Tutorial 19 - Using a BPF I (break-point function):

The graphic representation of a sequence of notes.



Graphic representation of a sequence of notes



Boxes used





In this patch you can enter a list of values in the't' box (A) (from the menu: Classes->Kernel->Lisp), which are first converted into musical notation and then into a graphical representation. (NOTE: The 't' box may also be accessed from any OM box by shift-clicking on its input ).

Patch structure



A: Enter some values in midicents in this input. Remember that in midicent-notation C3 is equal to
6000, C#3 is equal to 6100, and so forth.

B: The CHORD box can visualise the same result either as a chord or as a sequence ("order" mode). Evaluate the box and see the different types of musical notation.

C: The CHORDSEQ box receives these midicent-values and translates them into musical notation. Evaluate this box to see the musical result.

D: TheBPF box translates the midicents into a break-point function. Evaluate the bpf box to see the graphic representation of your sequence of notes.