effects of frequency modulation coherence", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 86, 2148-2159.
- McAdams, S. (1989) "Music and psychoacoustics", Fechner Day 89. 5th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics: ISP, Cassis, 1-4.
- McAdams, S. (1989) "Contraintes psychologiques sur les dimensions porteuses de forme en musique", In: La musique et les sciences cognitives, Edited by: McAdams, S., Deliège, I., Bruxelles: Editions Pierre Mardaga, 257-284.
- McAdams, S. (1989) "Introduction: The many faces of human cognition in musical research and practice", Contemporary Music Review 4, 1-7.
- McAdams, S., Clarke, E. (1989) "Bases psychologiques de l'exécution musicale experte", Paris: Formation 95699, Programme Franco-britannique, CNRS (Rapport Final).
- McAdams, S., Deliège, I. (1989) "La musique et les sciences cognitives", Bruxelles: Editions Pierre Mardaga.
- McAdams, S., Deliège, I. (1989) "Music and the Cognitive Sciences" (Contemporary Music Review) 4(1).
- McAdams, S. (1988) "Perception et intuition : Calculs tacites", InHarmoniques 3, 86-103.
- McAdams, S. (1988) "Review of Sound Color by Wayne Slawson", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 84, 1957-1958(B).
- McAdams, S., Rodet, X. (1988) "The role of FM-induced AM in dynamic spectral profile analysis", In: Basic Issues in Hearing, Edited by: Duifhuis, H., Horst, J.W., Wit, H.P., London: Academic Press, 359-369.
- Marin, C., McAdams, S. (1987) "Rôle de l'enveloppe spectrale dans la séparation de sources sonores", Paris: IRCAM, pp. 75-92 (Rapport Annuel).
- Marin, Cécile (1987) "Rôle de l'enveloppe spectrale dans la perception des sources sonores.", Thesis: Université Paris III, Paris (Mémoire de DEA).
- Marin, Cécile (1987) "L'oreille absolue", Science et Vie.
- Marin, Cécile M.H., McAdams, Stephen (1987) "The role of spectral envelope in the segregation of sound sources", IRCAM, 75-92 (Rapport annuel).
- McAdams, S. (1987) "Music: A science of the mind?", Contemporary Music Review 2, 1-61.
- McAdams, S. (1987) "Les formes du plaisir musical", Science et Vie 158, 116-121.
- McAdams, S. (1987) "Music and Psychology: A Mutual Regard" (Contemporary Music Review) 2(1).
- de Cheveigné, A. (1986) "A pitch perception model", Proc. IEEE ICASSP, 897-900. [deCh86-ICASSP]
- Hartmann, W.M., McAdams, S., Gerzso, A., Boulez, P. (1986) "The discrimination of spectral density", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 79, 1915-1925.
- Hartmann, W.M., McAdams, S., Smith, B.K. (1986) "L'appariement de la hauteur d'un harmonique désaccordé dans un son complexe", Paris: IRCAM, 57-65 (Rapport Annuel).
- Hartmann, W.M., McAdams, S., Smith, B.K. (1986) "Matching the pitch of a mistuned harmonic in an otherwise periodic complex tone", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 80, S93(A).
- de Cheveigné, A. (1985) "A nerve fiber discharge model for the study of pitch", Trans. Acoust. Soc. Japan Committee on Speech/Hearing Research, 279-286. [deCh85-spike]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1985) "Phase sensitivity and pitch shifts: the behavior of three temporal pitch models", Proc. Acoust. Soc. Japan Automn meeting, 277-278. [deCh85-ASJ]
- de Cheveigné, A., Abe, M., Doshita, S. (1985) "The human interface of a speech work-station", Studia Phonologica XIX, 18-26. [deCh85-studia]
- Hartmann, W.M., McAdams, S. (1985) "Discrimination of spectral density", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 78, S46(A).
