Factors of Dn are Fp, Fq, Fpq, Fp2q, ..., Fpb q.... I state some formulas:
Now in a factorization of Dn = A×B, Fpq is a factor of (say) P, and so may be Fp or q.
· If it is not so, then Fpq |P and Fp.Fq | Q, the other factors being the Fpb q (all are polynomials in Xp by the preceding Lemma). But then Q must be wrong:
· Say P contains the factors Fpq and Fq together: then P admits the factor Fpq.Fq = 1+Xp+...+Xp(q-1) (see (W)), and >we get two subcases:
* Fp also divides P: then Q is only a product of the face=symbol>Fpb q and hence a polynomial in Xp,
* Fp does not divide P: then P is a polynomial in Xp.
· Last case: [(Fpq.Fp = Fp(Xq) \buildrel\sevenrm (see (W) ))/( = >1+Xq+...+Xq(p-1) \mid P)], hence
P(X) = Fp(Xq).S(Xp) while Q(X) = Fq(X)×R(Xp) = (1+X+X2+... >Xq-1) R(Xp).
But the completing polynomials R and S (in Xp) are made of