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Control functions

(ctrl-dim c)

Returns the dimension of control function c.

(ctrl-value ctrl context t)

Returns the value of control function c at time t in the time context context. The value #!null can be used for the time context.

(new-const dim)

Creates a new constant control function with dimension dim.

(const v1 v2 ...)

Creates and initializes a new constant control function with dimension dim. The values are set to v1, v2, ...

(const-set! c v d)

Sets the value of dimension d of the constant control function c to v.

(const-get c d)

Returns the value of dimension d of the constant control function c.

(new-bpf dim f)

Creates a new breakpoint function of dimension dim with f frames.

(bpf dim v)

Creates and initializes a new breakpoint function of dimension dim. The values v is a list of lists. Each sub-list specifies the values of one frame, and contains dim+1 values. The first element of a sub-list is the time of the frame, the remaining elements are the values of the breakpoints.

(bpf-set-value! bpf v d f)

Sets the value of the point at dimension d of frame f of the breakpoint function bpf to v.

(bpf-get-value bpf d f)

Returns the value of the point at dimension d of frame f of the breakpoint function bpf.

(bpf-set-time! bpf t f)

Sets the time of frame f of the breakpoint function bpf to t.

(bpf-get-time bpf p)

Returns the time of frame f of the breakpoint function bpf.

(bpf-set-values! bpf v f)

Sets all the values of frame f of breakpoint function bpf. The values v is a list. Its first element indicates the time of the frame, the remaining elements indicate the values of the points.

(bpf-get-inv bpf)

Returns the inverted breakpoint function of bpf. This procedure can be applied only to invertible, one dimensional breakpoint functions. bpf-get-inv can be used, for example, to invert time models.

(ctrl-add c1 c2 ...)

Returns a new control function as the sum of control functions c1, c2, ...

(ctrl-sub c1 c2)

Returns a new control function as the subtraction of control functions c1 and c2.

(ctrl-mul c1 c2 ...)

Returns a new control function as the multiplication of control functions c1, c2, ...

(ctrl-div c1 c2)

Returns a new control function as the division of control functions c1 and c2.

(ctrl-neg c)

Returns a new control function as the negation of control function c.

(ctrl-inv c)

Returns a new control function as the inverse of control function c.

(ctrl-pow c1 c2)

Returns a new control function as control function c1 to the power of control function c2.

(ctrl-mc-to-hz c)

Returns a new control function that converts the value of control function c from midi-cents to Hertz.

(ctrl-db-to-amp c)

Returns a new control function that converts the value of control function c from decibels to linear amplitude.

(ctrl-sin freq amp)

Returns a new control function that outputs a sinusoidally varying value. The frequency of the sinusoid is a constant number value and indicated by freq. The amplitude is a control function given by amp.

(time-level c lev)

Returns a new control function that outputs the value of control function c after converting the local time to the time on level lev of the time context.

(time-norm c)

Returns a new control function that outputs the value of control function c after normalizing the local time to the duration of the time context.

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