The OM Composer's Book .1

Table of contents |
Miller Puckette
- Introduction
Carlos Agon
Writing a Homage to Mersenne: Tombeau de Marin Mersenne for Theorbo and Synthesiser
Michel Amoric
Electronics in Kaija Saariaho's Opera L'amour de loin
Marc Battier and Gilbert Nouno
Vuza Canons into the Museum
Georges Bloch
TimeSculpt in OpenMusic
Karim Haddad
The Genesis of Mauro Lanza's Aschenblume and the Role of Computer-Aided Composition Software in the Formalisation of Musical Processes
Juan Camilo Hernández Sánchez
Composing the Qualitative, on Encore Composition
Jean-Luc Hervé and Frédéric Voisin
Navigation of Structured Material in Second Horizon for Piano and Orchestra
Johannes Kretz
Generating Melodic, Harmonic and Rhythmic Processes in K..., an Opera by Philippe Manoury
Serge Lemouton
When the Computer Enables Freedom from the Machine (On an Outline of the Work Hérédo-Ribotes)
Fabien Lévy
Some Applications of OpenMusic in Connection with Modalys
Paola Livorsi
Fractals and Writing, Six Fractal Contemplations
Mikhail Malt
Algorithmic Strategies in A Collection of Caprices
Paul Nauert
Sculpted Implosions: Some Algorithms in the Waterscape of Musique Concrète
Ketty Nez
Hèctor Parra
Luís Antunes Pena
Kalejdoskop for Clarinet, Viola and Piano
Orjan Sandred
Flexible Time Flow, Set Theory and Constraints
Killian Sprotte
To Touch the Inner Sound, Before it Becomes Music; to Dream About Dreams, Before they Become Real
Elaine Thomazi-Freitas
- Appendix: OpenMusic