@incollection{Ayari02a, author = {M. Ayari and S. McAdams}, editor = {L{\'e}vy, F., and Chouvel, J.-M.,}, title = {Le sch{\'e}ma cognitif culturel de l'improvisation modale: Forme musicale et analyse perceptive}, booktitle = {Observation, analyse, mod{\`e}le. Peut-on parler d'art avec les outils de la science ?}, pages = {395-418}, publisher = {Harmattan}, address = {Paris}, year = {2002}, labintel = {4} } @proceedings{Ayari02b, author = {M. Ayari and S. McAdams}, title = {Le sch{\'e}ma cognitif culturel de l'improvisation: forme musicale et analyse perceptive (Psychologie exp{\'e}rimentale et probl{\`e}me d'universalisation de donn{\'e}es)}, booktitle = {2e colloque international d'{\'e}pist{\'e}mologie musicale (colloque organis{\'e} par la SFAM, l'IRCAM et l'Universit{\'e} Paris X)}, address = {IRCAM, Paris}, year = {2002}, labintel = {7} } @article{Ayari03a, author = {M. Ayari and S. McAdams}, title = {Aural analysis of arabic improvised instrumental Music (taqs{\^i}m)}, journal = {Music Perception}, volume = {21}, pages = {159-216}, year = {2003}, labintel = {1} } @incollection{Ayari04a, author = {M. Ayari and S. McAdams}, editor = {Madurell, F.,}, title = {Polys{\'e}mie et multidimensionnalit{\'e} du ph{\'e}nom{\`e}ne de l'improvisation instrumentale arabe}, booktitle = {Les pratiques d'{\'e}coute individuelles}, pages = {({\`a} para{\^i}tre)}, publisher = {Universit{\'e} de Paris-Sorbonne}, address = {Paris}, year = {2004}, labintel = {4} } @proceedings{Beauchamp95, author = {J. Beauchamp and A. Horner and S. McAdams}, title = {Musical sounds, data reduction, and perceptual control parameters}, booktitle = {SMPC95 Conference}, pages = {8-9(A)}, publisher = {SMPC}, address = {Berkeley}, year = {1995}, labintel = {7} } @article{Beauchamp97, author = {J. W. Beauchamp and S. McAdams and S. Meneguzzi}, title = {Perceptual effects of simplifying musical instrument sound time-frequency representations}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {101}, pages = {3167(A)}, year = {1997}, labintel = {5} } @article{Beauvois96, author = {M. W. Beauvois and S. McAdams}, title = {Stimulus intensity and auditory stream formation}, journal = {Acustica}, volume = {82}, pages = {S85(A)}, year = {1996}, labintel = {5} } @article{Belin98, author = {P. Belin and S. McAdams and B. Smith and S. Savel and L. Thivard and S. Samson and Y. Samson}, title = {The functional anatomy of sound intensity discrimination}, journal = {Journal of Neuroscience}, volume = {18}, pages = {6388-6394}, year = {1998}, labintel = {1} } @article{Belin02a, author = {P. Belin and S. McAdams and L. Thivard and B. Smith and S. Savel and M. Zilbovicius and S. Samson and Y. Samson}, title = {The neuroanatomical substrate of sound duration discrimination}, journal = {Neuropsychologia}, volume = {40}, pages = {1956-1964}, year = {2002}, labintel = {1} } @article{Bertoncini89, author = {J. Bertoncini and J. Morais and R. Bijeljac-Babic and S. McAdams and I. Peretz and J. Mehler}, title = {Dichotic perception and laterality in neonates}, journal = {Brain and Langauge}, volume = {37}, pages = {591-605}, year = {1989}, labintel = {1} } @proceedings{Bey97, author = {C. Bey and S. McAdams}, title = {Implication des processus descendants dans la formation des flux auditifs}, booktitle = {La perception: Du natural {\`a} l'artificiel, Journ{\'e}es Internationales d'Orsay sur les Sciences Cognitives 1997}, pages = {29-32}, address = {Orsay}, year = {1997}, labintel = {6} } @proceedings{Bey97a, author = {C. Bey and S. McAdams}, title = {Etudes des processus de formation des flux auditifs par une m{\'e}thode objective}, booktitle = {4e Congr{\`e}s Fran{\c{c}}ais d'Acoustique}, volume = {1}, pages = {531-534}, publisher = {Teknea}, address = {Marseille}, year = {1997}, labintel = {6} } @proceedings{Bey98, author = {C. Bey and S. McAdams}, editor = {Kayser, D., and Nguyen-Xuan, A., and Holley, A.,}, title = {Perception de m{\'e}lodies intercal{\'e}es : Implication des processus descendants dans l'organisation auditive}, booktitle = {VIIe Colloque de l'Association pour la Recherche Cognitive}, pages = {255-260}, address = {Paris}, year = {1998}, labintel = {7} } @proceedings{Bey98a, author = {C. Bey and S. McAdams}, title = {Implication of top-down processes in auditory streaming}, booktitle = {39th Meeting of the Psychonomic Society}, pages = {25(A)}, address = {Dallas}, year = {1998}, labintel = {6} } @article{Bey02a, author = {C. Bey and S. McAdams}, title = {Schema-based processing in auditory scene analysis}, journal = {Perception and Psychophysics}, volume = {64}, pages = {844-854}, year = {2002}, labintel = {1} } @article{Bey03a, author = {C. Bey and S. McAdams}, title = {Post-recognition of interleaved melodies as an indirect measure of auditory stream formation}, journal = {Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance}, volume = {{\`a} para{\^i}tre.}, year = {2003} } @article{Bigand98, author = {E. Bigand and F. Madurell and S. McAdams}, title = {Quelques commentaires psychologiques sur le commentaire d'{\'e}coute}, journal = {Musurgia}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, pages = {71-81}, year = {1998}, labintel = {10} } @proceedings{Bigand94, author = {E. Bigand and S. McAdams and S. For{\^e}t}, editor = {Deli{\`e}ge, I.,}, title = {Divided attention in polyphonic listening}, booktitle = {3rd International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, pages = {237-238}, publisher = {ESCOM}, address = {Li{\`e}ge}, year = {1994}, labintel = {6} } @article{Bigand00a, author = {E. Bigand and S. McAdams and S. For{\^e}t}, title = {Divided attention in music}, journal = {International Journal of Psychology}, volume = {35}, pages = {270-278}, month = {jan2000}, year = {2000}, labintel = {1} } @proceedings{Bigand02a, author = {E. Bigand and S. Vieillard and F. Madurell and S. McAdams and B. Poulin}, editor = {Stevens, C., and Burnham, D., and McPherson, G., and Schubert, E., and Renwick, J.,}, title = {Effects of instrumentation on the memorization of musical materials}, booktitle = {7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, publisher = {Adelaide: Causal Productions [CD-ROM]}, address = {Sydney}, year = {2002}, labintel = {1} } @article{Botte97, author = {M.-C. Botte and C. Drake and R. Brochard and S. McAdams}, title = {Perceptual attenuation of non-focused auditory streams}, journal = {Perception and Psychophysics}, volume = {59}, pages = {419-425}, year = {1997}, labintel = {1} } @article{Botte94, author = {M.-C. Botte and C. Drake and R. Brochard and S. McAdams and A.-M. Argenti}, title = {Focalisation attentionelle appliqu{\'e}e aux flux auditifs. Premi{\`e}res mesures}, journal = {Journal de Physique}, volume = {4}, number = {C5}, pages = {407-410}, year = {1994}, labintel = {5} } @article{Botte94a, author = {M.C. Botte and C. Drake and R. Brochard and S. McAdams and A.M. Argenti}, title = {Preliminary measures of the focusing of attention on auditory streams}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {95}, pages = {2965(A)}, year = {1994}, labintel = {5} } @article{Botte92, author = {M.C. Botte and S. McAdams}, title = {Organisation perceptive dans l'audition}, journal = {Les Cahiers de l'Audition}, volume = {5}, number = {5}, pages = {22-26}, year = {1992}, labintel = {10} } @incollection{Botte95, author = {M.C. Botte and S. McAdams and C. Drake}, editor = {Lechevalier, B., and Eustache, F.,}, title = {La perception des sons et de la musique}, booktitle = {Perception et agnosies : S{\'e}minaire Jean-Louis Signoret}, pages = {55-99}, publisher = {De Boeck}, address = {Bruxelles}, year = {1995}, labintel = {4} } @proceedings{Brochard95, author = {R. Brochard and C. Drake and M-C. Botte and S. McAdams}, title = {Focusing attention on one auditory stream does not depend on the number of simultaneous streams}, booktitle = {Fechner Day 95. 11th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics}, pages = {155-160}, publisher = {ISP}, address = {Cassis}, year = {1995}, labintel = {7} } @article{Brochard99a, author = {R. Brochard and C. Drake and M.-C. Botte and S. McAdams}, title = {Perceptual organization of complex auditory sequences: Effect of number of simultaneous subsequences and frequency separation}, journal = {Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance}, volume = {25}, pages = {1742-1759}, year = {1999}, labintel = {1} } @article{Brochard96, author = {R. Brochard and C. Drake and S. McAdams and M.-C. Botte}, title = {Effect of the number of distracting streams on the focusing of attention on one auditory stream}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {99}, pages = {2597(A)}, year = {1996}, labintel = {5} } @article{Brown01a, author = {J. Brown and O. Houix and S. McAdams}, title = {Feature dependence in the automatic identification of musical woodwind instruments}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Soceity of America}, volume = {109}, pages = {1064-1072}, year = {2001}, keywords = {1}, labintel = {1} } @article{Caclin02a, author = {A. Caclin and E. Brattico and B. Smith and M. Ternaviemi and M.