@proceedings{Dufournet01a, author = {D. Dufournet and P. Susini and M. Slama and S. McAdams}, title = {An annoyance meter for squeak-and-rattle diagnostics}, booktitle = {17th International Congress on Acoustics}, volume = {X, session 8\_10}, pages = {38-39 [CD-ROM]}, address = {Rome}, year = {2001}, keywords = {6}, labintel = {6} } @proceedings{Junker01a, author = {F. Junker and P. Susini and P. Cellard and N. Martin}, title = {Sensory evaluation of air-conditioning noise: Comparative analysis of two methods}, booktitle = {ICA}, address = {Rome, Italie}, year = {2001}, labintel = {6} } @techreport{Lemaitre01a, author = {G. Lemaitre and P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Etude de l'effet du mode de fixation des avertisseurs sonores automibles sur la perception du son}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire, contrat Klaxon-Ircam-Universit{\'e} du Maine}, year = {2001}, keywords = {9}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{Lemaitre02b, author = {G. Lemaitre and P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Etude de la perception du timbre des avertisseurs sonores (Rapport interm{\'e}diaire)}, institution = {Contrat Klaxon-Ircam-Universit{\'e} du Maine}, year = {2002}, labintel = {9} } @proceedings{Lemaitre02a, author = {G. Lemaitre and P. Susini and S. Winsberg and S. McAdams}, title = {Perception of the timbre of car horns}, booktitle = {Forum Acusticum}, publisher = {S. Hirzel Verlag [CD-ROM]}, address = {Sevilla, Spain}, year = {2002}, labintel = {6} } @article{Lemaitre02c, author = {G. Lemaitre and P. Susini and S. Winsberg and S. McAdams}, title = {Perception of the timbre of car horns}, journal = {Acta Acustica}, volume = {88}, pages = {S123 (A)}, year = {2002}, labintel = {5} } @proceedings{Lemaitre03a, author = {G. Lemaitre and P. Susini and S. Winsberg and S. McAdams}, editor = {Shinn-Cunningham and Eoin Brazil and Barbara}, title = {Perceptively based design of new car horns sounds}, booktitle = {International Conference on Auditory Display}, pages = {47-50}, publisher = {the Boston University Publications Production Department}, address = {University of Boston}, year = {2003} } @proceedings{Lemaitre04a, author = {G. Lemaitre and P. Susini and S. Winsberg and S. McAdams}, title = {A method to assess the ecological validity of laboratory-recorded car horn sounds}, booktitle = {CFA/DAGA}, address = {Strasbourg, France}, year = {2004} } @proceedings{McAdams98, author = {S. McAdams and P. Susini}, title = {Caract{\'e}risation perceptive des bruits de v{\'e}hicules}, booktitle = {Actes du Congr{\`e}s SIA/SFA}, address = {Paris, France}, year = {1998} } @article{McAdams??, author = {S. McAdams and P. Susini and J. Krimphoff and N. Misdariis and B. Smith}, title = {A meta-analysis of timbre space. II: Psychophysical quantification of common dimensions}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, year = {(en pr{\'e}paration)} } @proceedings{McAdams98a, author = {S. McAdams and P. Susini and N. Misdariis and S. Winsberg}, title = {Multidimensional characterisation of perceptual and preference judgements of vehicle and environmental noises}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Euro-Noise 98}, volume = {1}, pages = {561-566}, address = {Munich, Allemagne}, year = {1998} } @techreport{McAdams95, author = {S. McAdams and P. Susini and S. Winsberg}, title = {Perception acoustique des sons de v{\'e}hicules}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport de fin de contrat}, address = {Paris}, year = {1995}, labintel = {9} } @proceedings{Meunier99a, author = {S. Meunier and P. Susini and X. Regal}, title = {Effect of time distribution of energy on loudness evaluation}, booktitle = {EAA \& ASA joint meeting}, volume = {105}, pages = {1390}, publisher = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, address = {Berlin, Allemagne}, year = {1999}, labintel = {6} } @article{misdariis98, author = {N. Misdariis and B. Smith and D. Pressnitzer and P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Validation of a multidimensional distance model for perceptual dissimilarities among musical timbres}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {103}, pages = {3005}, year = {1998} } @misc{Peeters01a, author = {G. Peeters and S. McAdams and P. Susini and N. Misdariis and J. Krimphoff and B.K. Smith}, title = {Proc{\'e}d{\'e} de caract{\'e}risation du timbre d'un signal sonore selon au moins un descripteur}, booktitle = {Dossier de demande de brevet 016091.FR-FT170 (en cours de d{\'e}position)}, publisher = {CNRS, Ircam, France T{\'e}l{\'e}com}, address = {USA}, year = {2001}, keywords = {12}, labintel = {12} } @article{Santon94, author = {F. Santon and A. Marchioni and P. Susini}, title = {L'intelligibilit{\'e} de la parole en pr{\'e}sence d'un {\'e}cho et de bruit}, journal = {Journal de Physique}, volume = {1}, pages = {537 -540}, year = {1994} } @incollection{Susini98, author = {P. Susini}, editor = {Delage, B, and Engelen, H,}, title = {Sound an ergonomy}, booktitle = {On Sound Design}, pages = {14-18}, address = {Stockholm}, year = {1998} } @proceedings{Susini99b, author = {P. Susini}, title = {Approche psychoacoustique de la qualit{\'e} sonore}, booktitle = {Journ{\'e}e Design Sonore}, address = {Paris}, year = {1999}, labintel = {6} } @phdthesis{Susini99d, author = {P. Susini}, title = {Perception {\'e}volutive et globale de sons non stationnaires}, booktitle = {Acoustique Appliqu{\'e}e}, school = {Universit{\'e} du Maine}, type = {Th{\`e}se de Doctorat}, year = {1999}, url = {$<$a href="http://www.ircam.fr/pcm/ps/SusiniThesis1.ps"$>$ PostScript$<$/a$>$}, labintel = {8} } @techreport{Susini02e, author = {P. Susini}, title = {Interactions son/image}, institution = {Projet de recherche EliasArt}, pages = {1-39}, address = {Paris, France}, year = {2002}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{Susini02f, author = {P. Susini and P. Gaudibert and E. Deruty and L. Dandrel}, title = {Repr{\'e}sentation fonctionnelle}, institution = {Projet RNRT - Radio Th{\`e}me}, pages = {1-10}, address = {Paris, France}, year = {2002}, labintel = {9} } @proceedings{Susini03c, author = {P. Susini and P. Gaudibert and E. Deruty and L. Dandrel}, editor = {Shinn-Cunningham and Eoin Brazil and Barbara}, title = {Perceptive study and recommandation for sonification categories}, booktitle = {International Conference on Auditory Display}, pages = {292-295}, publisher = {the Boston University Publications Production Department}, address = {University of Boston}, year = {2003} } @techreport{Susini03a, author = {P. Susini and O. Houix and N. Misdariis}, title = {Influence des informations ajout{\'e}es sur les jugements d'une s{\'e}quence sonore I : protocole exp{\'e}rimental}, institution = {Renault}, type = {(Technical Report)}, pages = {12}, address = {Paris, France}, year = {2003} } @techreport{Susini03b, author = {P. Susini and O. Houix and N. Misdariis}, title = {Influence des informations ajout{\'e}es sur les jugements d'une s{\'e}quence sonore II : r{\'e}sultats}, institution = {Renault}, pages = {33}, address = {Paris, France}, year = {2003} } @proceedings{Susini99c, author = {P. Susini and V. Maffiolo}, title = {Loudness evaluation of urban soundscapes by a cross-modal matching method}, volume = {105}, pages = {943}, publisher = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, year = {1999}, labintel = {6} } @techreport{Susini97, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Revue bibliographique des m{\'e}thodes de jugement perceptif continu de sons non stationnaires}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire}, address = {Paris}, year = {1997}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{Susini97a, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {M{\'e}thode d'appariement inter-modal}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire}, address = {Paris}, year = {1997}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{Susini97b, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Jugements instantan{\'e}s et jugement global de l'intensit{\'e} acoustique d'un son dynamique de 1000 Hz en utilisant deux m{\'e}thods}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire}, address = {Paris}, year = {1997}, labintel = {9} } @article{Susini98a, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Global and continuous judgments of sounds with time-varying intensity: Cross-modal matching with a proprioceptive input device}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {103}, pages = {2812(A)}, year = {1998}, labintel = {5} } @techreport{Susini98b, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Evaluation de la sonie de sons extraits de l'environnement urbain par appariement inter-modal}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire}, address = {Paris}, year = {1998}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{Susini98c, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Application de la m{\'e}thode d'{\'e}valuation de l'intensit{\'e} per{\c{c}}ue par appareiement inter-modal aux sons d'acc{\'e}l{\'e}ration de voitures}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire}, year = {1998}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{susini99e, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Contr{\^o}le et {\'e}valuation des caract{\'e}ristiques temporelles de mont{\'e}e en r{\'e}gime moteur}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire}, address = {Paris}, year = {1999}, labintel = {9} } @proceedings{Susini00a, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Effet de r{\'e}cence dans une t{\^a}che de jugement de la sonie}, booktitle = {5{\`e}me Congr{\`e}s fran{\c{c}}ais d'acoustique}, address = {Lausanne, Suisse}, year = {2000}, labintel = {6} } @techreport{Susini00d, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {L'approche psychoacoustique de la qualit{\'e} sonore}, institution = {Pr{\'e}dit - Minist{\`e}re de l'am{\'e}nagement du territoire et de l'environnement}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diare}, pages = {1 - 38}, address = {France}, year = {2000}, labintel = {9} } @article{Susini00e, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Psychophysical validation of a proprioceptive device by cross-modal matching of loudness}, journal = {Acustica}, volume = {86}, pages = {515-525}, year = {2000}, labintel = {1} } @proceedings{Susini02b, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Influence of sound-directed attentional focus on overall loudness ratings}, booktitle = {Forum Acusticum}, publisher = {S. Hirzel Verlag}, address = {Sevilla, Spain}, year = {2002}, labintel = {6} } @proceedings{Susini04b, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams}, title = {Temporal asymetry in loudness}, booktitle = {CFA/DAGA}, address = {Strasbourg, France}, year = {2004} } @techreport{Susini99, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and I. Perry and X. Rodet}, title = {Etude psychoacoustique de bruits d'unit{\'e}s int{\'e}rieures de climatisation}, institution = {EDF}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire}, address = {Paris}, year = {1999}, labintel = {9} } @article{Susini02a, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and B. Smith}, title = {Global and continuous loudness estimation of time-varying levels}, journal = {ACUSTICA - acta acustica}, volume = {88}, pages = {536-548}, year = {2002} } @techreport{Susini96, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Perception acoustique des sons de v{\'e}hicules {\'e}galis{\'e}s en sonie}, institution = {GIE PSA/Renault}, type = {Rapport de fin de contrat}, year = {1996}, labintel = {9} } @proceedings{Susini97c, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Perceptual characterisation of vehicules noises}, booktitle = {EEA Symposium: Psychoacoustic in Industry and Universities}, address = {Eindhoven, The Netherlands}, year = {1997} } @proceedings{Susini97d, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Caract{\'e}risation perceptive des bruits de v{\'e}hicules}, booktitle = {4e Congr{\`e}s Fran{\c{c}}ais d'Acoutique}, volume = {1}, pages = {543-546}, publisher = {Teknea}, address = {Marseille}, year = {1997}, labintel = {6} } @article{Susini99a, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {A multidimensional technique for sound quality assessment}, journal = {Acustica}, volume = {85}, pages = {650-656}, year = {1999}, labintel = {1} } @techreport{susini00c, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg}, title = {Etude psychoacoustique de bruits d'unit{\'e}s int{\'e}rieures de climatisation}, type = {Rapport final, contrat d'association avec EDF, LNE \& Inra}, year = {2000}, keywords = {9}, labintel = {9} } @article{Susini04a, author = {P. Susini and S. McAdams and S. Winsberg and I. Perry and S. Vieillard and X. Rodet}, title = {Characterising the sound quality of air-conditiong noise}, journal = {Applied Acoustics}, pages = {({\`a} para{\^i}tre)}, year = {2004}, labintel = {1} } @article{Susini98d, author = {P. Susini and N. Misdariis and S. Winsberg and S. McAdams}, title = {Caract{\'e}risation perceptive de bruits}, journal = {Acoustique et Techniques}, volume = {13}, pages = {11-15}, year = {1998} } @proceedings{Susini01a, author = {P. Susini and I. Perry and S. Vieillard and S. Winsberg and S. McAdams and X. Rodet}, title = {Sensory evaluation of air-conditioning noise: Sound design and psychoacoustic evaluation}, booktitle = {17th International Congress on Acoustics}, volume = {III, session 6\_09}, pages = {20-21 [CD-ROM]}, address = {Rome}, year = {2001}, keywords = {6} } @techreport{susini00b, author = {P. Susini and M. Slama and S. McAdams}, title = {Etude psychoacoustique de bruits parasites {\`a} l'int{\'e}rieur d'un habitacle de voiture}, type = {Rapport interm{\'e}diaire, PREDIT projet SQUAD, Minist{\`e}re de l'Am{\'e}nagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement}, year = {2000}, keywords = {9}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{Susini02d, author = {P. Susini and S. Vieillard and E. Deruty and L. Dandrel}, title = {Etude des hyperliens sonores II: Pertinence d'un ensemble de param{\`e}tres acoustiques sur le soulignement sonore d'un mot}, institution = {Projet RNRT - Radio Th{\`e}me}, pages = {1-16}, address = {Paris, France}, year = {2002}, labintel = {9} } @proceedings{Susini02c, author = {P. Susini and S. Vieillard and E. Deruty and B. K. Smith and C. Marin}, title = {Sound Navigation: Sonified Hyperlinks}, booktitle = {International Conference on Auditory Display}, publisher = {ATR}, address = {Kyoto, Japan}, year = {2002}, labintel = {6} } @techreport{susini01f, author = {P. Susini and S. Vieillard and C{\'e}cile Marin and B. Smith}, title = {Etude des Hyperliens sonores.}, institution = {Projet RNRT, Radio Th{\`e}me.}, year = {2001}, labintel = {9} } @techreport{susini01g, author = {P. Susini and S. Vieillard and S. McAdams and B. Smith}, title = {Elaboration d'un mod{\`e}le de d{\'e}tection automatique et d'un estimateur de d{\'e}sagr{\'e}ment de bruits parasites.}, institution = {PREDIT - Minist{\`e}re de l'{\'e}ducation nationale, de la recherche et de la technologie.}, year = {2001}, labintel = {9} } @proceedings{Tardieu04a, author = {J. Tardieu and P. Susini and F. Poisson}, title = {Soundscape design in train stations, I: soundscape function and identity}, booktitle = {CFA/DAGA}, address = {Strasbourg, France}, year = {2004} }