- McAdams, S., Gladkoff, S., Keller, J.-P. (1985) "AISE: A prototype laboratory for musical research and the development of conceptual tools", 1984 International Computer Music Conference: Computer Music Association, Paris, 143-162.
- McAdams, S., Saariaho, K. (1985) "Qualities and functions of musical timbre", 1985 International Computer Music Conference: Computer Music Association, Vancouver, 367-374.
- McAdams, S., Saariaho, K. (1985) "Processus perceptifs et cognitifs", Paris: IRCAM, 22-23 (Rapport Annuel).
- de Cheveigné, A. (1984) "A shift and comparison model of pitch perception", Trans. Acoust. Soc. Japan Committee on Speech Research,, 295-302.. [deCh84-ASJ2]
- de Cheveigné, A. (1984) "A signal processing approach via shift and comparison", Proc. Acoust. Soc. Japan Spring meeting, 5-6. [deCh84-ASJ1]
- Lestrat, J.-P. (1984) "Effets de la densité acoustique, ses incidences sur la perception de la forme mélodique et sur le jugement esthétique", Thesis: Université de Paris X, Psychologie (Mémoire de DEA).
- McAdams, S. (1984) "The auditory image: A metaphor for musical and psychological research on auditory organization", In: Cognitive Processes in the Perception of Art, Edited by: Crozier, W. R., Chapman, A. J., Amsterdam: North-Holland, 289-323.
- McAdams, S. (1984) "Spectral Fusion, Spectral Parsing, and the Formation of Auditory Images", Thesis: Stanford University, Hearing and Speech Sciences, Stanford (Thèse de Doctorat).
- McAdams, S., Rodet, X. (1984) "The coupling of sub-audio amplitude and frequency modulations and the perception of spectral envelope characteristics", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 76, S13(A).
- McAdams, S. (1983) "Acoustic cues contributing to spectral fusion", 1983 International Congress of Acoustics, Paris, 127-130.
- McAdams, S. (1983) "Les fondements de l'acoustique", In: Musique et ordinateur, Edited by: Battier, M., Bernard, P., Charbonneau, G., Orsay: Université de Paris-Orsay, 67-91.
- de Cheveigné, A. (1982) "Mémoire digitale de transitoires: contribution à la phonétique instrumentale", Thesis: Paris 7, Linguistique (Thèse de 3e cycle). [deCh82-these]
- McAdams, S. (1982) "Contributions of sub-audio frequency modulation and spectral envelope constancy to spectral fusion in complex harmonic tones", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 72, S11(A).
- McAdams, S. (1982) "Spectral fusion and the creation of auditory images", In: Music, Mind and Brain: The Neuropsychology of Music, Edited by: Clynes, M., New York: Plenum Press, 278-298.
- McAdams, S. (1981) "The effects of spectral fusion on the perception of pitch for complex tones", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 68.
- McAdams, S., Wessel, D. (1981) "A general synthesis package based on principles of auditory perception", 1981 International Computer Music Conference: Computer Music Association, Denton, Texas, 308(A).
- McAdams, S., Bregman, A. S. (1979) "Hearing musical streams", Computer Music Journal 3, 26-43.
In press
- Ayari, M. (à paraître) "La multidimensionnalité du phénomène musical : schéma culturel et analyse perceptive", Annales de la Fondation Fyssen (CNRS).
- McAdams, S., Susini, P., Krimphoff, J., Misdariis, N., Smith, B. ((en préparation)) "A meta-analysis of timbre space. II: Psychophysical quantification of common dimensions", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
- McAdams, S., Wightman, F. (1978) "Subharmonic pitch extraction or pitch memory?", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 64.
- Rivenez, M., Gorea, A., Pressnitzer, D., Drake, C. (submitted) "Tempo perception for irregular sound sequences: effect of sound category", submitted. [rivenez02a]
- Wightman, F., McAdams, S. (1978) "Pitch perception of complex tones for normal and hearing-impaired listeners", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 64.