Emmanuel Vincent

Research Assistant

Centre for Digital Music
Queen Mary, University of London
phone: +44 (0)20 7882 5528
fax : +44 (0)20 7882 7997
email: emmanuel dot vincent at elec dot qmul dot ac dot uk


2000: BSc in Pure and Applied Mathematics at École Normale Supérieure (Paris)
2001: MSc in Acoustics, Signal Processing and Computing Applied to Music at IRCAM (Paris)
          Thesis subject: "Audio source separation: statistical principles of Independent Component Analysis and application to mono mixtures"
2004: PhD in Acoustics, Signal Processing and Computing Applied to Music at IRCAM (Paris)
          Thesis subject: "Instrument models for source separation and transcription of music recordings"

Research topics

My current research is entitled "Object-based coding of musical audio".

My interests are more generally :


  1. BASS-dB: the blind audio source separation evaluation database.
  2. BSS_ORACLE: a MATLAB toolbox to compute optimal separating filters (from E. Vincent and R. Gribonval).
  3. BSS_EVAL: a MATLAB toolbox to measure the quality of source separation results (from C. Févotte, R. Gribonval, and E. Vincent).


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International Journals

  1. E. Vincent. Musical source separation using time-frequency source priors. To be published in IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, special issue on Statistical and Perceptual Audio Processing, 2005.
    Sound examples
  2. E. Vincent, R. Gribonval and C. Févotte. Performance measurement in blind audio source separation. To be published in IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 2005.
    Sound examples

International Conferences

    E. Vincent and M.D. Plumbley. Single-channel mixture decomposition using Bayesian harmonic models. In Proc. ICA, 2006.
    Sound examples
  1. E. Vincent and M.D. Plumbley. Predominant-F0 estimation using Bayesian harmonic waveform models. In Proc. MIREX , 2005.
  2. J.S. Downie, K. West, A. Ehmann and E. Vincent. The 2005 Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX 2005): Preliminary overview. In Proc. ISMIR , 2005.
  3. E. Vincent and M.D. Plumbley. A prototype system for object coding of musical audio. In Proc. WASPAA, 2005.
    Sound examples
  4. E. Vincent and X. Rodet. Instrument identification in solo and ensemble music using Independent Subspace Analysis. In Proc. ISMIR , 2004.
  5. E. Vincent and X. Rodet. Underdetermined source separation with structured source priors. In Proc. ICA , 2004.
    Sound examples
  6. E. Vincent and X. Rodet. Music transcription with ISA and HMM. In Proc. ICA , 2004.
  7. E. Vincent, C. Févotte, R. Gribonval and al. A tentative typology of audio source separation tasks. In Proc. ICA , 2003.
  8. R. Gribonval, L. Benaroya, E. Vincent and C. Févotte. Proposals for performance measurement in source separation. In Proc. ICA, 2003.

French Conferences

  1. E. Vincent and R. Gribonval. Construction d'estimateurs oracles pour la séparation de sources. In Proc. GRETSI, 2005.
  2. E. Vincent, C. Févotte, and R. Gribonval. Comment évaluer les algorithmes de séparation de sources audio ?. In Proc. GRETSI, 2003. Invited paper, special session Applications of Independent Component Analysis and Source Separation.


  1. E. Vincent. Modèles d'instruments pour la séparation de sources et la transcription d'enregistrements musicaux. PhD thesis, Université Paris VI, 2004.
    Exemples sonores
  2. E. Vincent. Séparation de signaux audio : principes statistiques de l'analyse en composantes indépendantes et applications au signal monophonique. MSc thesis, DEA ATIAM, 2001.

Technical reports

  1. C. Févotte, R. Gribonval, and E. Vincent. BSS_EVAL Toolbox User Guide. Technical report N° 1706, IRISA, 2005.