@TECHREPORT{kpca, AUTHOR = {Yoshua Bengio, Pascal Vincent, Jean-François Paiement, Olivier Delalleau, Marie Ouimet, and Nicolas Le Roux}, TITLE = {Spectral clustering and Kernel PCA are learning eigenfunctions}, INSTITUTION = {Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Universite de Montreal}, YEAR = {2003} }
@ARTICLE{gavrila99visual, AUTHOR = {D. M. Gavrila}, TITLE = {The Visual Analysis of Human Movement: {A} Survey}, JOURNAL = {Computer Vision and Image Understanding: CVIU}, VOLUME = {73}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {82--98}, YEAR = {1999}, URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/gavrila99visual.html} }
@MISC{turk-gesture, AUTHOR = {Matthew Turk}, TITLE = {Gesture Recognition}, URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/564810.html} }
@MISC{turk-gesture-modeling, AUTHOR = { Pengyu Hong, Matthew Turk, Thomas S. Huang}, TITLE = {Gesture Modeling and Recognition Using Finite State Machines (2000)}, URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/hong00gesture.html} }
@MISC{ying-huang-gesture, AUTHOR = { Ying Wu, Thomas S. Huang}, TITLE = {Vision-Based Gesture Recognition: A Review}, URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/282466.html} }
@ARTICLE{hma-aggarwal-cai, AUTHOR = { J. K. Aggarwal, Q. Cai}, TITLE = {Human Motion Analysis: A Review (1999)}, JOURNAL = {Computer Vision and Image Understanding: CVIU}, VOLUME = {73}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {428--440}, YEAR = {1999}, URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/aggarwal99human.html} }
@MISC{movement-bobick, AUTHOR = { Aaron F. Bobick}, TITLE = {Movement, Activity, and Action: The Role of Knowledge in the Perception of Motion (1997)}, URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/bobick97movement.html} }
@ARTICLE{hmm-rabiner, AUTHOR = { Lawrence R. Rabiner}, TITLE = {A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition}, JOURNAL = {Proceedings of the IEEE}, VOLUME = {77}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {257--286}, YEAR = {1989}, URL = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/abs_free.jsp?arNumber=18626} }
@MISC{bowden-learning, AUTHOR = {Richard Bowden}, TITLE = {Learning Statistical Models of Human Motion (2000)}, URL = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/bowden00learning.html} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{style, AUTHOR = {Matthew Brand and Aaron Hertzmann}, TITLE = {Style machines}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 27th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques}, YEAR = {2000}, ISBN = {1-58113-208-5}, PAGES = {183--192}, DOI = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/344779.344865}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.} }
@INBOOK{eyw, ALTAUTHOR = {A. Camurri, B. Mazzarino, G. Volpe}, ALTEDITOR = {A. Camurri, G. Volpe}, TITLE = {Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction}, CHAPTER = {Analysis of Expressive Gesture: The EyesWeb Expressive Gesture Processing Library}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag}, YEAR = {2004} }
@PHDTHESIS{volpe, AUTHOR = {Gualtiero Volpe}, TITLE = {Computational models of expressive gesture in multimedia systems}, SCHOOL = {InfoMus Lab, DIST -- University of Genova}, YEAR = {2003} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{mhi, AUTHOR = {Gary R. Bradski and James W. Davis}, TITLE = {Motion segmentation and pose recognition with motion history gradients}, BOOKTITLE = {Machine Vision and Applications}, YEAR = {2002}, VOLUME = {13}, PAGES = {174 -- 184}, PUBLISHER = {Springer -- Verlag}, KEYWORDS = {Motion segmentation – Normal optical flow} }
@ARTICLE{moseg, AUTHOR = {G Bradski and J Davis.}, TITLE = {Motion Segmentation and Pose Recognition with Motion History Gradients.}, JOURNAL = {WACV}, PAGES = {238--244}, YEAR = {2000}, URL = {http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~jwdavis/Publications/mva02.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{347109, AUTHOR = {Xianping Ge and Padhraic Smyth}, TITLE = {Deformable Markov model templates for time-series pattern matching}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the sixth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining}, YEAR = {2000}, ISBN = {1-58113-233-6}, PAGES = {81--90}, LOCATION = {Boston, Massachusetts, United States}, DOI = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/347090.347109}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{eigenspace, AUTHOR = {M. Turk}, TITLE = {A random walk trough eigenspace}, BOOKTITLE = {IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst.