Thank you for your participation ! Please read the following information carefully before starting, even if you are used to listening tests.
This test aims at evaluating and comparing the quality of several sound texture synthesis methods. Sound textures are a broad class of sounds ranging from the the noise of the rain falling to the chatter of a crowd, and including many environmental sounds (such as the howling of the wind or the cracking of a fire).
Their common point is that they are composed of numerous small audio events that create a sort of sonic background.
The methods presented in this test are re-synthesis methods: starting from an existing sound texture recording, they attempt at creating a sound that mimics the original without being its copy, as if it had been recorded moments later.
For each of the 10 textures presented bellow, you are asked to rate each synthesis methods on how close it manages to mimic the style of the original on a scale ranging from 0 (unrecognizable) to 100 (perfect resemblance).
The sounds used in this test are under Copyright © 2019 Ircam, Institut de recherche et coordination acoustique/musique.