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5.6   Frame Sets

5.6.1   PmCreateFrameSet

PmFrameSet PmCreateFrameSet (int nb_of_frames, int nb_of_paramsets)
Creates a new FrameSet.

nb_of_frames : max number of frames of the FrameSet.

nb_of_paramsets : max number of ParamSets the FrameSet can support.

Returns a new FrameSet, or NULL if there is no available memory.

5.6.2   PmReallocFrameSet

PmFrameSet PmReallocFrameSet (PmFrameSet aFS, int nb_of_frames, int nb_of_paramsets)
Reallocates FrameSet aFS in the two dimensions: frames and sets of parameters.

nb_of_frames : new max number of frames of the FrameSet.

nb_of_paramsets : new max number of ParamSets the FrameSet can support. If a new dimension size (i.e. nb_of_frames or nb_of_paramsets) is smaller than the current dimension size, reallocation of this dimension is ignored.


If reallocation is successful, returns the same input FrameSet aFS with reallocated number of frames and ParamSets.

If reallocation fails, returns NULL and the size of aFS remains unchanged.

If aFS is NULL, returns a new FrameSet or NULL if reallocation failed.

Reallocation is performed in two stages: first for ParamSets, secondly for Frames. It can eventually fail at the second stage; in this case reallocation of ParamSets remains valid even if the function returns NULL.

Most functions that operate on FrameSets provide for automatic reallocation.

5.6.3   PmFreeFrameSet

void PmFreeFrameSet (PmFrameSet aFS)
Frees FrameSet aFS.

5.6.4   PmCreateParamSet

PmParamSetId PmCreateParamSet (PmFrameSet aFS, int paramset_length, int paramset_type, char *paramset_name)
Allocates memory for a set of paramset_length elements of paramset_type type in each frame of FrameSet aFS.

paramset_type possible values are:

C basic data types:

Pm specific data types:

Returns an identifier of the new ParamSet, or -1 if there is no available memory to create the new paramset, or if paramset_type is unknown for the library.

5.6.5   PmFreeParamSet

void PmFreeParamSet (PmFrameSet aFS, PmParamSetId aParamSetId)
Frees ParamSet identified by aParamSetId in FrameSet aFS.

Formatted and maintained by Diemo Schwarz --- last change
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