Mental Obsessions 1996 tape: Tales of Insanity

Tales of Insanity

From the crevices of human obsessions ascend these tales of insanity, which reverberate between the antagonies of chaos and structure, attraction and repulsion, culminating in unsettling, yet soothing s t r u c t u r e d n o i s e.

a strip of the new cover

Release date: December 16 1996
Total running time: 47 minutes

Yes, the new Mental Obsessions tape is indeed out now! It took a long time, but it was worth waiting. The tape comes with a 12 page full color CD-format booklet featuring intricate artwork of professional quality.

The tape and the booklet are mounted on a 23 x 25 cm (9 x 10 inches) piece of cardboard coated in aluminium colour. Both are fixed to the slab with metal nuts and 8 mm (1/3 inch) bolts.

For direct online ordering, go to the Mental Obsessions online shop.

what the hell is going
on here?

  1. Prelude
  2. Devotion
  3. Borrowed Time
  4. Interlude 1
  5. Tales of Insanity
  6. Faith and Destruction
  7. She-Devil
  8. The Train from Dachau to Sarajevo
  9. Beast and Beauty
  10. Interlude 2
  11. The Tides of Time
  12. Epilude

NOTE on audio formats and how to obtain audio players

Review in Black Channel radio show on Querfunk Karlsruhe

Die neue Produktion von Mental Obsessions, das Tape Tales of Insanity, kommt in ganz besonderer Aufmachung daher. Auf einer Silberpappplatte ist das 12-seitige 4-Farben-Booklet und das Tape aufgeschraubt! Musikalisch sind Mental Obsessions ausgereifter und besser beworden. Mystischer Elektro-Industrial, viel zu schade, daß dies nur auf einem Tape veröffentlicht wurde.

Tobias Kuechen

CD Announcement

April 11 will see the release of Tales of Insanity on CD at the Extreme-Arts Festival!

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Go to the Mental Obsessions online shop!

Diemo Schwarz,

Last change: 08-Apr-1999