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3   Data Types

Pm defines some specific data structures. Access to fields of these structures should always be made using the data interface functions provided by Pm.

The following data types are specific to Pm:

3.1   PmPartialSet

A set of partials defined at one given time.

Accessible parameters of a PartialSet are:

3.2   PmFrameSet

A set of data frames.

A frame is defined as a collection of parameter sets defined at one given time.

A frame can hold parameter sets of different types, including PartialSet and C basic data types.

When a FrameSet is first created, it has a given number of allocated, empty frames. Frames can be filled with data strictly in sequential order, so as to avoid gaps of data in the middle of a FrameSet.

Filled frames will be called "active" frames from now on.

Times in a FrameSet must always be in increasing order. Otherwise, Pm functions are not warranted to work.

A FrameSet is defined in a time interval [beginTime ; endTime]. This continuous-time limits may be different from the respective times of the first and last frame of the FrameSet. They are used in some editing functions (PmCutFrameSet, PmInsertFrameSet) to keep the exact time distance between frames.

Accessible parameters of a FrameSet are:



3.3   PmParamSetId

An identifier of a parameter set in a frame set.

3.4   PmBreakPoint

A simple breakpoint function using float data type.

Formatted and maintained by Diemo Schwarz --- last change
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