Welcome to the homepage of Benoit Meudic

Here you will find some papers...

An here is a direct link towards my Phd on "musical structure extraction"


You will find below some midifiles which I have used for my experiments reported in a paper called "A causal algorithm for beat-tracking" presented to the 2 nd conference on understanding and creating music, Caserta, Italy, 2002.
There are four midifiles (Midifile1, Midifile2, Midifile3, Midifile4) on which five different stretchings have been made.
For instance : Midifile1.3 is midifile1 to which stretch 3 has been applied.
Each little picture corresponds to the different tempo curves proposed by the algorithm for the corrseponding stretched midifile.


Midifile1-0   Midifile1-1Midifile1-2   Midifile1-3Midifile1-4   Midifile1-5
Midifile2-0   Midifile2-1Midifile2-2   Midifile2-3Midifile2-4   Midifile2-5
Midifile3-0   Midifile3-1Midifile3-2   Midifile3-3Midifile3-4   Midifile3-5
Midifile4-0   Midifile4-1Midifile4-2   Midifile4-3Midifile4-4   Midifile4-5

Here is one ragtime which was played on a midi-piano...
The idea is to compare artificially stretched midifiles (above) to performed midifiles (below). If artificially stretched midifiles were said to offer the same rhythmical complexity than performed midifile for the extraction of the beat, then lots of experiments could be done in order to validate our beat-tracking algorithms !



The entertainer  ...and resulting tempo-curve proposed by the algorithm :


Sonat "Marche turque" Mozart

Paul Desmond "Take 5"