3emes journees d'informatique musicale. JIM96
16-18 mai, île de Tatihou, Basse Normandie, France
Call for contributions
General Information
The JIM computer music conference took place for the first time
in 1994 in Bordeaux, France, then in 1995 in Paris, France. This two-days
conference gathers researchers in computer music and musicians that use
computers as a means of expression or as a tool for composition. JIM'96
will take place in 1996 in Caen, France. It is organized by University
of Caen (GREYC,
Groupe de Recherche en Informatique, Image et Instrumentation de Caen).
The proceedings will be made available at the beginning of the conference.
An electronic edition of the proceedings will be made available on the World
Wide Web. An information page for JIM'96 is already set up at : http://www.ircam.fr/jim96.
Planned events are : communications on recent computer music
researches and applications, lectures by invited senior researchers,
and concerts . Talks will be given in French or in English.
There will be no simultaneous translation.
Call for communications
We call for papers concerning any sub-field of computer music, including,
and not limited to :
- Music analysis
- Formalisation and representation of musical structures
- Composition theory, computer assisted composition
- Algorithmic composition and arrangement
- Interfaces for the composer
- Normalisation and transfer of musical information
- Real time software and hardware for interactive music
- Hyper instruments
- Interfaces for performers
- Sound analysis, synthesis and transformation
- Musical Acoustics, psycho-acoustics
- Cognitive sciences as applied to music
- Music oriented operating systems
- Studio and lab reports
A DAT and analog tape player will be made available for the communications.
Papers will be at most ten pages long and will conform to the specifications
given below. Proposals wil be examined by a paper selection committee (see
below) that may ask for details and corrections before full acceptance.
Call for music pieces
Several musical events (concerts, installations) will be programmed throughout
the two days of the conference. We call for music pieces (two performers
max) that will be played on that occasion. These pieces should illustrate
the use of computers in any form (composition, sound synthesis, hyper-instruments
Interested composers are asked to send a DAT recording of their piece (10
mn max), along with a written text containing the title of the piece, its
length, the technical set up needed, and describing their technical and
artistic approach. These documents will be selected by the music selection
committee (see below).
Standard sound diffusion set up will be provided (mixing console, loudspeakers,
microphones, amplifiers). Composers that need supplementary technological
resources are asked to provide by themselves the necessary equipment. In
the case when this is not possible, they still may propose a tape version
of their piece.
- Deadline for papers and music submission : 15 february 1996
- Notification of acceptance: 15 march 1996
- Deadline for the definitive version of papers: 15 april 1996
- Registration : april 1996
- Conference : 17/18 may 1996
JIM supervision committee
The JIM supervision commitee is a permanent non profit association : ADERIM
(Association pour le Développement de l'Enseignement et de la Recherche
en Informatique Musicale), c/o Myriam Desainte-Catherine, LaBRI, Université
Bordeaux 1, 351 cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence.
JIM'96 organization committee
- Gérard Assayag (IRCAM)
- Marc Chemillier (GREYC, University of Caen)
- Christian Eloy (GRM,
CNR Bordeaux)
Paper selection committe
The JIM'96 paper selection committee includes all the members of the JIM
supervision committee and of the JIM'96 organization committee, as well
as :
- Francis Courtot (USHS Strasbourg)
- Xavier Rodet (IRCAM )
- François Kauffmann (University of Caen)
- Steve McAdams (CNRS)
- André Riotte (SFAM, Musurgia)
- Khaldoun Zreik (Université de Caen )
Music selection commitee
- Jean-Pierre Cholleton (ENM Montreuil)
- François Donato (GRM)
- Christian Eloy (GRM, CNR Bordeaux)
- Christophe Havel (ensemble Proxima Centaury)
- Georgy Kurtag
- Philippe Manoury (IRCAM )
Paper submission
Submitted papers must be sent before February 15, 1996. Definitive version
(after acceptance) must be sent before April 15, 1996. All papers must be
sent at :
Université de Caen
14032 CAEN
Music submission
Documents (DAT and description) must be sent before February 15, 1996 at
JIM'96 - Christian Eloy
32, rue Debelleyme
75003 PARIS
E-mail : jim96@ircam.fr
WWW home page : http://www.ircam.fr/jim96
Fax : (33) 31 45 56 00
Telephone :
- paper submission : (33) 1 - 44 78 48 58 (Gérard Assayag)
- concerts, conference organization, accommodations : (33) 1 - 45 81
31 14 (Marc Chemillier)
Required paper format
Paper authors are required to send by February 15, 1996, three printed copies
of their paper in A4 format. After notification of acceptance by the paper
selection committee, authors should send the final version of their paper
(eventually modified according to the committee 's remarks) by April 15,
1996. This final version should be sent in two forms : a printed camera-ready
document, and an electronic document.
- printed document : please conform strictly to the joined
document called "JIM'96 : paper format"
(PostScript). Pages must not be numbered.
- electronic document : this document will be integrated
in the electronic edition of the proceedings accessible through the World
Wide Web. Send your document in HTML format (with GIF or JPEG pictures)
if you can. Otherwise, we shall try and translate Word (version 4 to 6),
Latex and ascii documents. We also would like a Postscript version if you
can manage to do it. Send us your electronic documents on a floppy disk
(Mac or PC) to the adress given above for paper submission, or by e-mail
to jim96@ircam.fr
Practical Informations
Cultural Center of Tatihou Island, 50550 St-Vaast-la-Hougue, France
To get there:
* by car:
take the main road from Paris to Cherbourg, and take the exit at
Montebourg (after Ste Mère-Eglise). Then take
direction Quettehou, then direction St-Vaast-la-Hougue. You can park your
car at the port. Take the boat to the Cultural Center of Tatihou Island
that runs
between 10am and 6pm (no charge).
* by train:
stop at Valognes station. From Paris, take the the Paris-Cherbourg line
from Paris-St Lazare station. Then, to get to St Vaast-la-Hougue :
- by taxi (approximately = FF 138)
- by a special shuttle wednesday night at your arrival and saturday night
your departure (the exact schedule will be published later).
- by car, special arrangements will be organised (please call us).
Registration fee
FF 250 (including proceedings)
Accomodations at the Cultural Center of Tatihou Island:
1 night with breakfast, lunch and dinner including wine, 2 coffee breaks
= FF 355 for institutions
= FF 295 for individuals and students
The Cultural Center of Tatihou Island has 52 beds (16 simple rooms, 9
double rooms, 6 for 3 persons).
For late registration, a list of other hotels is available upon request.
Tel: (33) 33 54 33 33 (Tatihou Island)
Email: jim96@ircam.fr
JIM 96 Registration form
To be returned before May 13th by postal mail at:
JIM 96 - GREYC, Universite de Caen, 14032 Caen, France
Last Name: ................................
First Name: ................................
Organism: ................................
Telephone: ................................
Email address: ................................
Fax: ................................
Registration fee = FF 250 (including proceedings)
Method of payment: named check to Mr 'Marc Chemillier - JIM 96' to be send
with this registration form.
Accomodations: 1 night with breakfast, lunch and dinner including wine,
coffee breaks
[ ] institutions = FF 355
[ ] individuals or students = FF 295
Registration for beds, lunches, and dinners:
[ ] night
[ ] lunch [ ] dinner [ ] night
[ ] lunch [ ] dinner [ ] night
[ ] lunch
Day of arrival ............, at ............
Day of departure ............, at ............
[ ] by train
[ ] by car. Would you be willing to give a lift ?
Yes, I can take .............. people