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5.2   File Handling

5.2.1   File Formats

Pm recognises the following file formats for I/O:

Ascii format, as described in additive, usually with file extension .format
Binary format, as described in additive, usually with file extension .fmt
SDIF format, usually with file extension .sdif. With SDIF, there are several sub-formats to choose from, described at CNMAT's SDIF site.

partial tracks (the default, when only PM_SDIF is used)
harmonic partials
picked peaks

5.2.2   PmGetExtension

char *PmGetExtension (char *name)
Find the extension of a filename (the part after the last '.' of the filename part of the full path).

Returns Pointer to extension (after the '.'), or NULL if no extension found

5.2.3   PmNameToFormat

int PmNameToFormat (char *name)
Determine Pm format from string name.

Returns format.

5.2.4   PmGetFileFormat

int PmGetFileFormat (char *name, int defnonsdif, int defsdif)
Determine Pm format from extension of file given by name, unless it is an SDIF file (determined by the first 4 characters in the file.

Returns formatdefsdif, if file is an SDIF file, otherwise, the format determined by the extension in name, if none found defnonsdif.

5.2.5   PmOpenFile

FILE *PmOpenFile (char *name, int mode, int format)
Open file name with given mode (PM_READ, PM_WRITE, or PM_APPEND) and format.

Note that, on systems which have a popen() function, if the extension is (.gz), the file is automatically decompressed or compressed with gzip, using a pipe.

Returns opened file pointer or NULL on failure. Note that in case of an SDIF format the return value points to an Sdif file structure and must not be used except for Pm i/o.

5.2.6   PmCloseFile

void PmCloseFile (FILE *f, int format)
Close a file which was opened with format format.

Formatted and maintained by Diemo Schwarz --- last change
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