%0 Thesis %A Caclin, A. %D 2001 %T Etude de la perception du timbre musical : Psychophysique et imagerie cérébrale %B Sciences Cognitives %I Ecole Normale Supérieure %9 Mémoire de DEA %1 8 %2 1 %F Caclin01a %0 Journal Article %A Caclin, A. %A Brattico, E. %A Smith, B. %A Ternaviemi, M. %A Giard, M.-H. %A McAdams, S. %D 2002 %T Electrophysiological correlates of musical timbre perception %B Journal of the Acoustical Society of America %V 112 %P 2240 (A) %1 5 %2 3 %F Caclin02a %0 Conference Proceedings %A Caclin, A. %A Brattico, E. %A Smith, B. %A Ternaviemi, M. %A Toiviainen, P. %A Näätänen, R. %A Giard, M.-H. %A McAdams, S. %D 2002 %T Musical timbre perception: A combined psychophysical and electrophysiological study %B ICON8 %C Porquerolles %P 70 %1 6 %2 3 %F Caclin02b %0 Journal Article %A McAdams, S. %A Caclin, A. %A Smith, B. %D 2002 %T A confirmatory analysis of four acoustic correlates of timbre space %B Journal of the Acoustical Society of America %V 112 %P 2239 (A) %1 5 %2 3 %F McAdams02d