}, URL = {http://ilab.cs.ucsb.edu/projects/turk/Turk%202001.pdf}, PAGES = {1586--1695}, VOLUME = {E84-D }, NUMBER = {12}, YEAR = {2001}, STATUT-EDITORIAL = {publié} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{gait, AUTHOR = {Troje, N. F.}, TITLE = {Decomposing biological motion: A framework for analysis and synthesis of human gait patterns}, BOOKTITLE = {Journal of Vision}, URL = {http://journalofvision.org/2/5/2/}, PAGES = {371--387}, VOLUME = {2}, NUMBER = {5}, YEAR = {2002}, STATUT-EDITORIAL = {publié} }
@ARTICLE{cheneviere, AUTHOR = {F. Chenevière and S. Boukir and B. Vachon}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence}, TITLE = {Compression and recognition of spatio-temporal sequences from contemporary ballet}, YEAR = {2003}, OPTMONTH = {}, OPTNOTE = {}, OPTNUMBER = {}, OPTPAGES = {}, OPTVOLUME = {} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{gest-hmm, EDITOR = {Heung-Yeung Shum and Mark Liao and Shih-Fu Chang}, AUTHOR = {Hyun-Ju Lee A1, Yong-Jae Lee A1, Chil-Woo Lee}, TITLE = {Gesture classification and recognition using principal component analysis and HMM}, BOOKTITLE = {IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, PAGES = {756-763}, VOLUME = {2195}, YEAR = {2001}, ISBN = {3-540-42680-9}, BIBSOURCE = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{unsupervised, EDITOR = {Heung-Yeung Shum and Mark Liao and Shih-Fu Chang}, AUTHOR = {Tian-Shu Wang, Heung-Yeung Shum, Ying-Qing Xu, Nan-Ning Zheng}, TITLE = {Unsupervised Analysis of Human Gestures}, BOOKTITLE = {IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, PAGES = {174-181}, VOLUME = {2195}, YEAR = {2001}, ISBN = {3-540-42680-9}, BIBSOURCE = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{raphael, AUTHOR = {Christopher Raphael}, TITLE = {Automatic segmentation of acoustic music signals using Hidden Markov Models}, BOOKTITLE = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, URL = {http://fafner.math.umass.edu/~raphael/papers/hmm_music_web.pdf}, PAGES = {360--370}, VOLUME = {21}, NUMBER = {4}, YEAR = {1999}, STATUT-EDITORIAL = {publié} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Orio03a, AUTHOR = {Orio, Nicola and Lemouton, Serge and Schwarz, Diemo and Schnell, Norbert}, TITLE = {Score Following: State of the Art and New Developments}, BOOKTITLE = {New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME)}, ADDRESS = {Montreal, Canada}, MONTH = {Mai}, YEAR = {2003}, URL = {http://www.ircam.fr/equipes/temps-reel/suivi/}, STATUT-EDITORIAL = {publié} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Orio01a, AUTHOR = {Orio, Nicola and Déchelle, François}, TITLE = {Score Following Using Spectral Analysis and Hidden Markov Models}, BOOKTITLE = {ICMC: International Computer Music Conference}, ADDRESS = {La Havane, Cuba}, YEAR = {2001}, STATUT-EDITORIAL = {publié} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{bevilacqua, AUTHOR = {F. Bevilacqua, E. Flety}, TITLE = {Captation et Analyse du mouvement pour l'interaction entre danse et musique}, BOOKTITLE = {actes des rencontres musicales pluridisciplinaires: le corps et la musique. grame}, URL = {http://www.grame.fr/Biennale/index.html}, YEAR = {2004}, STATUT-EDITORIAL = {publié} }
@MISC{Pellegrini03a, AUTHOR = {Pellegrini, Thomas and Duée, Raphael and Georges, Lise}, TITLE = {Suivi de Voix Parlée grace aux Modèles de Markov Cachés}, SCHOOL = {IRCAM}, TYPE = {DEA ATIAM}, YEAR = {2003}, URL = {http://www.ircam.fr/equipes/repmus/MemoiresATIAM0203/DueeEtPellegrini.pdf}, STATUT-EDITORIAL = {non publié} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Puc90, AUTHOR = {Miller Puckette}, YEAR = 1990, TITLE = {{EXPLODE: A User Interface for Sequencing and Score Following}}, BOOKTITLE = P-ICMC, ADDRESS = {}, PAGES = {259--261} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Ver84, AUTHOR = {Barry Vercoe}, YEAR = 1984, TITLE = {{The Synthetic Performer in the Context of Live Performance}}, BOOKTITLE = P-ICMC, ADDRESS = {}, PAGES = {199--200} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Ver85, AUTHOR = {Barry Vercoe and Miller Puckette}, YEAR = 1985, TITLE = {{Synthetic Rehearsal: Training the Synthetic Performer}}, BOOKTITLE = P-ICMC, ADDRESS = {}, PAGES = {275--278} }
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