Audio Signal Processing
A little handbook for digital sound synthesis
by mean of physical models or by mean of signal models
These 50-page notes come from a lecture I gave at the ISEN (Institut
Supérieur d'Électronique du Nord) in 1996, 1997 and 1998. The HTML version is now outdated, and not
maintained any more. You shall instead download the postscript version (557KO), or even the compressed postscript version (161KO).
Unfortunately these notes are written in french. I plan to try to
translate them this summer 98'. You're welcome to help me to translate
Lessons in a "mastère" cursus called
mastère Multimédia et
Hypermédia organized by Telecom
Paris and the École Nationale des
beaux arts de Paris. The lesson is about an introduction
for the audio signal processing.
Some links
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