@article{Brown01a, author = {J. Brown and O. Houix and S. McAdams}, title = {Feature dependence in the automatic identification of musical woodwind instruments}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Soceity of America}, volume = {109}, pages = {1064-1072}, year = {2001}, keywords = {1}, labintel = {1} } @proceedings{Houix02a, author = {O. Houix}, title = {Cat{\'e}gorisation auditive des sources sonores}, booktitle = {Journ{\'e}es Design Sonore}, address = {Boulogne Billancourt}, year = {2002}, labintel = {7} } @proceedings{Houix02b, author = {O. Houix}, title = {Groupements hi{\'e}rarchiques et partition optimale}, booktitle = {S{\'e}minaire m{\'e}thodologie Arbres, classes, distances}, address = {Laboratoire Langages, Cognitions, Pratiques (LCPE)}, year = {2002}, labintel = {7} } @phdthesis{Houix03a, author = {O. Houix}, title = {Catgorisation auditive des sources sonores}, school = {Universit{\'e} du Maine}, year = {2003}, url = {$<$a href="http://www.ircam.fr/pcm/pdf/houix-these.pdf"$>$PDF$<$/a$>$}, labintel = {8} } @incollection{Houix99a, author = {O. Houix and S. McAdams and R. Causs{\'e}}, editor = {Grealy and M. A. and Thomson and J. A.}, title = {Auditory categorization of sound sources}, booktitle = {Studies in Perception and Action}, volume = {V}, pages = {47-51}, publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum Associates}, address = {Mahwah, NJ}, year = {1999}, labintel = {4} } @proceedings{Houix01a, author = {O. Houix and S. McAdams and R. Causs{\'e}}, title = {Structures vibrantes et cat{\'e}gorisation auditive}, booktitle = {5{\`e}me Congr{\`e}s Fran{\c{c}}ais d'Acoustique}, pages = {437-440}, address = {Lausanne}, year = {2000}, keywords = {6}, labintel = {6} } @techreport{McAdams97, author = {S. McAdams and S. Donnadieu and V. Roussarie and O. Houix}, title = {Repr{\'e}sentation auditive des sons {\'e}mis par les structures vibrantes. Tome II: Etude psychoacoustique des sons r{\'e}els et des sons de synth{\`e}se}, institution = {Minist{\`e}re de l'Environnement}, type = {Rapport de fin de contrat}, year = {1997}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{Susini03a, author = {P. Susini and O. Houix and N. Misdariis}, title = {Influence des informations ajout{\'e}es sur les jugements d'une s{\'e}quence sonore I : protocole exp{\'e}rimental}, institution = {Renault}, type = {(Technical Report)}, pages = {12}, address = {Paris, France}, year = {2003} } @techreport{Susini03b, author = {P. Susini and O. Houix and N. Misdariis}, title = {Influence des informations ajout{\'e}es sur les jugements d'une s{\'e}quence sonore II : r{\'e}sultats}, institution = {Renault}, pages = {33}, address = {Paris, France}, year = {2003} } @proceedings{Vieillard02a, author = {S. Vieillard and S. McAdams and O. Houix and R. Reynolds}, editor = {Stevens, C., and Burnham, D., and McPherson, G., and Schubert, E., and Renwick, J.,}, title = {Perceptual and cognitive criteria used in the categorization of thematic excerpts from a contemporary musical piece}, booktitle = {7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, publisher = {Adelaide: Causal Productions [CD-ROM]}, address = {Sydney}, year = {2002}, labintel = {6} }