-H. Giard and S. McAdams}, title = {Electrophysiological correlates of musical timbre perception}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {112}, pages = {2240 (A)}, year = {2002}, labintel = {5} } @proceedings{Caclin02b, author = {A. Caclin and E. Brattico and B. Smith and M. Ternaviemi and P. Toiviainen and R. N{\"a}{\"a}t{\"a}nen and M.-H. Giard and S. McAdams}, title = {Musical timbre perception: A combined psychophysical and electrophysiological study}, booktitle = {ICON8}, pages = {70}, address = {Porquerolles}, year = {2002}, labintel = {6} } @article{Cheveigne94, author = {A. de Cheveign{\'e} and S. McAdams and J. Laroche and M. Rosenberg}, title = {Identification de voyelles simultan{\'e}es harmoniques et inharmoniques}, journal = {Journal de Physique}, volume = {4}, number = {C5}, pages = {533-536}, year = {1994}, labintel = {5} } @article{Cheveigne95, author = {A. de Cheveign{\'e} and S. McAdams and J. Laroche and M. Rosenberg}, title = {Identification of concurrent harmonic and inharmonic vowels: A test of the theory of harmonic cancellation and enhancement}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {97}, pages = {3736-3748}, year = {1995}, labintel = {1} } @article{deCh97-JASA2, author = {A. de Cheveign{\'e} and S. McAdams and C. Marin}, title = {Concurrent vowel identification II: Effects of phase, harmonicity and task}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {101}, pages = {2848-2856}, year = {1997}, url = {$<$a href="http://www.ircam.fr/pcm/cheveign/abstracts/97\_concurrent\_vowel\_II.html"$>$abstract$<$/a$>$}, labintel = {1} } @article{Demany92, author = {L. Demany and S. McAdams}, title = {L'audition organisatrice: Le syst{\`e}me auditif humain est un organisateur de spectres}, journal = {Le Courrier du CNRS}, volume = {79}, pages = {43}, year = {1992}, labintel = {10} } @proceedings{Donnadieu96, author = {S. Donnadieu and S. McAdams}, title = {Effects of context change on dissimilarity, discrimination, and categorisation tasks on timbre perception}, booktitle = {Fechner Day 96. 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics}, pages = {239-244}, publisher = {ISP}, address = {Padova}, year = {1996}, labintel = {7} } @proceedings{Donnadieu94, author = {S. Donnadieu and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, editor = {Deli{\`e}ge, I.,}, title = {Context effects in "timbre space"}, booktitle = {3rd International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, pages = {311-312}, publisher = {ESCOM}, address = {Li{\`e}ge}, year = {1994}, labintel = {6} } @article{Donnadieu94a, author = {S. Donnadieu and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Caract{\'e}risation du timbre des sons complexes. I : Analyse multidimensionnelle}, journal = {Journal de Physique}, volume = {4}, number = {C5}, pages = {593-596}, year = {1994}, labintel = {5} } @proceedings{Donnadieu95, author = {S. Donnadieu and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Effects of context change on timbre perception}, booktitle = {SMPC95 Conference}, pages = {12(A)}, publisher = {SMPC}, address = {Berkeley}, year = {1995}, labintel = {7} } @proceedings{Donnadieu96a, author = {S. Donnadieu and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Categorization, discrimination, and context effects in the perception of natural and interpolated timbres}, booktitle = {4th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, pages = {73-78}, publisher = {Faculty of Music, McGill University}, address = {Montr{\'e}al}, year = {1996}, labintel = {6} } @article{Drake99a, author = {C. Drake and S. McAdams}, title = {The continuity illusion: Role of temporal sequence structure}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {106}, pages = {3529-3538}, year = {1999}, labintel = {1} } @proceedings{Dufournet01a, author = {D. Dufournet and P. Susini and M. Slama and S. McAdams}, title = {An annoyance meter for squeak-and-rattle diagnostics}, booktitle = {17th International Congress on Acoustics}, volume = {X, session 8\_10}, pages = {38-39 [CD-ROM]}, address = {Rome}, year = {2001}, keywords = {6}, labintel = {6} } @proceedings{Fales94, author = {C. Fales and S. McAdams}, editor = {Deli{\`e}ge, I.,}, title = {Tone/noise fusion and timbre in African musical instruments}, booktitle = {3rd International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, pages = {105-106}, publisher = {ESCOM}, address = {Li{\`e}ge}, year = {1994}, labintel = {6} } @article{Fales94a, author = {C. Fales and S. McAdams}, title = {The fusion and layering of noise and tone: Implications for timbre in African instruments}, journal = {Leonardo Music Journal}, volume = {4}, pages = {69-77}, year = {1994}, labintel = {1} } @proceedings{Faure97, author = {A. Faure and S. McAdams}, editor = {Meunier, Sabine, and Mangiante, G{\'e}rard, and Can{\'e}vet, Georges,}, title = {Comparaison de profils s{\'e}mantiques et de l'espace perceptif des timbres musicaux}, booktitle = {4eme Congr{\`e}s Fran{\c{c}}ais d'Acoustique}, volume = {1}, pages = {625-628}, publisher = {Teknea}, address = {Marseille, France}, year = {1997}, labintel = {acoustique, perception, audition, verbalisation, s{\'e}mantique} } @proceedings{Faure98, author = {A. Faure and S. McAdams}, editor = {Besson, M.J.,}, title = {Du percept au concept : comment parle-t-on du timbre des instruments de musique ?}, booktitle = {6i{\`e}me colloque du l'{\'e}cole doctorale Neurobiologie \& Comportement}, pages = {C9}, address = {Paris}, year = {1998}, labintel = {timbre, verbalisation} } @incollection{Faure01a, author = {A. Faure and S. McAdams}, editor = {Viader, F., and Eustache, F.,}, title = {Des sons aux mots : comment parle-t-on du timbre musical ?}, booktitle = {Langage et pens{\'e}e: 10{\`e}me S{\'e}minaire Jean-Louis Signoret}, publisher = {De Boeck}, address = {Brussels}, year = {2001}, keywords = {4}, labintel = {4} } @proceedings{Faure96, author = {A. Faure and S. McAdams and V. Nosulenko}, title = {Verbal correlates of perceptual dimensions of timbre}, booktitle = {4th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, pages = {79-84}, publisher = {Faculty of Music, McGill University}, address = {Montr{\'e}al}, year = {1996}, labintel = {6} } @article{Hartmann85, author = {W.M. Hartmann and S. McAdams}, title = {Discrimination of spectral density}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {78}, pages = {S46(A)}, year = {1985}, labintel = {5} } @article{Hartmann86, author = {W.M. Hartmann and S. McAdams and A. Gerzso and P. Boulez}, title = {The discrimination of spectral density}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {79}, pages = {1915-1925}, year = {1986}, labintel = {1} } @article{Hartmann86a, author = {W.M. Hartmann and S. McAdams and B.K. Smith}, title = {Matching the pitch of a mistuned harmonic in an otherwise periodic complex tone}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {80}, pages = {S93(A)}, year = {1986}, labintel = {5} } @techreport{Hartmann86b, author = {W.M. Hartmann and S. McAdams and B.K. Smith}, title = {L'appariement de la hauteur d'un harmonique d{\'e}saccord{\'e} dans un son complexe}, institution = {IRCAM}, type = {Rapport Annuel}, pages = {57-65}, address = {Paris}, month = {1986}, year = {1986}, labintel = {9} } @article{Hartmann90, author = {W. M. Hartmann and S. McAdams and B. K. Smith}, title = {Hearing a mistuned harmonic in an otherwise periodic complex tone}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {88}, pages = {1712-1724}, year = {1990}, labintel = {1} } @incollection{Houix99a, author = {O. Houix and S. McAdams and R. Causs{\'e}}, editor = {Grealy and M. A. and Thomson and J. A.}, title = {Auditory categorization of sound sources}, booktitle = {Studies in Perception and Action}, volume = {V}, pages = {47-51}, publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum Associates}, address = {Mahwah, NJ}, year = {1999}, labintel = {4} } @proceedings{Houix01a, author = {O. Houix and S. McAdams and R. Causs{\'e}}, title = {Structures vibrantes et cat{\'e}gorisation auditive}, booktitle = {5{\`e}me Congr{\`e}s Fran{\c{c}}ais d'Acoustique}, pages = {437-440}, address = {Lausanne}, year = {2000}, keywords = {6}, labintel = {6} } @article{Krimphoff94, author = {J. Krimphoff and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Caract{\'e}risation du timbre des sons complexes. II: Analyses acoustiques et quantification psychophysique}, journal = {Journal de Physique}, volume = {4}, number = {C5}, pages = {625-628}, year = {1994}, labintel = {5} } @proceedings{Lakatos95, author = {S. Lakatos and S. McAdams}, title = {Scaling of harmonic and percussive timbres: Perceptual spaces and verbal attributes}, booktitle = {SMPC95 Conference}, pages = {10(A)}, publisher = {SMPC}, address = {Berkeley}, year = {1995}, labintel = {7} } @article{Lakatos96, author = {S. Lakatos and S. McAdams and R. Causs{\'e}}, title = {Perception of auditory source characteristics: Simple geometric form}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {100}, pages = {2719(A)}, year = {1996}, labintel = {5} } @article{Lakatos97, author = {S. Lakatos and S. McAdams and R. Causs{\'e}}, title = {The representation