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Environment settings

At start-up time, the Scheme interpreter loads the file ~/.varese.scm. This file in turn loads the functions definitions of the interface. The user can request to load additional initialization files.

The settings concern the parameters for the sound synthesis and output. They are generally set in the ~/.varese.scm file. Once the environment is running they can be modified and inspected. To validate the modifications of the settings, they must be loaded by the synthesizer using the load-settings procedure.

(set-sample-rate! v)

Sets the sample rate of the synthesizer to v. The environment uses one sample rate for the sound input, the synthesis, and sound output.

(set-sample-size! v)

Sets the sample rate of the sound output to v. Currently supported sample sizes are 8 and 16 bits.

(set-output-channels! v)

Sets the number of output channels. The number of possible channels is determined by the audio device of the system.

(set-input-channels! v)

Sets the number of output channels. The number of possible channels is determined by the audio device of the system. Sound input is currently only supported on the SGI platform.

(set-synth-buffer-size! v)

Sets the size of the synthesis buffers. Sound synthesis will be done in in chunks of v samples at a time. v is best a power of two between 64 and 2048.

(set-output-buffer-size! v)

Sets the size of the buffer used internally by the audio device for the sound output. v is best a power of two between 512 and 8192.

(set-input-buffer-size! v)

Sets the size of the buffer used internally by the audio device for sound input. Currently not used.

(set-output-type! s)

Sets the type of sound output. s should be a string. The following output types are available:

  • direct: Output to the audio device
  • file: Output the a file
  • socket: Output over a TCP/IP socket

Additional arguments for the output are set with the set-output-arg! procedure.

(set-output-arg! s)

Sets the additional arguments for the sound output. The arguments are passed as a string. The following arguments are required for the available output types:

  • direct: None
  • file: ``file name''
  • socket: ``host-name:port''


Returns the current sample rate.


Returns the current sample size.


Returns the current number of output channels.


Returns the current number of input channels.


Returns the current size of the synthesis buffer.


Returns the current size of the audio device buffer for sound output.


Returns the current size of the audio device buffer for sound input.

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