Tutorial 5: Summary of the previous tutorials.

This is a summary of the previous tutorials, from the search for a 'good period' until the final result.

First of all, if you want a Regular Complementary Canon of Maximal Category, you have to look for an integer n that will be the period of the ground rhythm R (note that in this class of canons, all voices are have the same rhythmic pattern) and of the outer rhythm S (also called by Vuza the 'metric class', that gives the temporal translations of R). By using a good period as the input for the infocanons box you can evaluate in order to see the number of voices that are 'canonically' associated to the corresponding canon. As you will see in the next tutorial, for every canon having R and S respectively as the ground rhythm and the outer rhythm, there is a dual one, in which the roles of R and S has been exchanged. The box Zn-patterns gives you the rhythmic patterns generating the canon with the given good period n and having the number of voices determined by the infocanons box. The construction of the canon is now possible. You may use the Zn-canons by adding to the inputs regarding the rhythmic patterns some more information, like the number of times you like to repeat the ground rhythm and the tempo. In the case that you want see the resulting canon in a poly, just add a keyword by putting the 'true' option, a second one that gives the pulsation (Vuza's 'minimal division') and the time signature.