of auditory source characteristics: Simple geometric form}, journal = {Perception \& Psychophysics}, volume = {59}, pages = {1180-1190}, year = {1997}, labintel = {1} } @techreport{Lemaitre01a, author = {G. Lemaitre and P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Etude de l'effet du mode de fixation des avertisseurs sonores automibles sur la perception du son}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire, contrat Klaxon-Ircam-Universit{\'e} du Maine}, year = {2001}, keywords = {9}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{Lemaitre02b, author = {G. Lemaitre and P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Etude de la perception du timbre des avertisseurs sonores (Rapport interm{\'e}diaire)}, institution = {Contrat Klaxon-Ircam-Universit{\'e} du Maine}, year = {2002}, labintel = {9} } @proceedings{Lemaitre02a, author = {G. Lemaitre and P. Susini and S. Winsberg and S. McAdams}, title = {Perception of the timbre of car horns}, booktitle = {Forum Acusticum}, publisher = {S. Hirzel Verlag [CD-ROM]}, address = {Sevilla, Spain}, year = {2002}, labintel = {6} } @article{Lemaitre02c, author = {G. Lemaitre and P. Susini and S. Winsberg and S. McAdams}, title = {Perception of the timbre of car horns}, journal = {Acta Acustica}, volume = {88}, pages = {S123 (A)}, year = {2002}, labintel = {5} } @proceedings{Lemaitre03a, author = {G. Lemaitre and P. Susini and S. Winsberg and S. McAdams}, editor = {Shinn-Cunningham and Eoin Brazil and Barbara}, title = {Perceptively based design of new car horns sounds}, booktitle = {International Conference on Auditory Display}, pages = {47-50}, publisher = {the Boston University Publications Production Department}, address = {University of Boston}, year = {2003} } @proceedings{Lemaitre04a, author = {G. Lemaitre and P. Susini and S. Winsberg and S. McAdams}, title = {A method to assess the ecological validity of laboratory-recorded car horn sounds}, booktitle = {CFA/DAGA}, address = {Strasbourg, France}, year = {2004} } @article{Levitin02a, author = {D. Levitin and S. McAdams and R. Adams}, title = {Control parameters for musical instruments: A foundation for new mappings of gesture to sound}, journal = {Organised Sound}, volume = {7}, pages = {171-189}, year = {2002}, labintel = {1} } @techreport{Marin87, author = {C. Marin and S. McAdams}, title = {R{\^o}le de l'enveloppe spectrale dans la s{\'e}paration de sources sonores}, institution = {IRCAM}, type = {Rapport Annuel}, number = {pp. 75-92}, address = {Paris}, year = {1987}, labintel = {9} } @article{Marin96, author = {C. Marin and S. McAdams}, title = {The role of frequency modulation, polyperiodicity, and auditory beats in the recognition of spectrally embedded complex target sounds}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {100}, pages = {v}, year = {1996}, labintel = {1} } @techreport{Marin87a, author = {C{\'e}cile M.H. Marin and Stephen McAdams}, title = {The role of spectral envelope in the segregation of sound sources}, institution = {IRCAM}, type = {Rapport annuel}, pages = {75-92}, year = {1987}, labintel = {9} } @article{Marin90, author = {C.M.H. Marin and S. McAdams}, title = {Interactions among cues contributing to concurrent sound segregation}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {88}, pages = {S146(A)}, year = {1990}, labintel = {5} } @article{Marin91, author = {C{\'e}cile M.H. Marin and Stephen McAdams}, title = {Segregation of concurrent sounds II: Effects of spectral envelope tracing, frequency modulation coherence, and frequency modulation width}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {89}, pages = {341-351}, year = {1991}, labintel = {1} } @article{Marin96a, author = {C{\'e}cile M.H. Marin and Stephen McAdams}, title = {The role of auditory beats induced by frequency modulation and polyperiodicity in the perception of spectrally embedded complex target sounds}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {100}, pages = {1736-1753}, year = {1996}, labintel = {1} } @proceedings{Marin89, author = {C.M.H. Marin and S. McAdams and J.S. Li{\'e}nard}, title = {The role of beats in concurrent sound segregation based on frequency modulation cues}, booktitle = {Fechner Day 89. 5th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics}, pages = {120-125}, publisher = {ISP}, address = {Cassis}, year = {1989}, labintel = {7} } @article{Marin90a, author = {C.M.H. Marin and S. McAdams and J.S. Li{\'e}nard}, title = {Le r{\^o}le des battements sur la s{\'e}paration perceptive de sources sonores simultan{\'e}es due {\`a} l'indice de modulation de fr{\'e}quence}, journal = {Journal de Physique}, volume = {2}, number = {C2}, pages = {167-170}, year = {1990}, labintel = {5} } @article{Marin90b, author = {C.M.H. Marin and S. McAdams and J.S. Li{\`e}nard}, title = {The role of beats in the segregation of concurrent sounds based on frequency modulation coherence}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {87}, pages = {S157(A)}, year = {1990}, labintel = {5} } @article{Marozeau01a, author = {J. Marozeau and A. de Cheveign{\'e} and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {The perceptual interaction between the pitch and timbre of musical sound}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {109}, pages = {2288 (A)}, year = {2001}, keywords = {5}, labintel = {1} } @article{Marozeau01b, author = {J. Marozeau and A. de Cheveign{\'e} and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {The perceptual interaction between pitch and timbre of musical sound}, journal = {J. Acoust. Soc. Am.}, volume = {109}, pages = {2288}, year = {2001}, labintel = {5} } @article{Marozeau03a, author = {J. Marozeau and A. de Cheveign{\'e} and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {The dependency of timbre on fundamental frequency}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {114}, pages = {2946-2957}, year = {2003}, labintel = {1} } @proceedings{Matzkin00a, author = {D Matzkin and S. McAdams}, title = {Similarity perception of variations of tonal and twelve-tone melodies}, booktitle = {6th ICMPC Conference}, pages = {cd-rom}, publisher = {ICMPC}, address = {Keele (UK)}, year = {2000}, labintel = {6} } @article{McAdams81, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {The effects of spectral fusion on the perception of pitch for complex tones}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {68}, number = {S109(A)}, year = {1981}, labintel = {5} } @incollection{McAdams82, author = {S. McAdams}, editor = {Clynes, M.,}, title = {Spectral fusion and the creation of auditory images}, booktitle = {Music, Mind and Brain: The Neuropsychology of Music}, pages = {278-298}, publisher = {Plenum Press}, address = {New York}, year = {1982}, labintel = {4} } @article{McAdams82a, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Contributions of sub-audio frequency modulation and spectral envelope constancy to spectral fusion in complex harmonic tones}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {72}, pages = {S11(A)}, year = {1982}, labintel = {5} } @incollection{McAdams83, author = {S. McAdams}, editor = {Battier, M., and Bernard, P., and Charbonneau, G.,}, title = {Les fondements de l'acoustique}, booktitle = {Musique et ordinateur}, pages = {67-91}, publisher = {Universit{\'e} de Paris-Orsay}, address = {Orsay}, year = {1983}, labintel = {10} } @proceedings{McAdams83a, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Acoustic cues contributing to spectral fusion}, booktitle = {1983 International Congress of Acoustics}, volume = {3}, pages = {127-130}, address = {Paris}, year = {1983}, labintel = {6} } @phdthesis{McAdams84, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Spectral Fusion, Spectral Parsing, and the Formation of Auditory Images}, booktitle = {Hearing and Speech Sciences}, school = {Stanford University}, type = {Th{\`e}se de Doctorat}, address = {Stanford}, year = {1984}, labintel = {8} } @incollection{McAdams84a, author = {S. McAdams}, editor = {Crozier and W. R. and Chapman and A. J.}, title = {The auditory image: A metaphor for musical and psychological research on auditory organization}, booktitle = {Cognitive Processes in the Perception of Art}, pages = {289-323}, publisher = {North-Holland}, address = {Amsterdam}, year = {1984}, labintel = {4} } @booklet{McAdams87, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Music and Psychology: A Mutual Regard}, booktitle = {Contemporary Music Review}, volume = {2(1)}, year = {1987}, labintel = {3} } @article{McAdams87a, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Music: A science of the mind?