OM 6.1
Function Reference
  - n number or list [default = 1]
  - decimals number of decimals [default = 0]
  - divisor divisor [default = 1]


Rounds a number or a list of numbers with a given number of decimals (default = 0, i.e. returns integer values) and a divisor.

This function can be applied to numbers or lists.

Ex. (om-round 4.3) => 4
Ex. (om-round '(4.3 5.0 6.8)) => (4 5 7)
Ex. (om-round '(4.308 5.167 6.809) 2) => (4.31 5.17 6.81)
Ex. (om-round '(4.308 5.167 6.809) 0 2) => (2 3 3)
Ex. (om-round '(4.308 5.167 6.809) 1 2) => (2.2 2.6 3.4)