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Synthesis techniques and synthesis voices

(synthesis-technique name descr prog num param)

Defines a new synthesis technique with the name name and description descr. The synthesis processes will be created by the program prog that takes num arguments. The synthesis parameters param is a list of lists. There must be num sub-lists. Each sub-list describes one parameter. Its first element is the name, the second element the description, the third element the default value of the parameter.

(synthesis-technique-print st)

Prints out the name, description, and parameter information of the synthesis technique st.

(synthesis-technique-set! st n p)

Sets the parameter with the name n of synthesis technique st to the value p.

(synthesis-voice st)

Creates a synthesis voice with the synthesis technique st.

(voice-print v)

Prints out the name, description, and parameter information of the synthesis voice v.

(voice-set! v n p)

Sets the parameter with the name n of synthesis voice v to the value p.

(voice-make v freq amp)

Creates a synthesis process with the synthesis voice v with frequency control function freq and amplitude control function amp.

(voice-make-list v a1 a2 ...)

Creates a synthesis process with the synthesis voice v with the arguments a1, a2, ...

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