}, journal = {Contemporary Music Review}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {1-61}, year = {1987}, labintel = {1} } @article{McAdams87b, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Les formes du plaisir musical}, journal = {Science et Vie}, volume = {158}, pages = {116-121}, year = {1987}, labintel = {10} } @article{McAdams88, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Review of Sound Color by Wayne Slawson}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {84}, pages = {1957-1958(B)}, year = {1988}, labintel = {11} } @article{McAdams88a, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Perception et intuition : Calculs tacites}, journal = {InHarmoniques}, volume = {3}, pages = {86-103}, year = {1988}, labintel = {10} } @article{McAdams89, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Segregation of concurrent sounds. I: Effects of frequency modulation coherence}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {86}, pages = {2148-2159}, year = {1989}, labintel = {1} } @article{McAdams89a, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Review of Generative Processes in Music: The Psychology of Performance, Improvisation, and Composition, edited by John A. Sloboda}, journal = {Music Perception}, volume = {7}, pages = {195-201(B)}, year = {1989}, labintel = {11} } @article{McAdams89b, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Psychological constraints on form-bearing dimensions in music}, journal = {Contemporary Music Review}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {181-198}, year = {1989}, labintel = {1} } @proceedings{McAdams89c, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Music and psychoacoustics}, booktitle = {Fechner Day 89. 5th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics}, pages = {1-4}, publisher = {ISP}, address = {Cassis}, year = {1989}, labintel = {7} } @incollection{McAdams89d, author = {S. McAdams}, editor = {McAdams, S., and Deli{\`e}ge, I.,}, title = {Les nombreux visages de la cognition humaine dans la recherche et la pratique musicales}, booktitle = {La musique et les sciences cognitives}, pages = {11-20}, publisher = {Editions Pierre Mardaga}, address = {Bruxelles}, year = {1989}, labintel = {4} } @article{McAdams89e, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Introduction: The many faces of human cognition in musical research and practice}, journal = {Contemporary Music Review}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {1-7}, year = {1989}, labintel = {1} } @incollection{McAdams89f, author = {S. McAdams}, editor = {McAdams, S., and Deli{\`e}ge, I.,}, title = {Contraintes psychologiques sur les dimensions porteuses de forme en musique}, booktitle = {La musique et les sciences cognitives}, pages = {257-284}, publisher = {Editions Pierre Mardaga}, address = {Bruxelles}, year = {1989}, labintel = {4} } @article{McAdams90, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Reply to "Comments on S. McAdams' review of Sound Color" [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 86, 2469-2471 (1989)]}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {86}, pages = {2471(B)}, year = {1990}, labintel = {11} } @techreport{McAdams90a, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {L'organisation perceptive du monde sonore}, institution = {Fondation Fyssen}, type = {Rapport scientifique}, address = {Paris}, year = {1990}, labintel = {9} } @incollection{McAdams91, author = {S. McAdams}, editor = {Nosulenko, V.,}, title = {Pertseptivnaya organizatsiya akusticheskoy sryedy [L'organisation perceptive du monde sonore]}, booktitle = {Problemy ekologicheskoy psykhoakustiki [Probl{\`e}mes de psychoacoustique {\'e}cologique]}, pages = {28-50}, publisher = {Institut de Psychologie}, address = {Moscow}, year = {1991}, labintel = {4} } @article{McAdams92, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Perception and memory of musical timbre}, journal = {International Journal of Psychology}, volume = {27}, number = {3-4}, pages = {146(A)}, year = {1992}, labintel = {5} } @techreport{McAdams92a, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Aspects cognitifs de l'audition humaine}, institution = {DRET}, number = {Rapport de fin de contrat}, address = {Paris}, year = {1992}, labintel = {9} } @incollection{McAdams93, author = {S. McAdams}, editor = {McAdams, S., and Bigand, E.,}, title = {Recognition of sound sources and events}, booktitle = {Thinking in Sound: The Cognitive Psychology of Human Audition}, pages = {146-198}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford}, year = {1993}, labintel = {4} } @article{McAdams93a, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {L'utopie d'une psychoacoustique musicale}, journal = {Les Cahiers de l'IRCAM}, volume = {4}, pages = {v}, year = {1993}, labintel = {10} } @article{McAdams93b, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Analyse de Auditory Scene Analysis de Albert S. Bregman}, journal = {L'Ann{\'e}e Psychologique}, volume = {93}, pages = {609}, year = {1993}, labintel = {11} } @article{McAdams94, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Review of Auditory Scene Analysis by Albert S. Bregman}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {95}, pages = {1177-1178}, year = {1994}, labintel = {11} } @incollection{McAdams94a, author = {S. McAdams}, editor = {McAdams, S., and Bigand, E.,}, title = {Reconnaissance de sources et d'{\'e}v{\'e}nements sonores}, booktitle = {Penser les sons : Psychologie cognitive de l'audition}, pages = {157-214}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France}, address = {Paris}, year = {1994}, labintel = {4} } @proceedings{McAdams94b, author = {S. McAdams}, editor = {Deli{\`e}ge, I.,}, title = {Big sister Pitch's little brother Timbre comes of age}, booktitle = {3rd International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, pages = {41-45}, publisher = {ESCOM}, address = {Li{\`e}ge}, year = {1994}, labintel = {6} } @incollection{McAdams94c, author = {S. McAdams}, editor = {Richelle, M., and Requin, J., and Robert, M.,}, title = {Audition: physiologie, perception et cognition}, booktitle = {Trait{\'e} de psychologie exp{\'e}rimentale}, volume = {1}, pages = {283-344}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France}, address = {Paris}, year = {1994}, labintel = {4} } @incollection{McAdams96, author = {S. McAdams}, editor = {Borio, M., and Sauvageot, A.,}, title = {Strat{\'e}gies d'{\'e}coute: L'auditeur et la musique {\'e}lectroacoustique}, booktitle = {Les cinq sens de la cr{\'e}ation}, pages = {70-76}, publisher = {Editions Champ Vallon}, address = {Seyssel}, year = {1996}, labintel = {10} } @article{McAdams96a, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Perception des sources sonores}, journal = {BIO : Lettres du D{\'e}partement des Sciences de la Vie, CNRS}, volume = {62}, pages = {5}, year = {1996}, labintel = {10} } @phdthesis{McAdams96b, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Organisation et repr{\'e}sentation perceptives en audition}, booktitle = {Psychologie}, school = {Universit{\'e} Ren{\'e} Descartes (Paris V)}, type = {Habilitation {\`a} Diriger des Recherches}, address = {Paris}, year = {1996}, labintel = {8} } @article{McAdams96c, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {L'organisation perceptive du monde sonore}, journal = {M{\'e}decine des Arts}, volume = {18}, pages = {15-17}, year = {1996}, labintel = {10} } @incollection{McAdams96d, author = {S. McAdams}, editor = {Llin{\'a}s, R., and Churchland, P.,}, title = {Audition: Cognitive psychology of music}, booktitle = {The Mind-Brain Continuum}, pages = {251-279}, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {1996}, labintel = {4} } @incollection{McAdams97, author = {S. McAdams}, editor = {Christen, Y., and Collet, L., and Droy-Lefaix, M.-T.,}, title = {L'organisation perceptive de l'environnement sonore}, booktitle = {Rencontres IPSEN en ORL}, pages = {91-102}, publisher = {Editions Irvinn}, address = {Boulogne}, year = {1997}, labintel = {4} } @article{McAdams99a, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Perspectives on the contribution of timbre to musical structure}, journal = {Computer Music Journal}, volume = {23}, number = {2}, pages = {96-113}, year = {1999}, labintel = {1} } @article{McAdams99e, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Basic and applied psychoacoustics in France}, journal = {Acustica}, volume = {85}, pages = {636-638}, year = {1999}, labintel = {10} } @article{McAdams00b, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {The psychomechanics of real and simulated sound sources}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {107}, pages = {2792(A)}, year = {2000}, labintel = {5} } @proceedings{McAdams00c, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {La psychom{\'e}chanique des sources sonores simples}, booktitle = {Actes du 5{\`e}me Congr{\`e}s Fran{\c{c}}ais d'Acoustique}, pages = {XXI}, publisher = {Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne}, address = {Lausanne}, year = {2000}, labintel = {6} } @incollection{McAdams01a, author = {S. McAdams}, editor = {Sadie, S., and Tyrell, J.,}, title = {Psychology of music: Perception/Cognition: Timbre}, booktitle = {The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd ed.