Analysis/Synthesis Team,
IRCAM 1 October 2006


22.1 Visualization of signals and analysis

These concern the color and the visible/invisible features of Bpfs, signals and analysis. They are controled from the items "mode (invisible/line/shadow)", "signal display color" and "mode: black/line width" in the menu "Scales" (YES, "Scales" !) of the menu "Context" of THIS view.
22.1.1 Mode (invisible/line/shadow)
If the mode of a view is -1 the Bpf, signal or the analysis in the view is NOT visible. If the mode is 0 (zero) or 1 the Bpf, signal or the analysis is visible, in mode line or shadow.
The item "mode" can also be set with the button "V" (or "I") in the upper rigt corner of the window: a click on this button toggles the mode of the ACTIVE view from visible ("V", color light blue) to ("I", color orange).
When a new view is created, the initial value of its "mode" is visible, mode=0 (line). Naturally you can change it later.
22.1.2 Signal display color
The item "signal display color" in the menu "Scales" (YES, "Scales" !) of the menu "Context" controls the color of the display of the Bpf, signal or analysis (except sonagram) in INACTIVE views. If this item is 0 (zero) , when a view is inactive, the color used for the display of Bpf, signal or analysis (except sonagram) is "white" which means that, in general you do not see it!
If this item is between 1 and 23, the color used for the display of Bpf, signal or analysis (except sonagram) for THIS inactive view corresponds to that number. For instance, 1 is "red", 2 is "blue", etc.. Use Xspect to learn the colors corresponding to the various colors
If this item is out of the interval 0 and 23, the color used for the display of Bpf, signal or analysis (except sonagram) for THIS inactive view is black.
When a new view is created, the initial value of its "Signal display color" is set according the item "inactive color line mode" in the menu "Options" (see the section "Options" for how to set/change it). If the option "inactive color line mode" is -1, then the "Signal display color" is set to 1 which means display of the view signal is in "red" when view inactive. If the option "inactive color line mode" is 0 (zero) or greater , then the "Signal display color" is set to this number (see above for the "inactive color line mode" 0 (zero) or greater). Naturally you can change it later.
22.1.3 mode: black/line width
The item "mode: black/line width" in the menu "Scales" (YES, "Scales" !) of the menu "Context" controls the color and line width of the display of the Bpf, signal or analysis (except sonagram) in ACTIVE views. If this item is -1, when a view is active, its display is black. If this item is 0 (note: 0 is "white" !) to 6 when a view is active, its display is in the same color as when inactive (see above) but its line width is this item value: a line with of 2 or greater makes its 'activity' noticeable.
When a new view is created, the initial value of its "mode: black/line width" is taken from the "option": "blackVersusLineWithActiveMode" (see the section "Options" for how to set/change it), which means display of the view signal is in "black" when active. Naturally you can change it later.

22.2 About Options and resources

All the Motif/Xwindow mecanisms of ressource can be used to customise your xspect. Some options can be changed interactively by using the item " options " in the menu " Context ".

Some options can be given as arguments on the command line.
Command line options can be listed on line by typing:

xspect -h.

Command line options are as follows.

        -/+askBeforeExit                ask for a confirmation before exiting.
        -/+autoPlaceWindow              ask if a view has to be created.
        -buttonBarSize integer          size of the vertical and horizontal button bars.
        -/+createViewWarning            ask if a view has to be created.
        -/+firstViewCreated             start a frame with an empty view.
        -fm font                        font for menu bars.
        -fileFormat string                      file with the sound file format.
        -frameActiveShadowType color    shadow type of the active frame widgets.
        -frameShadowType color          shadow type of the other frame widgets.
        -frameActiveBkgColor color      color of the active frame widgets.
        -frameBkgColor color            color of the other frame widgets.
        -idActiveBkgColor color         color of the active identifier widgets.
        -idLeftPosition                 position of the left size of the view identifier.
        -idBkgColor color               color of the other identifier widgets.
        -margin[T,B,R,L] integer        margin at, respectively, (T)op, (B)ottom, (R)ight
                                          and (L)eft of the signal drawing.
        -maxSecVerify float             number of seconds on wich peak amplitude
                                          will be verified, all the samples if 0.
        -maxSecScreen float             number of seconds to be displayed on
                                          the firts page.
        -mode string                    mouse mode:
                                          mixedMode, selectionMode or signalMode.
        -nColors integer                maximum number of color used by the application.
        -openFilesIn string             when several files are on the command line,
                                          they will be displayed in different objects:
                                          views, frames, or windows.
        -/+rawWarning                   warn if visiting a raw file.
        -/+selectionQuestion            ask for the frame which is containing the selection to analyse.
        -sfDir string                   sound file directory (proposed when loading or saving files).
        -/+signalFullPage               automaticaly display the page with signal
                                          in it's maximum amplitude.
        -/+splitPercent         size of the first child frame in percentage of splited frame size.
        -/+watchBufferLimits            watch the buffer limits when move, zoom, etc..
        -zoomMode                       zooming mode:
                                          left, right, centred or selectionCentred.
        -/+ privateColormap             Launch with the private colormap.
        -menuBarColor color             Color of the menu bar.
        -buttonColor color              Color of the button widgets.
        -nbSamplesBeforeWarning nb      Maximum number of selected samples for an analysis without
                                        asking a confirmation
        -/+ f0resultwindow           display result of f0 calculation
                                      via stdout(-)/warning window(+)
        -dBminForDisplay int       minimum amplitude value displayed in a sonagram
        -dBmaxForDisplay int       minimum amplitude value displayed in a sonagram
        -fftPower        int       FFt size in power of two larger than window size

- and + respectively means true ans false option

        -rectangleLineWidth        int       line width of deselected rectangles

        -minGridMarksNum        int       minimum number of Marks in a Grid

        -inactiveColorLineMode        int       color-mode for inactive-view line
        -blackVsLineWidthActiveMode        int       black(0) vs. width of active line