}, volume = {20}, pages = {538-539}, publisher = {Grove Music}, address = {London}, year = {2001}, url = {http://www.grovemusic.com/}, labintel = {10} } @article{McAdams01b, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Le concert des sens reste sous le joug du biologique}, journal = {Revue du Palais de la D{\'e}couverte}, volume = {284}, pages = {53}, year = {2001}, labintel = {10} } @proceedings{McAdams02g, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Musical similarity and dynamic processing in musical contexts}, booktitle = {International Symposium on Musical Acoustics}, publisher = {ENM/UNAM, Mexico City [CD-ROM]}, address = {Mexico City}, year = {2002}, labintel = {6} } @article{McAdams03b, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Perceptual characterization of real and simulated sound sources}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {107 ({\`a} para{\^i}tre)}, year = {2003}, labintel = {5} } @article{McAdams03ba, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Perception of musical timbre}, journal = {Bulletin of Psychology and the Arts}, volume = {4}, pages = {39-42}, year = {2003}, labintel = {10} } @techreport{McAdams03d, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Qualification du typage sonore}, type = {Rapport final, consultation aupr{\`e}s de PSA Peugeot-Citro{\"e}n}, year = {2003}, labintel = {9} } @article{McAdams04a, author = {S. McAdams}, title = {Problem-solving strategies in music composition: A case study}, journal = {Music Perception}, volume = {21}, number = {3}, pages = {({\`a} para{\^i}tre)}, year = {2004}, labintel = {1} } @article{McAdams99d, author = {S. McAdams and J. Beauchamp and S. Meneguzzi}, title = {Discrimination of of musical instrument sounds resynthesized with simplified spectrotemporal parameters}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {105}, pages = {882-897}, year = {1999}, labintel = {1} } @article{McAdams97a, author = {S. McAdams and J. Bertoncini}, title = {Organization and discrimination of repeating sound sequences by newborn infants}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {102}, pages = {2945-2953}, year = {1997}, labintel = {1} } @article{McAdams90b, author = {S. McAdams and J. Bertoncini and J. Bobrow}, title = {Organization and discrimination of repeating sound sequences by newborn infants}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {88}, pages = {S91(A)}, year = {1990}, labintel = {5} } @article{McAdams96e, author = {S. McAdams and J. J. Bharucha}, title = {Cognitive processing of musical structure}, journal = {International Journal of Psychology}, volume = {31}, number = {3-4}, pages = {148(A)}, year = {1996}, labintel = {5} } @book{McAdams93c, author = {S. McAdams and E. Bigand}, title = {Thinking in Sound: The Cognitive Psychology of Human Audition}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford}, year = {1993}, labintel = {3} } @incollection{McAdams93d, author = {S. McAdams and E. Bigand}, editor = {McAdams, S., and Bigand, E.,}, title = {Introduction to auditory cognition}, booktitle = {Thinking in Sound: The Cognitive Psychology of Human Audition}, pages = {1-9}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford}, year = {1993}, labintel = {4} } @book{McAdams94d, author = {S. McAdams and E. Bigand}, title = {Penser les sons: Psychologie cognitive de l1audition}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France}, address = {Paris}, year = {1994}, labintel = {3} } @incollection{McAdams94e, author = {S. McAdams and E. Bigand}, editor = {McAdams, S., and Bigand, E.,}, title = {Introduction {\`a} la cognition auditive}, booktitle = {Penser les sons~: Psychologie cognitive de l'audition}, pages = {1-10}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France}, address = {Paris}, year = {1994}, labintel = {4} } @techreport{McAdams93e, author = {S. McAdams and E. Bigand and C. Drake}, title = {Processus perceptifs et cognitifs dans l'{\'e}coute et dans l'interpr{\'e}tation musicales}, institution = {Direction de la Musique et de la Danse, Minst{\`e}re de la Culture}, type = {Rapport de fin de contrat}, address = {Paris}, year = {1993}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{McAdams01d, author = {S. McAdams and E. Bigand and S. Vieillard}, title = {Composition et cognition musicales: Cr{\'e}ation, perception, appr{\'e}ciation}, institution = {Programme Cognitique, MENRT}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire}, year = {2001}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{McAdams02h, author = {S. McAdams and E. Bigand and S. Vieillard}, title = {Composition et cognition musicales: Cr{\'e}ation, perception, appr{\'e}ciation}, institution = {Programme Cognitique, MENRT}, type = {Rapport de fin de recherche}, year = {2002}, labintel = {9} } @proceedings{McAdams94f, author = {S. McAdams and M.-C. Botte and F. Banide and X. Durot and C. Drake}, title = {The computation of loudness in the auditory continuity phenomenon}, booktitle = {ATR Workshop on "A Biological Framework for Speech Perception and Production}, volume = {TR-H-121}, pages = {81-86}, publisher = {ATR Technical Report}, address = {Kyoto}, year = {1994}, labintel = {6} } @article{McAdams94g, author = {S. McAdams and M.-C. Botte and C. Drake}, title = {Le ph{\'e}nom{\`e}ne de la continuit{\'e} auditive et la r{\'e}partition de la sonie entre flux auditifs}, journal = {Journal de Physique}, volume = {4}, number = {C5}, pages = {383-386}, year = {1994}, labintel = {5} } @proceedings{McAdams95, author = {S. McAdams and M-C. Botte and C. Drake}, title = {The partitioning of loudness in the auditory continuity phenomenon}, booktitle = {Fechner Day 95. 11th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics}, pages = {109-114}, publisher = {ISP}, address = {Cassis}, year = {1995}, labintel = {7} } @article{McAdams98, author = {S. McAdams and M.-C. Botte and C. Drake}, title = {Auditory continuity and loudness computation}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {103}, pages = {1580-1591}, year = {1998}, labintel = {1} } @article{McAdams79, author = {S. McAdams and A. S. Bregman}, title = {Hearing musical streams}, journal = {Computer Music Journal}, volume = {3}, number = {4}, pages = {26-43}, year = {1979}, labintel = {1} } @article{McAdams02d, author = {S. McAdams and A. Caclin and B. Smith}, title = {A confirmatory analysis of four acoustic correlates of timbre space}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {112}, pages = {2239 (A)}, year = {2002}, labintel = {5} } @article{McAdams04b, author = {S. McAdams and A. Chaigne and V. Roussarie}, title = {The psychomechanics of simple sound sources: Material properties of impacted bars}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {115}, pages = {1306-1320}, year = {2004}, labintel = {1} } @techreport{McAdams89g, author = {S. McAdams and E. Clarke}, title = {Bases psychologiques de l'ex{\'e}cution musicale experte}, institution = {Formation 95699, Programme Franco-britannique, CNRS}, type = {Rapport Final}, address = {Paris}, year = {1989}, labintel = {9} } @article{McAdams92b, author = {S. McAdams and J.C. Cunibile}, title = {Perception of timbral analogies}, journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London, series B}, volume = {336}, pages = {383-389}, year = {1992}, labintel = {1} } @techreport{McAdams95a, author = {S. McAdams and A. de Cheveign{\'e}}, title = {Processus d'organisation auditive: Exp{\'e}rimentation psychologique et mod{\'e}lisation informatique}, institution = {Action concert{\'e}e "Sciences de la Cognition", Minist{\`e}re de l'Enseignement Sup{\'e}rieur et de la Recherche}, type = {Rapport de fin de contrat}, address = {Paris}, year = {1995}, labintel = {9} } @booklet{McAdams89h, author = {S. McAdams and I. Deli{\`e}ge}, title = {Music and the Cognitive Sciences}, booktitle = {Contemporary Music Review}, volume = {4(1)}, year = {1989}, labintel = {3} } @book{McAdams89i, author = {S. McAdams and I. Deli{\`e}ge}, title = {La musique et les sciences cognitives}, publisher = {Editions Pierre Mardaga}, address = {Bruxelles}, year = {1989}, labintel = {3} } @booklet{McAdams90c, author = {S. McAdams and I. Deli{\`e}ge}, title = {Special issue}, booktitle = {Psychology of Music}, volume = {18(1)}, year = {1990}, labintel = {3} } @incollection{McAdams03a, author = {S. McAdams and P. Depalle and E. Clarke}, editor = {Clarke, E., and Cook, N.,}, title = {Analysing musical sounds ({\`a} para{\^i}tre)}, booktitle = {Empirical Musicology: Aims, Methods, Prospects}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford}, year = {2003}, labintel = {4} } @techreport{McAdams97b, author = {S. McAdams and S. Donnadieu and V. Roussarie and O. Houix}, title = {Repr{\'e}sentation auditive des sons {\'e}mis par les structures vibrantes. Tome II: Etude psychoacoustique des sons r{\'e}els et des sons de synth{\`e}se}, institution = {Minist{\`e}re de l'Environnement}, type = {Rapport de fin de contrat}, year = {1997}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{McAdams98a, author = {S. McAdams and C. Drake}, title = {Intensit{\'e} subjective des sources sonores multiples : R{\^o}le des m{\'e}canismes perceptifs d'organisation en flux auditifs}, institution = {Minist{\`e}re de l'Environnement}, type = {Rapport de fin de contrat}, address = {Paris}, year = {1998}, labintel = {9} } @incollection{McAdams02a, author = {S. McAdams and C. Drake}, editor = {Pashler, H., and Yantis, S.,}, title = {Auditory perception and cognition}, booktitle = {Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology: Vol. 1. Sensation and Perception}, edition = {3rd}, pages = {397-452}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {New York}, year = {2002}, labintel = {4} } @proceedings{McAdams85, author = {S. McAdams and S. Gladkoff and J.-P. Keller}, title = {AISE: A prototype laboratory for musical research and the development of conceptual tools}, booktitle = {1984 International Computer Music Conference}, pages = {143-162}, publisher = {Computer Music Association}, address = {Paris}, year = {1985}, labintel = {6} } @article{McAdams98b, author = {S. McAdams and K. Kudo and H. Kirchner}, title = {Perceptual interaction of exciter and resonator properties in percussive instrument sounds}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {103}, pages = {2966(A)}, year = {1998}, labintel = {5} } @article{McAdams90d, author = {S. McAdams and C.M.H. Marin}, title = {Within- and cross-channel mechanisms in the detection of frequency modulation coherence and incoherence}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {87}, pages = {S157(A)}, year = {1990}, labintel = {5} } @proceedings{McAdams90e, author = {S. McAdams and C. M. H. Marin}, title = {Auditory processing of frequency modulation coherence}, booktitle = {Fechner Day 90. 6th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics}, pages = {175-180}, publisher = {ISP}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1990}, labintel = {7} } @article{McAdams01c, author = {S. McAdams and D. Matzkin}, title = {Similarity, invariance and musical variation}, journal = {Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences}, volume = {930}, pages = {62-76}, year = {2001}, keywords = {1}, labintel = {1} } @incollection{McAdams02b, author = {S. McAdams and D. Matzkin}, editor = {Peretz, I., and Zatorre, R.,}, title = {The roots of musical variation in perceptual similarity and invariance}, booktitle = {The Biological Foundations of Music}, pages = {80-94}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford}, year = {2002}, labintel = {4} } @incollection{McAdams03c, author = {S. McAdams and D. Matzkin}, editor = {Peretz, I., and Zatorre, R.,}, title = {The roots of musical variation in perceptual similarity and invariance}, booktitle = {The Cognitive Neuroscience of Music}, pages = {79-94}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford}, year = {2003}, labintel = {4} } @proceedings{McAdams99b, author = {S. McAdams and N. Misdariis}, editor = {Lenca, P.,}, title = {Perceptual-based retrieval in large musical sound databases}, booktitle = {Human Centred Processes '99}, pages = {445-450}, publisher = {ENST Bretagne}, address = {Brest}, year = {1999}, labintel = {6} } @article{McAdams96a, author = {S. McAdams and D. Pressnitzer}, title = {Psychoacoustic factors contributing to musical tension in Western non-tonal music}, journal = {International Journal of Psychology}, volume = {31}, number = {3-4}, pages = {148(A)}, year = {1996}, labintel = {5} } @techreport{McAdams96f, author = {S. McAdams and D. Pressnitzer}, title = {L'approche de la psychoacoustique musicale et de la psychologie cognitive de la musique}, institution = {Biblioth{\`e}que nationale de France}, type = {Rapport du groupe Ecoute Interactive de la Musique}, address = {Paris}, year = {1996}, labintel = {9} } @proceedings{McAdams02e, author = {S. McAdams and R. Reynolds}, editor = {Stevens, C., and Burnham, D., and McPherson, G., and Schubert, E., and Renwick, J.,}, title = {Problem-solving strategies in the composition of The Angel of Death}, booktitle = {7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, publisher = {Adelaide: Causal Productions [CD-ROM]}, address = {Sydney}, year = {2002}, labintel = {6} } @article{McAdams84b, author = {S. McAdams and X. Rodet}, title = {The coupling of sub-audio amplitude and frequency modulations and the perception of spectral envelope characteristics}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {76}, pages = {S13(A)}, year = {1984}, labintel = {5} } @incollection{McAdams88b, author = {S. McAdams and X. Rodet}, editor = {Duifhuis, H., and Horst, J.W., and Wit, H.P.,}, title = {The role of FM-induced AM in dynamic spectral profile analysis}, booktitle = {Basic Issues in Hearing}, pages = {359-369}, publisher = {Academic Press}, address = {London}, year = {1988}, labintel = {4} } @proceedings{McAdams85a, author = {S. McAdams and K. Saariaho}, title = {Qualities and functions of musical timbre}, booktitle = {1985 International Computer Music Conference}, pages = {367-374}, publisher = {Computer Music Association}, address = {Vancouver}, year = {1985}, labintel = {6} } @techreport{McAdams85b, author = {S. McAdams and K. Saariaho}, title = {Processus perceptifs et cognitifs}, institution = {IRCAM}, type = {Rapport Annuel}, pages = {22-23}, address = {Paris}, year = {1985}, labintel = {9} } @incollection{McAdams91a, author = {S. McAdams and K. Saariaho}, editor = {Barri{\`e}re, J.B.,}, title = {Qualit{\'e}s et fonctions du timbre musical}, booktitle = {Le timbre : M{\'e}taphores pour la composition}, pages = {164-181}, publisher = {Editions Christian Bourgois}, address = {Paris}, year = {1991}, labintel = {4} } @incollection{McAdams97c, author = {S. McAdams and B.K. Smith and M. Maillot and B. Frachet}, editor = {Christen, Y., and Collet, L., and Droy-Lefaix, M.-T.,}, title = {S{\'e}lectivit{\'e} fr{\'e}quentielle et identification de voyelles simultan{\'e}es chez des auditeurs normo-entendants et malentendants}, booktitle = {Rencontres IPSEN en ORL}, pages = {131-145}, publisher = {Editions Irvinn}, address = {Boulogne}, year = {1997}, labintel = {4} } @proceedings{McAdams02f, author = {S. McAdams and B. K. Smith and S. Vieillard and E. Bigand and R. Reynolds}, editor = {Stevens, C., and Burnham, D., and McPherson, G., and Schubert, E., and Renwick, J.,}, title = {Real-time perception of a contemporary musical work in a live concert setting}, booktitle = {7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, publisher = {Causal Productions, Adelaide [CD-ROM]}, address = {Sydney}, year = {2002}, labintel = {6} } @proceedings{McAdams98c, author = {S. McAdams and P. Susini}, title = {Caract{\'e}risation perceptive des bruits de v{\'e}hicules}, booktitle = {Actes du Congr{\`e}s SIA/SFA}, address = {Paris, France}, year = {1998} } @article{McAdams??, author = {S. McAdams and P. Susini and J. Krimphoff and N. Misdariis and B. Smith}, title = {A meta-analysis of timbre space. II: Psychophysical quantification of common dimensions}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, year = {(en pr{\'e}paration)} } @proceedings{McAdams98d, author = {S. McAdams and P. Susini and N. Misdariis and S. Winsberg}, title = {Multidimensional characterisation of perceptual and preference judgements of vehicle and environmental noises}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Euro-Noise 98}, volume = {1}, pages = {561-566}, address = {Munich, Allemagne}, year = {1998} } @techreport{McAdams95b, author = {S. McAdams and P. Susini and S. Winsberg}, title = {Perception acoustique des sons de v{\'e}hicules}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport de fin de contrat}, address = {Paris}, year = {1995}, labintel = {9} } @proceedings{McAdams81a, author = {S. McAdams and D. Wessel}, title = {A general synthesis package based on principles of auditory perception}, booktitle = {1981 International Computer Music Conference}, pages = {308(A)}, publisher = {Computer Music Association}, address = {Denton, Texas}, year = {1981}, labintel = {6} } @article{McAdams78, author = {S. McAdams and F. Wightman}, title = {Subharmonic pitch extraction or pitch memory?}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {64}, number = {S39-S40(A)}, year = {1978}, labintel = {5} } @article{McAdams99c, author = {S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Multidimensional scaling of musical timbre constrained by physical parameters}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {105}, pages = {1273(A)}, year = {1999}, labintel = {5} } @incollection{McAdams00a, author = {S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, editor = {Schick, A., and Meis, M., and Reckhardt, C.,}, title = {Psychophysical quantification of individual differences in timbre perception}, booktitle = {Contributions to Psychological Acoustics: Results of the 8th Oldenburg Symposium on Psychological Acoustics}, pages = {165-182}, publisher = {Bis}, address = {Oldenburg}, year = {2000}, labintel = {4} } @article{McAdams95c, author = {S. McAdams and S. Winsberg and S. Donnadieu and G. De Soete and J. Krimphoff}, title = {Perceptual scaling of synthesized musical timbres: Common dimensions, specificities, and latent subject classes}, journal = {Psychological Research}, volume = {58}, pages = {177-192}, year = {1995}, labintel = {1} } @proceedings{McAdams94h, author = {S. McAdams and S. Winsberg and T. Murail and J. Fineberg and E. Bigand and C. Drake}, editor = {Deli{\`e}ge, I.,}, title = {Dissonance: Allegories of the concept and Disintegrations of the preconceptions}, booktitle = {3rd International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, pages = {317-318}, publisher = {ESCOM}, address = {Li{\`e}ge}, year = {1994}, labintel = {6} } @article{Menon02a, author = {V. Menon and D. J. Levitin and B. K. Smith and A. Lembke and B. Kraznow and D. Glazer and G. H. Glover and S. McAdams}, title = {Neural correlates of timbre change in harmonic sounds}, journal = {Neuroimage}, volume = {17}, pages = {1742-1754}, year = {2002}, labintel = {1} } @techreport{Misdariis97, author = {N. Misdariis and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Caract{\'e}risation perceptive des bruits de passage de v{\'e}hicules de transport}, institution = {SNCF}, type = {Rapport de fin de contrat}, year = {1997}, labintel = {9} } @article{misdariis98, author = {N. Misdariis and B. Smith and D. Pressnitzer and P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Validation of a multidimensional distance model for perceptual dissimilarities among musical timbres}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {103}, pages = {3005}, year = {1998} } @article{Nosulenko94, author = {V.N. Nosulenko and E.S. Samoylenko and S. McAdams}, title = {L'analyse de descriptions verbales dans l'{\'e}tude des comparaisons de timbres musicaux}, journal = {Journal de Physique}, volume = {4}, number = {C5}, pages = {637-640}, year = {1994}, labintel = {5} } @proceedings{Paraskeva97, author = {S. Paraskeva and S. McAdams}, title = {Influence of timbre, presence/absence of tonal hierarchy and musical training on the perception of tension/relaxation schemas of musical phrases}, booktitle = {1997 International Computer Music Conference}, pages = {438-441}, publisher = {ICMA}, address = {Thessaloniki}, year = {1997}, labintel = {6} } @proceedings{Peeters00a, author = {G. Peeters and S. McAdams and P. Herrera}, title = {Instrument sound description in the context of MPEG-7}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2000 International Computer Music Conference}, pages = {166 -169}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2000}, labintel = {6} } @misc{Peeters01a, author = {G. Peeters and S. McAdams and P. Susini and N. Misdariis and J. Krimphoff and B.K. Smith}, title = {Proc{\'e}d{\'e} de caract{\'e}risation du timbre d'un signal sonore selon au moins un descripteur}, booktitle = {Dossier de demande de brevet 016091.FR-FT170 (en cours de d{\'e}position)}, publisher = {CNRS, Ircam, France T{\'e}l{\'e}com}, address = {USA}, year = {2001}, keywords = {12}, labintel = {12} } @book{Pressnitzer04a, author = {D. Pressnitzer and A. de Cheveign{\'e} and S. McAdams and L. Collet}, title = {Auditory Signal Processing: Psychophysics, Physiology and Modeling}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {New York}, year = {2004}, labintel = {3} } @incollection{pressnitzer97icmc, author = {D. Pressnitzer and S. McAdams}, title = {Influence of phase effects on roughness modelling}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference}, pages = {31-34}, address = {Thessaloniki}, year = {1997} } @proceedings{Pressnitzer97, author = {D. Pressnitzer and S. McAdams}, title = {Influence of phase effects on roughness modeling and control}, booktitle = {1997 International Computer Music Conference}, pages = {31-34}, publisher = {ICMA}, address = {Thessaloniki}, year = {1997}, labintel = {6} } @proceedings{Pressnitzer97a, author = {D. Pressnitzer and S. McAdams}, title = {Influence de la phase sur la perception de rugosit{\'e} de sons complexes}, booktitle = {4e Congr{\`e}s Fran{\c{c}}ais d'Acoustique}, volume = {1}, pages = {535-538}, publisher = {Teknea}, address = {Marseille}, year = {1997}, labintel = {6} } @incollection{pressnitzer97c, author = {D. Pressnitzer and S. McAdams}, editor = {A. Rees and A. Q. Summerfield and A. R. Palmer and R. Meddis}, title = {Phase effects in roughness perception}, booktitle = {Psychophysical and Physiological Advances in Hearing}, pages = {286-292}, publisher = {Whurr Publishers}, address = {London}, year = {1998}, labintel = {4} } @article{Pressnitzer99d, author = {D. Pressnitzer and S. McAdams}, title = {Two phase effects on roughness perception}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {105}, number = {5}, pages = {2773-2782}, year = {1999}, url = {$<$A HREF="http://www.ircam.fr/pcm/pdf/pressnitzer-1999-roughness\_phase.pdf"$>$PDF$<$/A$>$}, labintel = {1} } @incollection{Pressnitzer99e, author = {D. Pressnitzer and S. McAdams}, editor = {T. Dau and V. Hohmann and B. Kollmeier}, title = {Summation of roughness across frequency regions}, booktitle = {Temporal processing in the auditory system: Psychophysics, physiology and models of hearing}, pages = {105-108}, publisher = {World Scientific Publishing}, address = {Singapore}, year = {1999}, url = {$<$A HREF="http://www.ircam.fr/pcm/pdf/pressnitzer-1999-roughness$\backslash$\_summation.pdf"$>$PDF$<$/A$>$}, labintel = {4} } @incollection{Pressnitzer99a, author = {D. Pressnitzer and S. McAdams}, editor = {Dau, T., and Hohmann, V., and Kollmeier, B.,}, title = {An effect of the coherence between envelopes across frequency regions on the perception of roughness}, booktitle = {Psychophysics, Physiology and Modesl of Hearing}, pages = {105-108}, publisher = {World Scientific}, address = {London}, year = {1999}, labintel = {4} } @article{Pressnitzer00b, author = {D. Pressnitzer and S. McAdams}, title = {Acoustics, psychoacoustics and spectral music}, booktitle = {Contemporary Music Review}, journal = {Contemporary Music Review}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, pages = {33-60}, year = {2000}, url = {$<$A HREF="http://www.ircam.fr/pcm/pdf/pressnitzer-1999-spectral$\backslash$\_music.pdf"$>$PDF$<$/A$>$}, labintel = {1} } @proceedings{Pressnitzer96, author = {D. Pressnitzer and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg and J. Fineberg}, title = {Tension musicale et rugosit{\'e} psychoacoustique dans la musique non-tonale}, booktitle = {Journ{\'e}es d'Informatique Musicale}, pages = {147-156}, address = {Caen}, year = {1996}, labintel = {7} } @incollection{pressnitzer96jim, author = {D. Pressnitzer and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg and J. Fineberg}, title = {Tension et rugosit{\'e} dans une musique non tonale.}, booktitle = {Acte des Journ{\'e}es d'Informatique Musicale}, pages = {147-156}, address = {Caen}, year = {1996} } @incollection{pressnitzer96icmpc, author = {D. Pressnitzer and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg and J. Fineberg}, title = {Roughness and tension of orchestral timbres}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, pages = {85-90}, publisher = {McGill University}, address = {Montreal}, year = {1996} } @proceedings{Pressnitzer96a, author = {D. Pressnitzer and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg and J. Fineberg}, title = {Roughness and musical tension of orchestral timbres}, booktitle = {4th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, pages = {85-90}, publisher = {Faculty of Music, McGill University}, address = {Montr{\'e}al}, year = {1996}, labintel = {6} } @article{Pressnitzer99c, author = {D. Pressnitzer and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg and J. Fineberg}, title = {Perception of musical tension for non-tonal orchestral timbres and its relation to psychoacoustic roughness}, journal = {Perception and Psychophysics: Human Perception and Performance}, volume = {62}, number = {1}, pages = {66-80}, year = {2000}, url = {$<$A HREF="http://www.ircam.fr/pcm/pdf/pressnitzer-2000-orchestral\_timbres.pdf"$>$PDF$<$/A$>$}, labintel = {1} } @book{Reynolds02a, author = {R. Reynolds}, editor = {McAdams, S.,}, title = {Form and Method: Composing Music (The Rothschild Essays)}, publisher = {Routledge}, address = {New York}, year = {2002}, labintel = {3} } @misc{Reynolds03a, author = {R. Reynolds}, editor = {(Ed.) and S. McAdams}, title = {Form and Method: Composing Music ({\`a} para{\^i}tre)}, publisher = {Contemporary Music Studies, Harwood Academic Press}, address = {London}, year = {2003}, labintel = {3} } @proceedings{Roussarie98, author = {V. Roussarie and S. McAdams and A. Chaigne}, title = {Perceptual analysis of vibrating bars synthesized with a physical model}, booktitle = {16th International Congress on Acoustics}, pages = {2227-2228}, address = {Seattle}, year = {1998}, note = {CECI N'EST PAS UN DOUBLON!!!!!}, labintel = {6} } @article{Samoylenko96, author = {E. S. Samoylenko and S. McAdams and V. N. Nosulenko}, title = {Systematic analysis of verbalizations produced in comparing musical timbres}, journal = {International Journal of Psychology}, volume = {31}, pages = {255-278}, year = {1996}, labintel = {1} } @techreport{Susini97, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Revue bibliographique des m{\'e}thodes de jugement perceptif continu de sons non stationnaires}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire}, address = {Paris}, year = {1997}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{Susini97a, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {M{\'e}thode d'appariement inter-modal}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire}, address = {Paris}, year = {1997}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{Susini97b, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Jugements instantan{\'e}s et jugement global de l'intensit{\'e} acoustique d'un son dynamique de 1000 Hz en utilisant deux m{\'e}thods}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire}, address = {Paris}, year = {1997}, labintel = {9} } @article{Susini98, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Global and continuous judgments of sounds with time-varying intensity: Cross-modal matching with a proprioceptive input device}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {103}, pages = {2812(A)}, year = {1998}, labintel = {5} } @techreport{Susini98a, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Evaluation de la sonie de sons extraits de l'environnement urbain par appariement inter-modal}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire}, address = {Paris}, year = {1998}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{Susini98b, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Application de la m{\'e}thode d'{\'e}valuation de l'intensit{\'e} per{\c{c}}ue par appareiement inter-modal aux sons d'acc{\'e}l{\'e}ration de voitures}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire}, year = {1998}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{susini99e, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Contr{\^o}le et {\'e}valuation des caract{\'e}ristiques temporelles de mont{\'e}e en r{\'e}gime moteur}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire}, address = {Paris}, year = {1999}, labintel = {9} } @proceedings{Susini00a, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Effet de r{\'e}cence dans une t{\^a}che de jugement de la sonie}, booktitle = {5{\`e}me Congr{\`e}s fran{\c{c}}ais d'acoustique}, address = {Lausanne, Suisse}, year = {2000}, labintel = {6} } @techreport{Susini00d, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {L'approche psychoacoustique de la qualit{\'e} sonore}, institution = {Pr{\'e}dit - Minist{\`e}re de l'am{\'e}nagement du territoire et de l'environnement}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diare}, pages = {1 - 38}, address = {France}, year = {2000}, labintel = {9} } @article{Susini00e, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Psychophysical validation of a proprioceptive device by cross-modal matching of loudness}, journal = {Acustica}, volume = {86}, pages = {515-525}, year = {2000}, labintel = {1} } @proceedings{Susini02b, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Influence of sound-directed attentional focus on overall loudness ratings}, booktitle = {Forum Acusticum}, publisher = {S. Hirzel Verlag}, address = {Sevilla, Spain}, year = {2002}, labintel = {6} } @proceedings{Susini04b, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Temporal asymetry in loudness}, booktitle = {CFA/DAGA}, address = {Strasbourg, France}, year = {2004} } @techreport{Susini99, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and I. Perry and X. Rodet}, title = {Etude psychoacoustique de bruits d'unit{\'e}s int{\'e}rieures de climatisation}, institution = {EDF}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire}, address = {Paris}, year = {1999}, labintel = {9} } @article{Susini02a, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and B. Smith}, title = {Global and continuous loudness estimation of time-varying levels}, journal = {ACUSTICA - acta acustica}, volume = {88}, pages = {536-548}, year = {2002} } @techreport{Susini96, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Perception acoustique des sons de v{\'e}hicules {\'e}galis{\'e}s en sonie}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport de fin de contrat}, year = {1996}, labintel = {9} } @proceedings{Susini97c, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Perceptual characterisation of vehicules noises}, booktitle = {EEA Symposium: Psychoacoustic in Industry and Universities}, address = {Eindhoven, The Netherlands}, year = {1997} } @proceedings{Susini97d, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Caract{\'e}risation perceptive des bruits de v{\'e}hicules}, booktitle = {4e Congr{\`e}s Fran{\c{c}}ais d'Acoutique}, volume = {1}, pages = {543-546}, publisher = {Teknea}, address = {Marseille}, year = {1997}, labintel = {6} } @article{Susini99a, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {A multidimensional technique for sound quality assessment}, journal = {Acustica}, volume = {85}, pages = {650-656}, year = {1999}, labintel = {1} } @techreport{susini00c, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Etude psychoacoustique de bruits d'unit{\'e}s int{\'e}rieures de climatisation}, type = {Rapport final, contrat d'association avec EDF, LNE \& Inra}, year = {2000}, keywords = {9}, labintel = {9} } @article{Susini04a, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg and I. Perry and S. Vieillard and X. Rodet}, title = {Characterising the sound quality of air-conditiong noise}, journal = {Applied Acoustics}, pages = {({\`a} para{\^i}tre)}, year = {2004}, labintel = {1} } @article{Susini98c, author = {P. Susini and N. Misdariis and S. Winsberg and S. McAdams}, title = {Caract{\'e}risation perceptive de bruits}, journal = {Acoustique et Techniques}, volume = {13}, pages = {11-15}, year = {1998} } @proceedings{Susini01a, author = {P. Susini and I. Perry and S. Vieillard and S. Winsberg and S. McAdams and X. Rodet}, title = {Sensory evaluation of air-conditioning noise: Sound design and psychoacoustic evaluation}, booktitle = {17th International Congress on Acoustics}, volume = {III, session 6\_09}, pages = {20-21 [CD-ROM]}, address = {Rome}, year = {2001}, keywords = {6} } @techreport{susini00b, author = {P. Susini and M. Slama and S. McAdams}, title = {Etude psychoacoustique de bruits parasites {\`a} l'int{\'e}rieur d'un habitacle de voiture}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire, PREDIT projet SQUAD, Minist{\`e}re de l'Am{\'e}nagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement}, year = {2000}, keywords = {9}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{susini01g, author = {P. Susini and S. Vieillard and S. McAdams and B. Smith}, title = {Elaboration d'un mod{\`e}le de d{\'e}tection automatique et d'un estimateur de d{\'e}sagr{\'e}ment de bruits parasites.}, institution = {PREDIT - Minist{\`e}re de l'{\'e}ducation nationale, de la recherche et de la technologie.}, year = {2001}, labintel = {9} } @article{Tillmann04a, author = {B. Tillmann and S. McAdams}, title = {Implicit learning of musical timbre sequences: Statistical regularities confronted with acoustical (dis)similarities}, journal = {Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition}, pages = {({\`a} para{\^i}tre)}, year = {2004}, labintel = {1} } @article{Tillmann04b, author = {B. Tillmann and S. McAdams}, title = {Apprentissage implicite en modalit{\'e} auditive : Statistique et acoustique}, journal = {Neuropsychologie}, pages = {({\`a} para{\^i}tre)}, year = {2004}, labintel = {1} } @techreport{topalovie99a, author = {N. Topalovic and B. Smith and S. McAdams}, title = {Pr{\'e}vision du bruit rayonn{\'e} par des structures en vue d'une {\'e}valuation perceptive. Tome III. Etudes psychoacoustiques}, institution = {PREDIT, Minist{\`e}re de l'Am{\'e}nagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement}, type = {Rapport de fin de contrat}, address = {Paris}, year = {1999}, labintel = {9} } @proceedings{Turgeon00c, author = {M. Turgeon and S. McAdams and C Drake and Y. Samson}, title = {The relative contribution of the visual and auditory signals to the dynamic reproduction of a rhythmic pattern}, booktitle = {8th International Workshop on Rhythm Perception and Production}, pages = {38-39}, address = {Castleton, UK.}, year = {2000}, labintel = {6} } @proceedings{Vieillard02b, author = {S. Vieillard and E. Bigand and F. Madurell and S. McAdams and R. Reynolds}, editor = {Stevens, C., and Burnham, D., and McPherson, G., and Schubert, E., and Renwick, J.,}, title = {Can listening to excerpts of original versions of contemporary musical materials facilitate recognition of their transformed versions?}, booktitle = {7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, publisher = {Adelaide: Causal Productions [CD-ROM]}, address = {Sydney}, year = {2002}, labintel = {6} } @proceedings{Vieillard02a, author = {S. Vieillard and S. McAdams and O. Houix and R. Reynolds}, editor = {Stevens, C., and Burnham, D., and McPherson, G., and Schubert, E., and Renwick, J.,}, title = {Perceptual and cognitive criteria used in the categorization of thematic excerpts from a contemporary musical piece}, booktitle = {7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}, publisher = {Adelaide: Causal Productions [CD-ROM]}, address = {Sydney}, year = {2002}, labintel = {6} } @article{Wightman78, author = {F. Wightman and S. McAdams}, title = {Pitch perception of complex tones for normal and hearing-impaired listeners}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {64}, number = {S39(A)}, year = {1978}, labintel = {5} }